The ACLU is suing the State of Arizona over SB 1070 racial profiling law! Here is the email we received from them today:
Stand with the ACLU in opposition of Arizona’s racial profiling law.
Dear ACLU Supporter,
A lot of people are outraged about Arizona’s new racial profiling, “show me your papers” law. And today, the ACLU is taking action.
Just a few hours ago, we went to federal court to block this discriminatory law from taking effect.
In the coming days and weeks, ACLU legal teams and advocates will go all-out to stop this poisonous policy from taking hold in Arizona.
But right now, we need to know: will you stand with us?
Racial profiling is a deeply-offensive affront to the American values of justice and fairness. And using race to demand that people produce “papers” to prove who they are is a police-state tactic that is completely unacceptable in America. If we don’t stop this law now, similar ones could spread across the nation. Already, state lawmakers in at least 10 other states have promised to bring similar bills to their legislatures.
That’s why we’re taking Arizona to court, along with our partners the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the National Immigration Law Center, and a number of other civil rights groups. Can we count you in to fight with us as we take on this dangerous law?
Stand with the ACLU in opposition of Arizona’s racial profiling law.
To help you show your public support for reversing this law, we’ll send you a free bumper sticker.
Under the new law, Arizona police will be required to ask people they stop for their citizenship papers based on “reasonable suspicion” that they are in the country unlawfully. And by leaving “reasonable suspicion” undefined, the law leaves police officers little choice but to act on appearance and language, inviting a new wave of rampant racial profiling.
Today, our lawyers took the first legal step to stop this law. And we’ll be organizing on the ground in Arizona, training volunteer lawyers to help people defend themselves against racial profiling. We won’t stand by while this law transforms Arizona into a place where anyone can be forced to “show papers” when they are stopped by police just because of how they look or talk or dress.
Racial profiling is unconstitutional, unacceptable and un-American. But, we’ll only stop extremism and injustice by acting together to end them.
We need you on board. Can we count you in?
For justice,
Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
Join the ACLU!
I’ve been a card-carrying member since 1988 when Bush’s dad called his opponent Dukakis a “card-carrying member of the ACLU” as though that was something horrible and un-American.
I’m a Latino and an Arizonan. Care to assign the same weight to my view’s as you due to Liz’s? An the ACLU had better be ready to nail AZ if they do anything to abuse a US Citizen’s rights whether related to SB 1070 or not – but as of yet this has not happened, and this behavior is forbidden in the language of SB1070. So the ACLU certainly has other issues of proven merit – why focuson this? No thanks, I will not join. Too political an organization for me.
I’m reading both you and Liz with interest. I think we Californians should learn a lot from both of you. I’m not interested in Michelle Quinn’s off-the-cuff remarks; she’s been on this blog at least a year and we know her as being simply anti-Mexican.
Thanks for moving over to this story. Things get awkward when comments go over 50. Carry on……..
I am new here and don’t know the history. Please let me share my views on immigration, as a US citizen Latino:
1 – many to most undocumented immigrants pay social security but do not get benefits;
2 – I have many in my extended family who are US citizen who cannot compete with many in my family who are undocumented on labor jobs as citizens must have fica, work comp and other benefits paid;
3 – I love my family on both sides of the issue but to be American is the overall goal and should be – immigrants are used to subjugate our working class and this is not fair to anyone;
4 – Arizona has a bad governor now and MAricopa a bad sheriff. But too many good people are hurting over all the bad things coming with immigration here now and it must change somehow;
5 – I was and still am hoping Obama does something as he is greatest president of my generation 9I am 40);
6 – I get really upset at people outside Ariona bagging on us for all the media and lazy rhetoric reasons. I apologize if this upsets anyone but my country of ancestry does not have democracy and it makes me mad when Americans take theirs for granted by voting/boycotting/hurting people without facts;
7 – All the boycott’s only really hurt people like me anyway. Dumb governor wont change views – but Hospitality industry in Arizona is over 60% Latino. Your boycotts hurt us.
ACLU is now shaking down non-resident aliens for cash.
Why doesn’t the ACLU represent and pay the costs these people need to get resident status or citizenship?
I mostly think the ACLU is doing good for those who need it, now I view them as another scum-bag shake down artist.
AZ Dem,
A Boycott is always a last resort to effect change, when all the other avenues do not. It is a way to let the Arizona Government know that latinos, work, play and spend their money in AZ. That a law like this does more harm than good.
join the american communist losers united . NO WAY . this is a extreme far left org.
i got great bumper stickers . support az , boycott l.a . and santa ana . but santa ana does not need boycotts who the hell wants to there .
Arizona Democrat,
“FYI I am Latino – first generation Guatemelan born in the U.S. So judge me some more, clueless morons.”
What is your point. The Guatemalan government and other South American governments oppress their reisents now and in the past.
Are you saying that you can support a law that arguably can be misapplied to violate human and civil rights but because you are of Hispanic decent you are excluded from criticism for supporting such a law?
“Well, none of you can FRAME a good argument because you haven’t directly read the Bill. The real bill, FYI – not some edited/distorted version. It can be found on the AZSLEG website FYI.
