Melissa Fox caught shilling for one of the most corrupt unions


The corrupt SEIU Local 434(b) struck it rich in 1999 when Gov. Gray Davis approved a scheme to forcibly unionize home health care independent contractors. This local union alone saw its revenues rise 5-fold to more than $25 million in forced union dues each year.

Now Democratic Assembly candidate Melissa Fox is shilling for this corrupt union.  Her latest mailer has this to say about this corrupt union, “The Governor and our local representatives want to eliminate adult health care services that provide in-home care to more than 430,000 Californians, of whom six in 10 are over 65-years old and one in four over 80-years old.”

No Melissa, they don’t want to eliminate home health care services.  Most likely they just want to undo Davis’ union scheme.  That makes a lot of sense given how broke our state is.  Did we really need to make our public employee pension crisis even greater by unionizing folks who are taking care of their own families?  That’s crazy!

In fact the heads of this union have been busted time and again for stealing from their own union.  I guess Fox is OK with that.

Click here to read the extensive series of articles that were published in the L.A. Times about this very corrupt union.  When I have the time I will have to see how much money this union has given to Fox.  She hasn’t won the primary yet, but they already own her.

Once again Fox has proven to be nothing more than a union shill with NOTHING new to say.  How she exects the voters in the 70th Assembly District to buy this B.S. is a real mystery.

In general, I agree with Democrats on social issues, but we simply cannot afford to send any more union shill Democrats to Sacramento.  These politicians are killing our state.  Fox is just the latest one and we must ensure that she loses.

About Art Pedroza