UPDATE: Click here to see video of the protest!
What if during a basketball Game in Arizona, Lakers Fans get questioned about their immigration status?
Protest outside Staples Center on Monday May17th, at 5pm to denounce Lakers Coach Phil Jackson for his support of Racist Arizona bill SB1070.
We all know that a great deal of our community members support the Lakers. This could potentially be a highly publicized event…since it is playoff game 1 against LOS SUNS.
We can announce The Great March in ARIZONA on May 29th and strengthen our momentum, as well as the boycott of Arizona Diamonbacks on May 31st.People want the LAKERS to take a stand or for Phil Jackson to clarify his position on the racist bill that criminalizes fans.
Please help us by showing up to the action and/or promoting the event.
About Zorro
Yes, Zorro is gay. Zorro is gay in San Francisco, black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single woman on the Metro at 10pm, a peasant without land, a gang member in Santa Ana, an unemployed worker, an unhappy student and, of course, a good government advocate in Anaheim.
Zorro is all the exploited, marginalized, oppressed minorities resisting and saying `Enough'. He or she is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He or she is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak. Everything that makes power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable -- this is Zorro.
PLEASE sign the petition:
the racist are the ones who dont support the bill . and you can see in the piece pedroza must have inhaled his third tub of glue . you can see he has not read the law . if your sitting at the laker game and have done nothing they cant question you about your status . . but if your at the game and you are a illegal wanted by the law for another crime quess what manos ariba .
Why would they be questioned? Are they pissing in the stands? Are they pulling out AK47’s?
Why would they be questioned in the stands unless they are breaking the LAW!
Zorro unlike the real ZORRO you are absolutely not a hero to the hispanic illegal immigrant cause. In fact you and your like will be their down fall in this country. You might as well be giving illegal immigrants a one way ticket back to MEXICO/central American hell hole they came from! (YES, most illegal immigrants are from Mexico and Central American) that is why most of the poor slobs can’t even read and write in their own language and why the poor baskets listen to a bunch of idiots telling them to wave their MEXICO flag’s to protest for AMERICAN citizenship! Not very smart is it?
Lying and deceiving only pisses off Americans, they are not stupid and they don’t like being lied too and neither do I. I have read the bill, the revised version. I think it is way to easy going. I wish some-how we could put wording in, that all moaning, bitching and lying Hispanic activist’s be deported right away to MARS or further!
Do you want to go first ZOSLOW?
Ok Terry! Don’t be you’re Mr.nice guy knickers in a twist, the name calling is only a wee joke!
Perhaps Phil Jackson has done something that you and important people like Eric Holder haven’t done – he’s read the bill.
Please support the Arizona people as much as you can!
So we can tell the left wing Mexican ethnocentric moan bags, that American’s will not be screwed with, once and for all!
Equal justice in this country, not ethnic justice!
If you do not like diversity, cross the border to Mexico, But make sure you have you’re papers in order, or you will be breaking a federal law!
Mr. Moore,
Short and sweet!
rick moore you stole my thunder pedroza pulled a eric holder . while the going is good lets toss in stretch face pelosi . we need to pas the bill to find out what is in it . these people must all hang around together .
Undocumented means illegal. Just by being here means you broke the law and that’s probable cause.
If the idionts on the LA City council were honest, they would have the Lakers Forfit their games in AZ, but then we know that won’t happen. That would require them to actually stand for something, and feel some pain, rather than the typical “I support you” crap that really means, “I support you… as long as I don’t have to actually Do anything or feel any pain because of my decision”.
I think the looney Hate America Left, has really stepped in it this time, 60% to 70% of Americans Stand with Arizona, and those who don’t have been exposed for the frauds that they are!
Get lost, Zorro!
Nobody is interested in your blatant lies, and between 60-70% of the US population supports SB1070. Guess, who the remainder are?
Lawbreakers / criminals, and their supporters.
Way to go, Phil Jackson.
And if troublemakers are caught and questioned in Phoenix, hopefully they will end up in Sheriff Joe’s jail, in pink underwear, just before they are DEPORTED!
Phil Jackson ROCKS!!! Please take your summer vacations to Arizona!!!
Phil has rocks in his head. Viva Los Suns!
I live in illegal alien-infested Southern California but have worked in Arizona since 2002. Now that SB1070 has been signed into law I am thinking about packing up and moving to Cochise County.