Educate yourself.”
This is the point AD, bigots and Racist with authority can interpret the law according to their agenda.
I bet that the great one, MQ and others like them would tend to lean on the profiling side if they had police authority.
We posting here are educated it is why we place our opinion and it is why you and your kind get angered.
I posted the law on the last thread. It is clear. Wikipedia presents along with the issue of interpretation by those with agendas.Those with agendas with ignore and minimize. Those of us citizens that possibly have our human and civil rights violated will do everything to protect ourselves.
We can be as stubborn and energetic as you.
Your lies:
– undocumented use public services.
– are responsible for the overwhelming crime in Arizona
“The majority of Americans, recently estimated at 62%, incidentally. And 50% of US Latino citizens, including myself, also support the Bill.”
Over 60% of the USA also support immigration reform. They support SB1070 mostly as a protest of the government not working to pass immigration reform.
They are not anti illegal or legal immigration. We want the reform to pass as the solution.
You and your clan do not want immigration reform but want SB1070 because your agenda is to eliminate Mexicans.
“the great one says:
May 17, 2010 at 3:54 pm
i got great bumper stickers . support az , boycott l.a . and santa ana . but santa ana does not need boycotts who the hell wants to there .”
Close to 500,000 resident live in Santa Ana. I guess some want to live there. Less people live in every other city in the OC. How do you interpret this great one?
These residents produce the second largest OC city tax base. Anaheim is first. Anaheim’s population and demographic are similar to Santa Ana’s. The difference is in tax revenue is around 80 million dollars. Anaheim produces the largest tax base in the OC with a tourist crowd of over 10 million per year, sports,concerts and conventions.
Santa Ana has none of the entertainment associated revenue. Santa Ana produces a similar tax base to Anaheim’s just on small businesses servicing it’s 85% Hispanic community.
Mr. Pedroza was just on the radio making a complete idiot of himself! Hitler has nothing to do with illegal immigration or the black power salute! No credibility at all!
also i would say s.a maybe maywood has the most illegals this is amazing dont you think so
“the great one says:
May 17, 2010 at 4:56 pm
also i would say s.a maybe maywood has the most illegals this is amazing dont you think so
So what is your point? Are you stating there is an association with their governmnet’s ability to manage?
Are you now blaming illegal immigrants for a city’s inability to manage those cities?
On the Mark,
Sigh. The radio host said sports and politics should not mix and I reminded him that it was a powerful moment when our African American athletes won and then showed him their fists.
I don’t think the radio host was expecting a well-spoken Latino. To be honest I thought I ran rings around him. It was fun!
The reason we are all upset with Jackson is that he is siding with the racists against thousands of Lakers fans.
“I bet that the great one, MQ and others like them would tend to lean on the profiling side if they had police authority.”
MQ says:
OMG what a bunch of old women! Sorry old women!
Let me give you an example of what might happen when a cop stops a car for going 100miles per hour in a 30 mile per hour area. Wee man in the car is also very much blasterd”.
“Hello sir, i need your license and registration”
Wee man in Car:
“Sorry no can do”
“Ok sir, might you have any sort of ID”
Wee man in car:
“Sorry sir, you were going 100 in a 30 mile an hour area.”
Wee man also fails sobriety test!
Cop and Wee man gets to the police station, the cop runs an ID check on the wee man, he has no ID. Cop finds out he is an illegal Alien.
HOW you Mr. Vern and the rest of the whack jobs wants us to believe might happen!
“Hello Sir, do you realize you look hispanic?”
Wee man:
“Do you have anything that states that you are actually White. You do know that you look brown”.
Wee man:
“why no officer, I am brown”.
“In that case Sir, I must take you in for looking like an illegal Alien”.
MQ Says:
Really get real. The only reason why you are calling myself and My Cuban friend ANTI-MEXICAN is due to the fact that you can use the old ANTI-IMMIGRANT. We both are immigrants!
Good for you Arizona for standing up for your citizens Across the border in Mexico, they cannot get people to run for public office because they are too afriaid of the people that are flowing in and out of Arizona!
“We posting here are educated it is why we place our opinion and it is why you and your kind get angered.”
MQ says:
It is easy to learn to read and write. It is not so easy to acquire common sense, It seems to have been lost in the halls of colleges and universities!
Also humility seems to be lost also!
Dr. you are a hack, LOL, but you are a hack, you are racist and an ethnocentric. I only say this because for a year I have read your post to people and each time to attack them when they do not agree with your Hispanic agenda.
I do not dislike Mexicans, but I do find you a very needy population, with quite a lot of ethnocentric whack jobs!
This law in Arizona is to protect the people from being abused by the likes of you Dr. L. who are very happy to have their lives ruined, so you might get your way!
I have really no idea why an American would serve his own people up on a plater to be murdered and mistreated, It really makes no sense to me!
Amendment to SB 1070:
START_STATUTE11-1051. Cooperation and assistance in enforcement of immigration laws; indemnification
A. No official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may adopt a policy that limits or restricts the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law.
B. For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person. The person’s immigration status shall be verified with the federal government pursuant to 8 United States code section 1373(c).
