A Friend and devoted mother sent us this personal note regarding attorney Gerald Klein who is running for OC Superior Court Judge in June.
I hired Gerald Klein to handle my child custody battle six years ago because I believed that he would be the best choice to protect me and my daughter’s rights through representation. Through the years since, I have only known Mr. Klein to be tough, fair, and objective in the court room. What stands out most about Gerald Klein is his impartiality. I remember expressing ill feelings towards my ex-husband to him one day. He stopped me mid sentence and told me that my attitude was not going to benefit my daughter at all. It was then that I realized how much he truly cared, not just for my case, but for my child’s best interest as well. When I found out that Gerald Klein is running for judge in June, I felt compelled to share how deserving of this position he is.
Among his accomplishments, he founded Kid’s First in 1996. It is a program for separated or divorced parents and their children. Both parents attend this 8 week course together with their children to help the kids cope with changes in the family.
I like the personal letter supporting Judge Klein but I seem to remember a Judge by that name being arrested a few years ago for crimes against kids. Are you saying he should be re-elected or is this another guy?
this is a different Klein entirely. You may be referring to Ronald D. Kline.
Nice to agree with you for once, Travis – Klein does seem like a better choice than Mansourian.