Anybody who objects to the new Arizona law must also object to federal laws that have been on the books for almost 60 years. If you’re a legal immigrant and don’t like the rules then get the hell out of the U.S. As far as I can tell it is illegal aliens, the loathsome Mexican government, and Mexican supremacists doing all the grousing. They think they ought to have the right to go anywhere they want to squat and filch with no regard to the property and rights of others.
Way to go Phil Jackson! Viva La Migra!
This is a joke. Last time I checked people still have a right to their opinions whether you agree with them or not.
What part of “illegal” is everyone missing? You don’t like the term? Then change the federal law. Open our borders to everyone. Do away with passports, and customs, and any form of identification.
Meanwhile, I hope the Lakers slam “Los Suns”.
The last two comments are pretty dumb if I say so myself.
DD, of course Phil Jackson has a right to his opinion. It’s a free country. And we have the right to protest his offensive opinion outside Staples Center. It’s a free country. DUH! doydoydoydoy…
Doug, your first three sentences make perfect sense. But then you jump to an opposite extreme, putting in doubt your seriousness. Nobody (or hardly anybody) is talking about doing away with borders, passports, etc.
I DON’T like the term “illegal” having to be applied (accurately) to poor folks who come up to do work WE NEED DONE and feed their families. So I DO support changing the federal law. It needs to be made much easier to attain legal status or citizenship for the deserving hardworking people who should NOT be illegal. Again duh.
Build the fence. Enforce the law. Report and deport. Si Se Puede. YA ES HORA!
We don’t need the ‘dang fence.’ The law we need to enforce is the one that prohibits the HIRING of undocumented workers. You can’t blame poor people for trying to survive, but we must be true to the standards already in place here. If the savvy entrepreneurs who opt to pay the (lower!) wages of these people would be willing to comply with the law, then the temptation to cross the border would be thwarted. No jobs–no crossing. When business owners are ready to be legal themselves, and have stopped exploiting disadvantaged people, then we’ll see who the wise ones are. Yes we SHOULD!
I appreciated what Jackson said. Not the part where he supported the law (full disclosure, I agree with him). But I really liked was the part where he said that professional sports teams should stay out of politics. Not all of the team’s fans are of the same political opinion. No matter what stance the particular team takes, it will irritate some of their fans. When I go to a sports game, I’m going there to watch a game not to have a political opinion shoved down my throat. That goes for any opinion no matter its position on the political spectrum.
Secondly, why do the political opinions of a basketball coach matter so much to you? If he were a politician, of course his political opinions would matter. But he’s not.
Vern, you may not like to apply the term illegal immigrant. But, they are breaking the law and are thus illegally immigrating to the US. What you are doing is no different than a child covering their ears and saying “nah nah nah I can’t hear you,” when someone says something they don’t like.
You didn’t read me carefully. I don’t deny that they are illegally here, although it seems offensive to call a PERSON illegal. And the law they’re breaking is a victimless infraction on the order of jaywalking. And people who obsess over this particular law, while not being notably concerned about many other similarly minor laws to the same degree, aren’t doing too well covering up their real motives which is they just don’t like Mexicans here.
What I do support is changing the law so that they’re NOT illegal. I’m the last person around here you can accuse of covering his ears and saying nah nah nah.
Please Join
Governor George Pataki (R-NY)
Van Tran
California State Assemblyman
Scott Baugh
Republican Party of Orange County Chairman
for a Rally and Petition Drive to
Repeal and Replace ObamaCare!
Tuesday, May 18
th @ 3:30 PM
The Fountain Valley Town Center
16061 Brookhurst Street, Fountain Valley
(Brookhurst and Edinger across from Mile Square Park)
You can sign the petition online:
To RSVP or for more information contact Lauryn Theisen @
OCYRLauryn@gmail.com (949) 370-7287
Paid for by Revere America (www.revereamerica.org)
OK Vern,
Its all about not LIking Mexicans ah?
No, its about Money, schools, hospitals, crime, drop outs, gangs, single mothers, ethnocentric’s, racists, drug cartels, criminals and last but not least WELFARE!
It’s really about an influx of Mexico’s and Central America’s poor. The poor come in all races. We cannot afford to board and care for Mexico’s poor people, its that simple. This State is a prime example of what happens when a million poor people show up at the door, its very expensive to care for them and their children. 30% of welfare use in this state alone, most of them are illegal immigrants and their children.