You severely suffer with a lack of reading comprehension. Your example is of a traffic infraction. From above:
For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person.
“For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official” The wording is not during investigation of a crime or traffic infraction.
“Lawful contact” What does that mean. I am certain that means something entirely different to you and others that share your agenda than it does to the rest of us.
You seem to believe we are stupid,ignorant or lack the ability at reading comprehension, not so, that is your problem and that of your followers.
In the SB1070 bill;
E. A law enforcement officer, without a warrant, may arrest a person if the officer has probable cause to believe that the person has committed any public offense that makes the person removable from the United States.
Provisions of the bill states;
“The act makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying registration documents required by federal law,[1]:§ ”
Here lies the issue. Probable cause is a judgement call using profiling.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Probable cause is not having a driver license which most illegal immigrants do not!
I think the actual author of the bill used the above as probable cause.
What happens Doctor when you are pulled over on a traffic violation, do you protest when the officers asked for your driver license or do you do what most American and legal residents do, “HAND IT OVER?”.
Good night Doctor!
Thank you Art, well said.
Yeah, nice speech Doc, you must be hanging out with Al Sharpless!
thank you michell . these people pedroza , and some others are for mexico first . we all come from different places but when we come here this is your number 1 priority . i belive these people on here and you know who they are will put mexico ahead of the us . they just cant seem to understand the word ILLEGAL . PEDROZA always uses the word immigrants to try to push his far left agenda . never puts the word illegal in the conversation . the good doctor sometimes comes up with some good points but i disagree with him often . and especially on this issue . these people come here have no respect for this country , mock it , but they sure love the free goodies they get . always yelling mexico , mexico, if mexico is good why are you here . i heard the other night at the miss america contest miss arizona was booed a judge ask miss oklahoma if shes for or against the new arizona law . the judge a hispanic male did not like her anwser when she said its the law and if your illegal you breaking the law . the judge pulled a perez hilton on her .
Art – you are so pathetic. Phil Jackson hit the nail on the head – the AZ law only seeks to enforce existing laws. There is no valid attack on the AZ law, and any improper detention or search of American citizens or legal residents will be swiftly dealt with in the courts – AS IT IS NOW. Illegal is illegal, and you know it. Your shrill campaign against SAPD for trying to make the streets safer for everyone and your championing of every pro-illegal immigration activist will not get you very far. You aren’t fooling anyone. You just don’t get it, do you? Your bogus “racist” rhetoric is failing. You are fighting for the very thing that is destroying SanTana and YOU are perpetuating a permanent underclass and ensuring that Pulido et al will reign forever.
What a sad, idiotic and confused man you are.
Lomeli, you need to grow up. Your posts are predictable and laughable – your knee-jerk attacks on Arizona Democrat are truly idiotic. Their perspective is their own, and far more valid than yours. Have you been to AZ? Do you have a clue what is going on there? Doubtful, as your perspective is SanTana, and very, very limited.
thank you for your opinion. As you I have a right to my opinion. I believe you are the idiot.
Amendment to SB 1070:
START_STATUTE11-1051. Cooperation and assistance in enforcement of immigration laws; indemnification
A. No official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may adopt a policy that limits or restricts the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law.
B. For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person. The person’s immigration status shall be verified with the federal government pursuant to 8 United States code section 1373(c).
You severely suffer with a lack of reading comprehension. Your example is of a traffic infraction. From above:
For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person.
“For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official” The wording is not during investigation of a crime or traffic infraction.
“Lawful contact” What does that mean. I am certain that means something entirely different to you and others that share your agenda than it does to the rest of us.
You seem to believe we are stupid,ignorant or lack the ability at reading comprehension, not so, that is your problem and that of your followers.
In the SB1070 bill;
E. A law enforcement officer, without a warrant, may arrest a person if the officer has probable cause to believe that the person has committed any public offense that makes the person removable from the United States.
Provisions of the bill states;
“The act makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying registration documents required by federal law,[1]:§ ”
Here lies the issue. Probable cause is a judgement call using profiling.
the great one,
“these people come here have no respect for this country , mock it , but they sure love the free goodies they get . always yelling mexico , mexico, if mexico is good why are you here . i heard the other night at the miss america contest miss arizona was booed a judge ask miss oklahoma if shes for or against the new arizona law .”
How do you know this was done exclussively by Mexicnas. Was a poll taken and IDs taken for verification?
“Lomeli, you need to grow up. Your posts are predictable and laughable –”
I am 56 years old. I am grown up. You comments are not predictable????? Many of us find them funny and idiotic.
“You are fighting for the very thing that is destroying SanTana and YOU are perpetuating a permanent underclass and ensuring that Pulido et al will reign forever.”
Art Pedroza supports for immigration reform. How does immigration reform produce and underclass?
MQ says:
May 17, 2010 at 7:23 pm
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Probable cause is not having a driver license which most illegal immigrants do not!
You and your supporters have stated that that illegal immigrants as a whole have a particular profile. In addition they are mostly Mexican.
So by your statement above it is OK to use your and your clans profiling to apply the probable cause on them as “most illegal immigrants do not hame a licence”. MQ, actually no illegal immigrants have a drivers licence, do you know any that do?
