Martha Montelongo’s radio show today: Water crisis update, Obama’s environmental extremism, and the CA Pot Measure

Join me on the air, Saturday from 10 to 11AM and 8 to 11 PM PT, one fast hour in the morning and three fun hours on Saturday night, on CRN, on CRN 1
Call in number: 1-800-336-2225
Russ Waymire of Families Protecting the Valley, joins me to talk about the latest developments in the CA Water Crisis, created and perpetuated by the U.S. Congress. A U.S. Judge has temporarily lifted all restrictions on the water flow to the Central Valley, but that can change as early as June 15th.

On Moonlighting with Martha, from 8 PM to 11 PM PT, Paul Driessen, Senior Policy Adviser for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow and Congress of Racial Equality – two nonprofit educational groups that focus on environmental, economic development and human rights issues, joins me to discuss President Obama’s tack to get around a reluctant Congress and implement Cap and Trade Policy by fiat, using the Environmental Protection Agency….
Peter Christ, founding member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition LEAP, joins me to discuss CA’s Marijuana Initiative on the Nov 2 ballot, and Arizona’s real problem at the border.

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About Martha Montelongo

Martha Montelongo, Host of Gadfly Radio with Cal Watch Dog on, Tuesday nights at 8 PM PT. Spends her time between Santa Cruz and So California.