The majority of voters thought they were voting for change when they voted for Barack Obama, but not everything is changing. For instance, using Air Force One and the entourage that goes with it for campaign purposes.
KFI’s Bill Handel reported this morning that President Obama will fly into San Francisco International Airport late this afternoon and appear at a Barbara Boxer fundraiser in a downtown hotel this evening. One might think that after the President recently batted zero with regard to Congressional endorsees winning their elections, Boxer might want to reconsider, but apparently not.
Handel said that the use of Air Force One and all that comes with it for a pure political trip and appearance is a questionable use of public funds except that the next day the President will be speaking on the important topic of going green. This makes the trip a legitimate Presidential expense, apparently.
Our gulf coast is awash in leaking oil thanks to BP and the Louisiana Governor is pleading for White House action to authorize the construction of sand berms to keep the oil out of the estuaries along the Louisiana coast. There are growing concerns about what the President is or is not doing about the oil spill. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in China trying to drum up support for getting tough with North Korea after that country apparently torpedoed a South Korean ship, and the KFI news just reported that General Petraeus has authorized covert Special Forces ventures into such countries as Iran and Somalia. National angst regarding control of our borders and the surge in human trafficking and crime along our southern border seems to be at an all time high with the Arizona Governor pleading for the President to control the border or at least acknowledge he has received her letters.
With all this going on our President’s priority is traveling to San Francisco, a sanctuary city, to speak at a fund raiser for a Congresswoman who appears to be facing her biggest electoral challenge yet and to speak on the subject of going green. The taxpayers are footing the travel cost for this trip and that seems to show that very little has changed.
Handel also reported that when the Messiah travels, he’s also trailing another 747 as a decoy and an enormous C-5 carrying his vehicles. That’s all major bucks including all the expenses for minions and sycophants. This guy’s more than disgusting.
Of course I’m sure you were all equally disgusted when Bush did the same thing . . . right?
LOL – you’ll get the “Just because Bush did it doesn’t make it right when Obama does,” or the “don’t change the subject to Bush,” and maybe even the very popular “I was NEVER a Bush supporter,” which comes so easily to these anonymous righties. But you know W was a GOD to them for at least six years.
Bush OBVIOUSLY NEVER DID THE SAME THING AS OBAMA, because if he had then the Marxist/Statist/Obama the Messianic One/Progressive/Dung Hole Left-liberal bloggers and their “MAIN STREAM” media cohorts would have fried him for it.
I am getting sick of your kind…….The day will come when your kind will start something to cause trauma, chaos and tempestuous revolution in our country. You will seek out our churches and charitable organizations and burn them down. You will attack the unwary in the streets and pummel them with stones.
I tell you this….Bring it on you cur. We have the guns!!!!
In the greater meaning of history which gives way to the furture, though you think that you are the future, I say that the Democrat Socialists/Progressives/Liberals/Communists/Rabid Watermelon Eco-Nuts are finished, you understand? I see a red sash with the mark of Satanic symbols on it, I will kill the man wearin’ it! So run, you cur… RUN! Tell all the other curs the law’s comin’! You tell them I’M coming… and hell’s coming with me, you hear?…
Hell’s coming with me! The children that your kind murdered to defend and prolong your freedom of choice and endless perversions will sweep down from the heavens and up from the depths of the garbage dumps that you left them in and commence to place judgement upon you. I will feel honored to be the Court’s Bailiff!!!!
It’s a 2-day trip and he’s also visiting a solar company on Fremont. That hardly constitutes a “purely political trip”. You were aware that there is energy legislation working its way through Congress, were you not?
But knowing the way your minds works, I guess ANY trip a politician makes is “purely political”.
he is going to see boxer to campaign for her . THANK YOU WE JUST KNOCKED OUT BOXER . HORRAY
Because landing on an aircraft carrier, diverting the carrier for a photo-op, and having a huge banner hung behind you that (only slightly) misstated the actual end of the war in Iraq was a “legitimate” use of taxpayer funds.
Luke 6:39-42
Oh and then theres that TRILLION dollar war. One day of which HE shipped 1,500,000,000 wrapped $100. bills to Iraq. YEAH $1.5 BILLION in one day. Funny $650 Million of that dissapeared.
I’ll agree he should get his ass down to the Gulf, and he should kick Cheveron and Shell in the ass and get them to help fix this mess.
But, to claim he is wasting taxpayer money on politics, something EVERY President in recent history has done is ignorant. But, then again so were the idiots who voted for Bush, Cheney, McCain, Schwartzneeger and Corona. IGNORANT TO THE FACTS.
A update is that later today (Tuesday) the radio news is reporting the Obama administration is sending 1500 National Guard troops to Arizona to help deal with the border security issue.