Our concerns are right, Thank you for acknowledging the fact that you and your clan are prone to profiling.
I can read the atmosphere is one of extreme fatigue of the hispanic Movement!
I have watched parts of Orange Country turn into gang invested holes. I have seen the hugh increase in Welfare use, just by passing the FRC, Caloptima. I am seeing a decay of student behavior and values in local schools.
Illegal immigration might have brought more gardeners and cooks, but it has also brought social decay. I would like to see the hispanic (South of the Border) movement take on their own cultures problems instead of taking on the nation!
My opinion and I am sure the opinion of many in this country!
OMG, you pull at every straw Doc.
NO, what I was stating; if a cop pulls someone over and they do not have an ID, most likely they would be pulled in. If they were not able to produce an ID, then most likely they do not belong in this county – Illegal Alien!
Your concern is that the law will be enforced as it should be and YOU doctor are just pissed off!
Any way what is wrong with profiling? If they did more profiling at the Airports instead of wasting time picking on old people, young children etc. There would not be all the ridiculous wait time and over the board security.
I would be looking out for: Middle eastern men/women between the ages of 20 -45 who act like they are having a bowel movement!
The left wing ( including a large portion of brown people) in this country have lost the blot!
Not all but a BIG portion!
Profiling is used by the FBI, CIA because it is a great way to catch the criminals!
Most serial killers are white hetro men!
O yeah, we can only profile if the criminal is white. Ok i got you Doc!
“Illegal immigration might have brought more gardeners and cooks, but it has also brought social decay.”
Not unlike previous immigrant waves. Many of us are working on this through economic development and inclussiveness within the fabric of this great country.
“Any way what is wrong with profiling? If they did more profiling at the Airports instead of wasting time picking on old people, young children etc. There would not be all the ridiculous wait time and over the board security.
I would be looking out for: Middle eastern men/women between the ages of 20 -45 who act like they are having a bowel movement!
The left wing ( including a large portion of brown people) in this country have lost the blot!
Not all but a BIG portion!
Profiling is used by the FBI, CIA because it is a great way to catch the criminals!
Most serial killers are white hetro men!”
Thank You please continue to enforce our concerns.
Don’t be concerned! The Us government will not resort to things that actually work (the Post Office, DMV). The US government is so infiltritated with idiots and fools, that they would allow another 9/11 to avoid hurting Minority feeling’s!
If I was president, I would order the profiling of every criminal in this country right away!
So don’t be concerned, I have not a hope in hell of becoming president, I have too much common sense!
No Doctor this immigrant wave is nothing like the immigrant waves of the past. Big difference!
Do you know what hispanic activists remind me off?
A nagging Wife, “You don’t love me” ” You don’t listen to me” ” you don’t buy me things” ” I want a land Rover” ” I need a diamond ring and if i don’t get it I will have a fit”.
Nag, nag, nag. Until we said, “Screw her!”.
And we will become free of the nagging hispanic wife from South of the Border!
See my point!
MQ: A nagging Wife, “You don’t love me” ” You don’t listen to me” ” you don’t buy me things” ” I want a land Rover” ” I need a diamond ring and if i don’t get it I will have a fit”.
No, Doc, this is called “projection.” You should know that as a Doc! Michelle desperately wants you and me and everyone else here to love her and thinks she’ll make that happen by “acting out” on comment threads… which is why I generally ignore her, when I’m not hatching plans to send her off to Texas or Arizona.
The reason I use the term “IDIOT” is because you have it wrong – flat-out wrong. After passing SB 1070, the AZ Legislature passed passed HB 2162, which bars state officers from checking a person’s immigration status unless a) the person was legally stopped “in the enforcement of” a state law or local ordinance, and b) the officer had reasonable suspicion that the person was an illegal alien. HB 2162 also flatly prohibited officers from considering race, color or national origin when enforcing its provisions.
“ACTIONS OF A POLICE STATE AND COMMUNISM”?? Are you really that dumb? Do you really need a basic history and civics lesson?
If you want to be taken seriously, do your research, pay attention, and stop sensationalizing. You do NOTHING but falsely represent a very real issue and divide and polarize the community.
And please, Art doesn’t support reform, he promotes complete lawlessness. Actual reform would mean that the hard-working immigrants become part of American society, enriching the United States as citizens and legal residents. Art wants no laws enforced and openly advocates drunk driving, lack of insurance and basic driver education. I guess he thinks that thousands of unlicensed and uninsured drivers are good for Santa Ana.
If I wanted to be loved by you lot, I would call myself Nanny Pelosi!
Besides, I thought my nagging wife theory was pretty funny and a pretty good comparison!
“No, Doc, this is called “projection.”
MQ says:
No, it’s called an “observation”.
You know me by now, I am not acting out, believe it or not, its all me!
You love cultures so much, how do you like mine?
” send her off to Texas or Arizona”
MQ says:
Ok Vern, send me off to Arizona, but I want money, lots of money so I can support Arizona!
Go AZ!
Jan, you’re a woman after my own heart!