And really the Mexicans are not very fond of the Americans, as noted at the Miss American contest when they were booing at her!
So really if some Americans do not like Mexicans, there really is no love lost!
If you haven’t read the Bill, please spend 15 minutes and go through it yourself. America’s problems have far more to do with intellectual laziness than with Latinos or bigots; and sometimes both reside in the same individual. Give amnesty to foreign workers who want it so they may become fully benefitted citizens of America. Shut off entitlements to those who don’t, and close our borders effectively enough that states like Arizona don’t have to lead the country in property crimes, vehicular thefts, kidnappings, and drug trafficking, and pass a bad bill. And it aint the Swedes so own up and stop fearing the truth.
Okay first of all You guy are very unsmart an uneducated Peopel who support latino am very proud of you an the rest of you F**k U I am a Latino an I am very smart know all about stuff than u ever will know I’m a person with money an my grade are straight A an also u people shouldn’t be hating because you peopel think U.S are good people an no there not there of kind of propel who don’t care about u even through u an a american there all like f**k u so why even brother an by da way mexican an lazy u idiot there very hard worker they work more than the American an for your information american hire latino to work for them an this is a fact American are lazy to clean there own asses an sh*t so f**k u haterz
It’s a bad bill, period. And Coach Jackson should have thought about his fan base before he opened his big mouth. I’m for addressing illegal immigration but not through racial profiling. It’s unconstitutional.
The racist hatemongers come out of the woodwork when the economy goes sour. That’s America for you. Oh, that’s my country too.
It is so odd the way people refuse to read what the bill actually says.
– The law FIRST requires a “lawful stop, detention or arrest”. Was there ever a time in your life where you had a lawful stop by a police officer and they DIDN’T ask for your ID? You won’t be stopped just sitting on a park bench, sitting watching a basketball game.
– Even at this point, a cop must have “reasonable suspicion” to question your citizenship (you don’t have ID, you ‘forgot’ your SSN, etc).
– The law specifically states that race may NOT be used as a factor.
– The law is essentially the same as our federal law, only now enforceable at the state level. Are our federal agents racist Nazis when they enforce the same law?
these illegals are turning the united states into a third world country! nobody cares about your stupid protest, you are just turning people against you. 70% of legal citizens agree with arizona. tell pablo to come mow my lawn!
Shame on Mexico for dumping its poorest into our country. Shame on Mexico for not having a welfare system. Shame, Shame, Shame.
Build the fence.
Send the illegals packing (to the back of the line if they wish).
Open up the immigration process for existing and new applicants.
Legalize Cannabis.
Arizona is doing it right!
Quit with the lies about legal citizens of hispanic decent being susceptible to harrassment. If they have their DL they will be fine.
That poster is just ridiculous!! “DEMAND that they support us” — Zorro and Javier, keep up with your protest, it does make people hate you guys more because we have read the bill and know that you guys are just pulling the race card! Is it you or your parents an illegal? Are you an anchor baby? Your stupid city council in LA puts a boycott to not visit AZ but when they came down to the Palo Verde plant contract, oh no….ummmm..let’s pass on that. We supply most of your power and water from the Colorado river! One of your city council also requested the Lakers bring their own food to Phx – do you know the guys started laughing when a reporter asked them about that?? Also, CA is using a jail in AZ to hold your felonies and lawbreakers because you guys are over run in the jails! This jail is holding 30% in illegals! Why are we paying for 30% of lawbreakers to eat and be housed?!?! And yes, CA is not going to cancel “boycott” this jail contract either. What hypocrites! You guys and your city council are pathetic.
Minorities do get stoped for no reason, we do get harassed for no reason, we do get racially profiled by police. SB1070 is a racist bill. The Lakers should wear their LOS LAKERS jerseys. 50% of their fans are Latino.
to post # 24. If your so smart, first of all learn to spell. For some one who gets straight A’s you would think you could at least read what you posted for your multiple spelling errors. You don’t speak English for jack as you can tell by the way your sentences are written. If you think Mexican’s work harder than Americans, then why is it you live here. i thought your big argument is you are an American. you must be an illegal if you are claiming to just be a Mexican and all American’s are lazy pieces of Sh*t as you would like to say it. It’s funny how those lazy American’s pay taxes to support all of your undocumented family on welfare and then come over here have 12 kids and then we have to pay for them and you guys are to lazy to learn the language of the country you live in. The point is if you are supposed to be here then go through the process to become a legal citizen or employee. Otherwise stay in your corrupt country where your government continues to ram you guys up the a**. Then you won’t have to jump the fence or swim in the river to get over to the lazy American Country that supports your whole family.
