Rand Paul and Joe Sestak win on Super Tuesday

Up until now, the most famous American politicians to come out of Kentucky were the first Republican President, Abe Lincoln, and Daniel Boone, when went from frontiersman to legislator.

Now, Rand Paul, the son of Texas Congressman Ron Paul, has defeated his handpicked establishment opponent, Trey Grayson, to become a U.S. Senator, representing Kentucky.

Paul is a Tea Party leader in Kentucky – and with this victory he has become the face of the entire movement. 

“Paul, 47, a Bowling Green ophthalmologist who had never sought political office, started far behind the establishment favorite Grayson. But he surged ahead with a plain-spoken style and a platform rooted in small-government, anti-Washington thinking: term limits, a balanced-budget amendment, a requirement that lawmakers read every word of legislation before it passes and a stipulation that laws spell out their constitutional underpinning,” according to the L.A. Times.

In related news, Rep. Joe Sestak has defeated five-term Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter in their state’s Democratic Senate primary, according to the AP.

Revolution is in the air.  Incumbents and establishment candidates are now on the endangered species list.

About Art Pedroza