“Legislature passed passed HB 2162, which bars state officers from checking a person’s immigration status unless a) the person was legally stopped “in the enforcement of” a state law or local ordinance, and b) the officer had ”
HB 2162 says “any lawful stop(changed from contact.I do not see the difference),detention or arrest”. It does not say “the person was legally stopped “in the enforcement of” a state law or local ordinance, ”
That is your interpretation.
In any case with your interpretation, as beign illegal is a state crime, then a reasonal suspicion can be applied to a profile never mind the race and color issues.
“If you want to be taken seriously, do your research, pay attention, and stop sensationalizing. You do NOTHING but falsely represent a very real issue and divide and polarize the community.”
Please take your own advice.
“Art wants no laws enforced and openly advocates drunk driving, lack of insurance and basic driver education. I guess he thinks that thousands of unlicensed and uninsured drivers are good for Santa Ana.”
This is just a stupid irresponsible comment.
Since your favorite tactic is to pull quotes from other posts piecemeal and apply your opinion as if you are some sort of official arbiter, I am following up with detailed references on the concerns I voiced on this forum previously.
For the record, you need to learn a bit of decorum from Liz. While she and I do not agree on this issue, and we do trade barbs, she at least recognizes a line. Your comment about the KKK is rude, boorish, and sophomoric. I am frankly shocked at the lack of intellectual pedigree of such a fallacious point, and it is this kind of rhetoric that poisons a potentially decent dialogue.
Art states: Arizona Democrat,
“FYI I am Latino – first generation Guatemelan born in the U.S. So judge me some more, clueless morons.”
What is your point. The Guatemalan government and other South American governments oppress their reisents now and in the past.
(AD) My point is I have a multifaceted view on the issue.
(Art) Are you saying that you can support a law that arguably can be misapplied to violate human and civil rights but because you are of Hispanic decent you are excluded from criticism for supporting such a law?
(AD) To use your own words, Art, “support a law that ARGUABLY can me misapplied”. So you admit the law itself isn’t the problem – it is the potential misapplication of the law. Which, using your terminology, isn’t a sure thing. If it DOES happen, then I agree with you. So far, however, the only thing NOT happening is common-sense immigration reform.
“Well, none of you can FRAME a good argument because you haven’t directly read the Bill. The real bill, FYI – not some edited/distorted version. It can be found on the AZSLEG website FYI.
Educate yourself.”
(Art) This is the point AD, bigots and Racist with authority can interpret the law according to their agenda.
I bet that the great one, MQ and others like them would tend to lean on the profiling side if they had police authority.
We posting here are educated it is why we place our opinion and it is why you and your kind get angered.
I posted the law on the last thread. It is clear. Wikipedia presents along with the issue of interpretation by those with agendas.Those with agendas with ignore and minimize.
We can be as stubborn and energetic as you.
(AD) So you state that you posted the law, but that you have not read the law. You also call yourself “educated”. On what front? You aren’t educated to the law because you haven’t read it yourself by your own admission; you aren’t living in Arizona so you aren’t “educated” to Arizona’s problems; you aren’t Latino so you aren’t “educated” from a heartfelt Latino perspective. Do tell me, how are you educated? Why is it that you assume those who echo your views are “educated” while those who do not are not educated? And I do agree you will be stubborn and energetic.
Your lies:
– undocumented use public services.
(AD) Me? I work for the largest indigent and undocumented health care system in Arizona. Undocumented immigrants get federal relief funding (tax dollars = public service), AHCCCS (Arizona’s medicaid equivalent), and now Mexican citizens are bussed into Ajo for public education in the United States, in the same district where my cousin is taking a 20% cut in her pay and the school cannot afford copy paper without parental donation. These are three examples of use of public services.
– are responsible for the overwhelming crime in Arizona
(AD) My references:
“The impact of illegal immigration and enforcement on border crime rates, Federal reserve bank of Dallas.”Study finds significant correlation between violent crimes and illegal immigration in border areas.
“Hidden Cost of Illegal Immigration: ID Theft”. MSNBC. 2006-03-31.” Details heavy use of identify theft amongst illegal immigrants.
“House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims, Committee on the Judiciary, Border Security and Deterring Illegal Entry Into the United States, April 23, 1997” Draws conclusion that drug trafficking and violence committed by Mexican drug cartels is reliant upon and directly linked to illegal immigration.
As of 2005, Operation Community Shield had detained nearly fourteen hundred illegal immigrant gang members (this in Arizona and smuggling tied to Tucson corridor).
“The majority of Americans, recently estimated at 62%, incidentally. And 50% of US Latino citizens, including myself, also support the Bill.”
Over 60% of the USA also support immigration reform.
But in a new McClatchy-Ipsos poll, 61 percent of Americans and 64 percent of registered voters said they liked Arizona’s law. Close to half of Democrats favored it. Hmmm, I say 60, the poll says 61%. Do I have credibility yet? Just Google it yourself and pick any one of the first 10 or so results.