Many on this thread are asking for us to take the time to read SB1070. Please do so below.
Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act
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The Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act (known before its enactment as Arizona Senate Bill 1070 or simply Arizona SB 1070)[1] is legislation signed into law in the U.S. state of Arizona by governor Jan Brewer on April 23, 2010.[2] It is the broadest and strictest anti-illegal immigration measure in decades[2] and has received national and international attention and spurred controversy including strong criticism and organized protests.[3] Boycotts of Arizona were also quickly organized in response, including one by the City of Los Angeles announced on May 12 which prohibits city contracts with companies headquartered in Arizona, currently valued at $56 million, along with similar boycotts by other California cities including San Francisco and Oakland.[4]
The act is scheduled to go into effect on July 28, 2010, ninety days after the end of the legislative session.[5][6] Legal challenges over its constitutionality and compliance with civil rights law are expected.[7][8][9][10][11]
The act makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying legal documents, steps up state and local law enforcement of Federal immigration laws, and cracks down on those sheltering, hiring and transporting illegal aliens. The paragraph on intent in the legislation says it embodies an “attrition through enforcement” doctrine.[1]:§ 1[12] Critics of the legislation say it encourages racial profiling, while supporters say the law simply enforces existing federal law.[13] The law was modified by Arizona House Bill 2162 within a week of its signing with the goal of addressing some of these concerns. There have been protests in opposition to the law in over 70 U.S. cities,[14] including calls for a boycott of Arizona.[15] Polling found the law has majority support in Arizona and nationwide.[16][17][18][19] Passage of this measure has prompted other states to consider adopting similar legislation.[20]
The act makes it a state misdemeanor crime for anyone to be in Arizona without carrying registration documents required by federal law,[1]:§ 3 (There is no leeway for stolen ID or other unforseen circumstances) and obligates police to make an attempt, when practicable (or profilable), to determine a person’s immigration status if there is reasonable suspicion * such as black hair or brow skin* that the person is an illegal alien[1]:§ 2 during a police stop for some other offense.[21] (Loitering is an offense which may be miscontrued) Police may arrest a person if there is Reasonable Suspicion that the person is an alien not in possession of required registration documents;[1]:§ 3 a person arrested cannot be released without confirmation of the person’s legal immigration status by the federal government pursuant to § 1373(c) of Title 8 of the United States Code. A first offense carries a fine of up to $100, plus court costs, and up to 20 days in jail; subsequent offenses can result in up to 30 days in jail[22] (in the original senate version, a minimum fine of $500 for a first violation, and for a second violation a minimum $1,000 fine and a maximum jail sentence of 6 months).[1]:§ 5 A person is “presumed to not be an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States” if he or she presents any of the following four forms of identification: (a) a valid Arizona driver license; (b) a valid Arizona nonoperating identification license; (c) a valid tribal enrollment card or other tribal identification; or (d) any valid federal, state, or local government-issued identification, if the issuer requires proof of legal presence in the United States as a condition of issuance.[1]:§ 2
The law also prohibits state, county, or local officials from limiting or restricting “the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law” and provides that Arizona citizens can sue such agencies or officials to compel such full enforcement.[1]:§ 2[10] A private citizen who prevails in such a lawsuit may be entitled to reimbursement of reasonable attorney fees and court costs.[1]:§ 2
In addition, the law makes it a crime for anyone, regardless of citizenship or immigration-status, to hire or to be hired from a vehicle which “blocks or impedes the normal movement of traffic.” Vehicles used in such manner are subject to mandatory impounding. Moreover, “encourag[ing] or induc[ing]” illegal immigration, giving shelter to illegal immigrants, and transporting or attempting to transport an illegal alien, either knowingly or while “recklessly” disregarding the individual’s immigration-status,[1]:§ 5 will be considered a class 1 criminal misdemeanor if fewer than ten illegal immigrants are involved, and a class 6 felony if ten or more are involved. The offender will be subject to a fine of at least $1,000 for each illegal alien so transported or sheltered.[1]:§ 5 So no matter how well your friends speak English, you need to ask for their immigration papers. If they don’t have any (like most citizens) then you have to assume they are illegal for the purposes of this legislation.