And since you chose to patently ignore many facets of my point, I will re-introduce my concern over the environment. This is a reference from a source you cited directly, Wikipedia. You could look it up for yourself. Unlike your “opinions” that you try and masquerade as the privileged knowledge of the educated such as yourself, there are actual references, locations, and statistics cited:
Environment (Wikipedia)
Waves of illegal immigrants are taking a heavy toll on U.S. public lands along the Mexican border, federal officials say.[132] Mike Coffeen, a biologist with the Fish and Wildlife Service in Tucson, Arizona found the level of impact to be shocking.[132] “Environmental degradation has become among the migration trend’s most visible consequences, a few years ago, there were 45 abandoned cars on the Buenos Aires refuge near Sasabe, Arizona and enough trash that a volunteer couple filled 723 large bags with 18,000 pounds of garbage over two months in 2002.”[133]
“It has been estimated that the average desert-walking immigrant leaves behind 8 pounds of trash during a journey that lasts one to three days if no major incidents occur. Assuming half a million people cross the border illegally into Arizona annually, that translates to 2,000 tons of trash that migrants dump each year.”[134]
Illegal immigrants trying to get to the United States via the Mexican border with southern Arizona are suspected of having caused eight major wildfires in 2002. The fires destroyed 68,413 acres (276.86 km2) and cost taxpayers $5.1 million to fight.[135]
Illegal immigrants have also used many parks inside the United States to grow and then distribute illegal drugs, turning previously protected nature areas into “heavily armed drug compounds”. See [121][136] and [122]
You and your clan do not want immigration reform but want SB1070 because your agenda is to eliminate Mexicans.
(AD) This comment is about as accurate as the content in the rest of your post.
(AD) This is inciteful, hateful, and deconstructive to a fault. It also screams that you really have no rational point, and no cogent argument. I do not need your censorship when I share a political opinion based on verifiable facts. If you can possibly look at my credentials and my references objectively, you must conclude that they are at least logical. Unlike you, I respect differing opinions – my goal is not to eliminate Mexicans but to do what is best for my country and the citizens who pay for our government – the best in the world. And FYI, I favor immediate amnesty for all resident aliens and full eligibility for Medicare and Social Security.
Continue to respect the KKK – you’ll find a good collection of closed minds there like your own. I am disappointed a Democrat could be so narrow.
“I am new here and don’t know the history. Please let me share my views on immigration, as a US citizen Latino:
1 – many to most undocumented immigrants pay social security but do not get benefits;
2 – I have many in my extended family who are US citizen who cannot compete with many in my family who are undocumented on labor jobs as citizens must have fica, work comp and other benefits paid;
3 – I love my family on both sides of the issue but to be American is the overall goal and should be – immigrants are used to subjugate our working class and this is not fair to anyone;
4 – Arizona has a bad governor now and MAricopa a bad sheriff. But too many good people are hurting over all the bad things coming with immigration here now and it must change somehow;
5 – I was and still am hoping Obama does something as he is greatest president of my generation 9I am 40);
6 – I get really upset at people outside Ariona bagging on us for all the media and lazy rhetoric reasons. I apologize if this upsets anyone but my country of ancestry does not have democracy and it makes me mad when Americans take theirs for granted by voting/boycotting/hurting people without facts;
7 – All the boycott’s only really hurt people like me anyway. Dumb governor wont change views – but Hospitality industry in Arizona is over 60% Latino. Your boycotts hurt us.”
This is a contradiction to you supporting a bad and ill intended SB 1070 law. My definition any document open to interpretation is a bad document reflective of those writing and supporting it.
You examples of illegal immigration crime are associated with the industries of human and drug illegal trafficking. You conveniently ignore and purposely leave out the data that shows negligible crime from illegal immigrants outside of the illegal human and drug industries. A perception of an agenda is present.
If you want a real solution then argue for :
-immigration reform
-USA elimination of drug consumption and or revise the drug laws
-USA dependency on cheap labor
– the need for youth(immigrant source) to support our economy and support the aging ASA population.
Attacking illegal immigrants with laws that violate human and civil rights is irresponsible and self serving.
And please grow a thicker skin.
Arizona Dem.
Dr. l. is a Mexican ethnocentric, it’s a cultural trait. You just need to look at the policies and laws of Mexico to quickly assert that that Mexico is a racist, ethnocentric hole.
In listening to the President of Mexico, I truly am starting to get the picture that Mexicans do have an agenda, and it does not include the well being of US citizens.
You just need to go to Santa Ana and walked down 4th street to get the feeling that you are not exactly welcome!
Mexicans do not like Americans much!
“Dr. l. is a Mexican ethnocentric, it’s a cultural trait.”
If you can label so can I. MQ is a bigot/racist and, culture phobe againsts Mexicans.
The only difference is my statement is right!
Mexican is not a race, and it is not my fault, but the fault of Mexicans that their cultures is in total disarray!
I am not bigoted against Mexicans, I am just very disgusted at their behavior!
The reason why drug lords are ruling the country, because the government has given up!
“Mexican is not a race, and it is not my fault, but the fault of Mexicans that their cultures is in total disarray!”
Really???? I do not think you even know the definition of culture. Please readbelow.
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For other uses, see Culture (disambiguation).
Petroglyphs in modern-day Gobustan, Azerbaijan, dating back to 10,000 BC indicating a thriving culture
Ancient Egyptian art, 1,400 BC
The Persian Hasht-Behesht PalaceCulture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning “to cultivate”)[1] is a term that has different meanings. For example, in 1952, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn compiled a list of 164 definitions of “culture” in Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions.[2] However, the word “culture” is most commonly used in three basic senses:
Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture
An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning
The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group
When the concept first emerged in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe, it connoted a process of cultivation or improvement, as in agriculture or horticulture. In the nineteenth century, it came to refer first to the betterment or refinement of the individual, especially through education, and then to the fulfillment of national aspirations or ideals. In the mid-nineteenth century, some scientists used the term “culture” to refer to a universal human capacity. For the German nonpositivist sociologist, Georg Simmel, culture referred to “the cultivation of individuals through the agency of external forms which have been objectified in the course of history”.[3]
In the twentieth century, “culture” emerged as a concept central to anthropology, encompassing all human phenomena that are not purely results of human genetics. Specifically, the term “culture” in American anthropology had two meanings: (1) the evolved human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols, and to act imaginatively and creatively; and (2) the distinct ways that people living in different parts of the world classified and represented their experiences, and acted creatively. Following World War II, the term became important, albeit with different meanings, in other disciplines such as cultural studies, organizational psychology and management studies.[citation needed]
“The reason why drug lords are ruling the country, because the government has given up!”
MQ, The United States of America consumes over 85% of the drugs produced in the world and supplies most if not all of the weapons to the drugs cartels.
Do you think The USA has something to do with the drug lords ruling the country?
Your ignorange and ethnocentricity against Mexicans is alarming.
Culture of Mexico
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Danza de los Voladores de Papantla a ritual dance in Veracruz, Mexico performed by the Totonac Indians and Olmeca Indians.Mexico has changed rapidly during the 20th century. In many ways, contemporary life in its cities has become similar to that in neighboring United States and South America. Most Mexican villagers follow the older way of life more than the city people do. More than 75% of the people of Mexico live in cities of over 50,000 inhabitants. Large metropolitan areas include Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, and Puebla-Tlaxcala, while rural areas include Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Yucatán, Aguascalientes, Michoacán, and many more.
Contents [hide]
1 Language
2 Religion
3 Art
4 Architecture
5 Literature
6 National holidays
7 Cuisine
8 Music
9 Cinema
10 Sport
11 References
12 External links
Main article: Languages of Mexico
Mexico is the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world.[1] The overwhelming majority of Mexicans today speak Spanish, however, the government recognizes 62 indigenous Amerindian languages as national languages. Some Spanish vocabulary in Mexico has roots in the country’s indigenous languages, which are spoken by approximately 6% of the population.[2] Some indigenous Mexican words are common in English. For example, words such as tomato, chocolate, coyote, and avocado are Nahuatl in origin.[3]
An image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patron saint of Mexico.Main article: Religion in Mexico
The Spanish arrival and colonization brought Roman Catholicism to the country, which became the main religion of Mexico, however, Mexico has “no official” religion, and the Constitution of 1917 and the anti-clerical laws imposed limitations on the church and sometimes codified state intrusion into church matters. The government does not provide any financial contributions to the church, and the church does not participate in public education.
The last census reported, by self-ascription, that 95% of the population is Christian. Roman Catholics are 89%[4] of the total population, 47% percent of whom attend church services weekly.[5] In absolute terms, Mexico has the world’s second largest number of Catholics after Brazil.[6]
According to the Government’s 2000 census, approximately 87 percent of respondents identified themselves as at least nominally Roman Catholic. Other religious groups for which the 2000 census provided estimates included evangelicals, with 1.71 percent of the population; other Protestant evangelical groups, 2.79 percent; members of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 1.25 percent; “historical” Protestants, 0.71 percent; Seventh-day Adventists, 0.58 percent; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 0.25 percent; Jews, 0.05 percent; and other religions, 0.31 percent. Approximately 3.52 percent of respondents indicated “no religion”, and 0.86 percent did not specify a religion.
Main articles: Pre-Columbian art and Mexican Muralism
Maya relief sculpture from PalenqueMexico is known for its folk art traditions, mostly derived from the indigenous and Spanish crafts. Pre-Columbian art thrived over a wide timescale, from 1800 BC to AD 1500. Certain artistic characteristics were repeated throughout the region, namely a preference for angular, linear patterns, and three-dimensional ceramics. Notable handicrafts include clay pottery from the valley of Oaxaca and the village of Tonala. Colorfully embroidered cotton garments, cotton or wool shawls and outer garments, and colorful baskets and rugs are seen everywhere. Mexico is also known for its pre-Columbian architecture, especially for public, ceremonial and urban monumental buildings and structures.