[edit] Arizona HB 2162
On April 30, the Arizona legislature passed, and Governor Brewer signed, House Bill 2162, which modified the law that had been signed a week earlier, with the amended text stating that “prosecutors would not investigate complaints based on race, color or national origin.”[23] The new text also states that police may only investigate immigration status incident to a “lawful stop, detention, or arrest”, lowers the original fine from a minimum of $500 to a maximum of $100, and changes incarceration limits from 6 months to 20 days for first-time offenders.[21]
Impetus for SB 1070 is attributed to shifting demographics leading to a larger Hispanic population, increased drugs- and human smuggling-related violence in Mexico and Arizona, and a struggling state economy.[26] State residents were also frustrated by the lack of federal progress on immigration, which they viewed as even more disappointing given that Napolitano was in the administration.[26] Much of the drafting of the bill was done by Kris Kobach, a professor at the University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Law[27] and a figure long associated with the Federation for American Immigration Reform who had written immigration-related bills in many other parts of the country.[28]
Federation for American Immigration Reform
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The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a non-profit tax exempt educational organization in the United States that advocates changes in U.S. immigration policy that would result in significant reductions in immigration, both legal and illegal. It was founded on January 2, 1979 by John Tanton who is known as the founder of many anti-immigration and environmentalist groups [1]. FAIR has its headquarters in Washington, D.C., and has been called to testify in front of the United States Congress, on immigration bills, more than any other organization in the country. The president of FAIR since 1988 is Dan Stein. The organization estimates more than 250,000 members and supporters.[2] FAIR describes itself as non-partisan.[2] It is described as conservative in dozens of press reports and books,[3][4][5] and, according to Andrew Wroe, a lecturer in American Politics and author of The Republican Party and Immigration Politics,[6] it is viewed by many as an extremist group.[7] Georgie Anne Geyer, author of Americans No More: The Death of Citizenship, describes FAIR as a “highly respected group”.[8]
In December 2007, FAIR was identified as a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).[34] FAIR has responded to this charge by claiming that there is no factual basis for the accusation;[35] that FAIR has compiled a long record of mainstream credibility and respect on immigration issues and has always opposed discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, or religion; and that the accusation is an “act of desperation, resulting from the SPLC’s failure to convince the American people of their viewpoint.”[36]
FAIR has been criticized by the International Relations Center as producing “policy rhetoric [that] is often inflammatory, clearly anti-immigrant, and partisan.”[37] In 2005, an article by Leonard Zeskind in the liberal political magazine, The American Prospect, called FAIR “the anti-immigration movement’s most powerful institution”.[38] It further asserted FAIR has cooperated with “white nationalists”.[38]
FAIR has also been criticized for accepting contributions from the Pioneer Fund. Between 1982 and 1994, FAIR received $1.2 million from the foundation.[38] The Pioneer Fund focuses on projects it perceives will not be easily funded due to controversial, racial, or pro-eugenics subject matter.[39] It was described by the Sunday Telegraph as a “neo-Nazi organization closely integrated with the far right in American politics” in 1989.[40] FAIR has responded to this criticism by asserting that the Fund clearly states that it supports equal opportunity for all Americans, regardless of race, religion, national origin, or ethnicity; that other major institutions, including universities and medical facilities in the United States and other countries, have also accepted grants from the Fund;[41] and that the Fund’s contributions to FAIR were used only for the general operation of the organization.[36]
People who oppose 1070 are SUPPORTING the starvation, rapes, beatings, torture, kidnappings, mutilations and murders of thousands (perhaps millions) of Hispanics by their Coyotes as they try to reach the USA. Unfortunately, no one seems to care about these most vulnerable VICTIMS of illegal immigration.
You have it wrong. Those that oppose Immigration Reform are the ones who support the injustices you list.
Fight for reform SB 1070 does not correct anything it is a red herring from immigration reform… the solution.
Mia is very right, you know that the coyotes treat the people that they herd over light cattle. You would allow the suffering of many. Amnesty is not the solution is, creating a better country south of the border is!
Mia gets it and has no agenda, but to voice a concern for the victims of coyotes and drug cartels, You do care about the semantics, you only care about the ideology of it all!
#24, because of the American men/women who died on a battle field to keep this country free you and I as uneducated as we have a chance in life. Don’t waste your chances on hate and ignorance. I hope you keep writing on this blog, it does help to improve spelling and grammar!
Ps. I am an American! I have always cleaned my own ass, and most likely if you have ever been in an Orange County I cleaned you’re ass too!
I read the bill weeks ago and the bill stinks because we all know that the “reasonable suspicion” has to do with the combination of being brown and looking poor (dressed like a laborer, beater car, etc). Consequently many American citizens, and others who are legally here on a visa, fit this profile and will be harassed. This is where this law differs from federal law. The threshold for asking about status is much lower. It’s the treatment of those that are here legally (i.e. AMERICANS) that is of concern, something most of you can’t seem to grasp. All you Tea Party patriots should be going ape shit over anything this unamerican. Those same polls that show the popularity of the law also show that those in favor of the bill realize SB1070 will lead to discrimination, they just don’t care. In my book when you know that something is discriminatory, but you are still okay with it, you are an odds on favorite of also being bigot.
OMG stop the lying. The cops only are allowed to question a person if they have already committed a violation. Then if there is “reasonable suspicion”, like NOT having a driver license, then I am sure the police officer would look at WHY the driver cannot produce ID.
As any Immigrant knows (legal) you must carry your Green Card with you at all times, it is the LAW! I often had my documentation checked, it not that bad, the cops/ICE tend to be very nice and polite. If you have everything in order, it’s just a chat and have a nice day!
This is very American, because only in America would be so many illegal immigrants in the first place. Americans are very tolerant people, but Americans should not be asked to tolerate the decay of their schools, hospitals, welfare structure.
The words used by the far left and ethnocentric whack job hispanics to intimate, bully and harass Americans in to submission will not work any more. Calling Americans bigots and racist for wanting to protect their lives, towns and their AMERICAN way of life is just ridiculous rhetoric. I would say that protecting America and its citizens is very much PRO-AMERICAN. The odds are you Baxter, neither like this country or the Citizens that have the right to reside in it. I suggest you might want to check your ANTi-American test meter, I think the arrow is in the red!
Really If you don’t like the Arizona law – Tough!
More of us Pro-Americans do!
Read the Bill. And I noted LA just voted to boycott Arizona. You are all hypocrites. California tried to pass similar legislation several years ago and it was overturned. But the Federal Government effectively closed the Tijuana corridor, due to California’s political strength, and shifted traffic to the Tucson corridor in Arizona. Now Arizona leads the nation in several crime categories linked to illegal immigration, and 80% of us are done. i have no problem with documented workers of all ethnicities, and I have nothing against Latinos. But personally, I have had truck stoled with GPS that put it in Mexico; had a drophouse with about 80 undocumented immigrants busted just behind our home (the trash and smell of all the toileting were horrific), and have had 2 car accidents where I was hit by an undocumented immigrant and police showed up and said there was nothing they could do. In one instance I was taunted by a Mexican citizen who told me “America sucked” and kept chanting “Bin Laden” “Bin Laden”. This was in 2002. Last month, a rancher was murdered by a Mexican drug cartel for having the audacity to drive on his own land. Our delicate riparian environment in southern Arizona is trashed and filled with excrement, plastic, and other forms of waste.
I recall annual trips to dove Cozumel, and donning the Mexican flag to cheer the national team in its Olympics game against Cameroon in the Atlanta games. No more. The Bill is an expression of outrage by Arizonans against the neglect of the goevernment to stem this cancer. You Californians have your support, now you want to deny us. Come live in southern Arizona for about a month then judge.
I hope we secede from this lame country where Obama is on pace to match W’s horrible record on protecting our state, so we can do it ourselves. And I hope we cancel our water contract with you so youu can stop washing your cars and watch your lawns turn to dirt.
FYI I am Latino – first generation Guatemelan born in the U.S. So judge me some more, clueless morons.
#37 Baxter… exactly the point. This is the reason why I’m against the Arizona law.
Stop backing up traffic in downtown, its conjested enough. And clean up after yourselves, 2 weekends ago, downtown was thrashed after your protest march.
If I tried to immigrate to the Netherlands and I was stopped without papers, they would deport my ass too, its not racist.
Make mexico a better place, do somthing about it instead of immigrating to our allready overpopulated city.
I live in Arizona and this law is not right. People are human and subject to mistakes and like many laws subject to interpretation by the person or persons who are sworn to uphold the law. By virtue of being in the United States and undocumented in essence a person is breaking the law, which subjects you to being stopped. How do you think they will make that determination? By the color of one’s skin!!
What do you think will happen? If this law goes into effect, I fear there will be those who will take the risk of stopping and questioning a persons status in the US based on skin color, demeanor and dress. I believe that there will be persons who suspect people of being undocumented and will direct an officer to determine whether in fact they are undocumented or not. In the Southwest there are many people with brown skin, which includes Native Americans. Why wouldn’t a police officer take a chance and stop someone just for looking like they are undocumented or at some law abiding citizen’s direction.
Am I going to have to worry about being rounded up and placed in a camp? Like Japanese Americans were during World War II ? I believe as each one of these laws passes, it erodes our Constitution and each liberty that we allow to be taken away only puts us one step closer to Communism.
The court is filled with cases where those sworn to up hold the law have made errors in interpreting those laws. How many of you have ever fought a traffic ticket in court?
I am an American Citizen and was taught in school that as an American Citizen I never had to prove my Citizenship status to anyone. I don’t intend to start now.
I have a daughter and a son who are blue eyed blondes, they will never have to deal with being pulled over and questioned about their status based on the color of their skin. If they were pulled over for an infraction then, yes the law would be working appropriately.
tea party patriots going ape shit over anything that is unamerican . NO BAXTER – unamerican IS FLAG BURNERS , people who dont support the troops , people that have no respect and break all the laws , code pink , la raza , and for anyone who belives the lies told by this media about this bill . mostly dems like you .
NO liz, most likely by not having a US driver license or any other from of a US ID.
I am a green eyed very white female who has had to produce my Green Card many time!
Really, it’s making mole hills into mountains!
Great, Michelle is telling a Latina who lives in Arizona how the whole things works. Liz, Michelle Quinn knows everything.
OK – everybody, move this discussion over to Zorro’s new SB1070 post:
MQ, I am very happy you have an immigration card and am sure very proud to show it off after all the work it took you to get it.
I am sure you’ll never have to produce your immigration card or license, because you were pulled over for looking Mexican.
My children are full blooded Mexican American, however, I am sure I don’t have to explain genetics to you.
I have another question? You say you have had to produce your immigration card (green card)on many occasions. So I take it you are not a naturalized citizen of the United States? What is the hold up? You are very vocal and am sure if you were a naturalized citizen you would have stated that. Are you planning on utilizing this system and returning to your own country?
You cannot be pulled over for looking Latino. This is the second biggest absurdity being propogated by people who oppose the spirit of the law but cannot gain any traction by the words of the law itself. The law specifically includes language to prohibit profiling. If you cannot produce a driver’s license, speak only Russian, and do not have a Green Card, you may then be questioned as to your status as a citizen, or immigrant (documented or otherwise). However, the proportion of Russian undocumented immigrants happens to be low in comparison to Mexican and Central/South American immigrants due to the powerful effects of geography.
Read the law. You have the right to hate it – but don’t justify with lies.
Look at Liz making a personal attack on MQ. This is when you know one side has no argument – it has to resort to fantasy-delusions of comparisons (the Holocaust), lie about content of the Bill (no profiling), and make personal accusations and attacks on people who support the Bill. The majority of Americans, recently estimated at 62%, incidentally. And 50% of US Latino citizens, including myself, also support the Bill.
Looking for more fallacious arguments from detractors of SB 1070. How about a good argument: the law may lead us down the slippery slope of profiling – even though its language prohibits that same act; the law forces local law enforcement to allocate already thinned resources to doing a Federal job; the law was not drafted with support of a multicultural panel; Arpaio will abuse the law; etc.
Well, none of you can FRAME a good argument because you haven’t directly read the Bill. The real bill, FYI – not some edited/distorted version. It can be found on the AZSLEG website FYI.
Educate yourself.
AZ Dem,
What is the first absurdity? The fact the people who will carry out this law are human too? Is that why 2 officers have joined in on the lawsuit against SB1070?
I am sure Mexico has its own immigration issues with Americans who have built their dream homes on beach front properties in Mexico. You can’t have it both ways AZ Dem.
Just as sure as I am writing this, there will be those who will profile, whether in the spirit of the law or not. It happens everyday, but, then you probably dont live in the same neighborhood I do.
If you are pulled over and you have your papers what’s the worry. And you are acting/assuming that all police in arizona are racists. Its all blown outta proportion. You’re just butthurt because you’re going to have to pay taxes like everybody else if you become legal. And if you’re illegal, you should pay double-tax, why should you make it out easy?