A photograph of a 1954 stone carved mural at the ITESM in Monterrey, Mexico, portraying a battle between the gods Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca.Between the Spanish conquest and the early Twentieth century, Mexican fine arts were largely in imitation of European traditions. After the Mexican Revolution, a new generation of Mexican artists led a vibrant national movement that incorporated political, historic, and folk themes in their work. The painters Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, David Alfaro Siqueiros became world famous for their grand murals, often displaying clear social messages. Rufeese Tamayo and Frida Kahlo produced more personal works with abstract elements. Can be bought in a lot. Mexican art photography largely fostered by the work of Manuel Álvarez Bravo. The city of Taxco, Guerrero, which is one of the oldest mining sites in the Americas, is world-renowned for its silver work.[7]
Main articles: Architecture of Mexico and Mesoamerican architecture
El Castillo, Chichen ItzaWith twenty-nine sites, Mexico has more sites on the UNESCO World Heritage list than any other country in the Americas, most of which pertain to the country’s architectural history.
Mesoamerican architecture in Mexico is best known for its public, ceremonial and urban monumental buildings and structures, several of which are the largest monuments in the world. Mesoamerican architecture is divided into three eras, Pre-Classic, Classic, and Post-Classic.
Mexico City Metropolitan CathedralThe Spanish Colonial Style dominated in early colonial Mexico. During the late 1600s to 1750, one of Mexico’s most popular architectural styles was Mexican Churrigueresque, which combined Amerindian and Moorish decorative influences.
The Academy of San Carlos, founded in 1788, was the first major art academy in the Americas. The academy promoted Neoclassicism, focusing on Greek and Roman art and architecture.
Palacio de Bellas ArtesFrom 1864 to 1867, during the Second Mexican Empire, Maximillian I installed emperor of Mexico. This intervention, financed largely by France, was brief, but it began a period of French influence in architecture and culture which lasted well into the twentieth century.
After the Mexican Revolution in 1917, idealization of the indigenous and the traditional symbolized attempts to reach into the past and retrieve what had been lost in the race toward modernization.
Mexican Stock ExchangeFunctionalism, expressionism, and other schools left their imprint on a large number of works in which Mexican stylistic elements have been combined with European and North American techniques. Most notably the work of Pritzker Prize winner Luis Barragán.
Enrique Norten, the founder of TEN Arquitectors, has been awarded several honors for his work in modern architecture. His work express a modernity that reinforces the government’s desire to present a new image of Mexico as an industrialized country with a global presence.
Other notable and emerging contemporary architects include Mario Schjetnan, Michel Rojkind, Tatiana Bilbao, Isaac Broid Zajman and Bernardo Gómez-Pimienta, Luis Vicente Flores, Alberto Kalach, Daniel Alvarez, and José Antonio Aldrete-Haas.
A late 18th century painting of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Mexican poet and writer.Main articles: Mexican literature and Mesoamerican literature
The literature of Mexico has its antecedents in the literatures of the indigenous settlements of Mesoamerica. The most well known prehispanic poet is Netzahualcoyotl. Modern Mexican literature was influenced by the concepts of the Spanish colonialization of Mesoamerica. Outstanding colonial writers and poets include Juan Ruiz de Alarcón and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.
Other writers include Alfonso Reyes, José Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi, Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, Carlos Fuentes, Octavio Paz (Nobel Laureate), Renato Leduc, Jaime Labastida, Mariano Azuela (“Los de abajo”) and Juan Rulfo (“Pedro Páramo”). Bruno Traven, from German origin, assimilated into the Mexican culture and wrote “Canasta de cuentos mexicanos”, “El tesoro de la Sierra Madre.”
National holidays
Main article: Public holidays in Mexico
Municipal president giving the “grito” of “Viva Mexico” at the commencement of Independence Day festivities in 2008Mexicans celebrate their independence from Spain on September 16, and other holidays with colorful festivals known as “Fiestas”. Every Mexican city, town and village holds a yearly festival to commemorate their local patron saints. During these festivities, the people pray and burn candles to honor their saints in churches decorated with flowers and colorful utensils. They also hold large parades, fireworks, dance competitions, beauty pageant contest, party and buy refreshments in the market places and public squares. In the smaller towns and villages, soccer, boxing, cockfighting and amateur bullfighting are also celebrated during the festivities.
A skull made out of sugar, given during the Day of the Dead festival.Other festivities include Día de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (“Guadalupe Day”), Las Posadas (“The Shelters”, celebrated on December 16 to December 24), Noche Buena (“Holy Night”, celebrated on December 24), Navidad (“Christmas”, celebrated on December 25) and Año Nuevo (“New Years Day”, celebrated on December 31 to January 1). “Guadalupe Day” is regarded by many Mexicans as the most important religious holiday of their country. It honours the Virgin of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico, which is celebrated on December 12. In the last decade, all the celebrations happening from mid December to the beginning of January have been linked together in what has been called the Guadalupe-Reyes Marathon.
Piñatas are unique to Mexican celebrations. A pinata is made from papier-mache. It is created to look like popular people, animals, or fictional characters. Once made it is painted with bright colors and filled with candy or small toys. It is then hung from the ceiling. The children are blind folded and take turns hitting the piñata until it breaks open and the candy and small toys fall out. The children then gather the candy and small toys.
Main article: Mexican cuisine
Tequilas of various stylesMexican cuisine is known for its blending of indigenous and European cultures. Popular dishes include tacos, enchiladas, Mole sauce, atole, tamales, pozole and burritos. Traditionally the main Mexican ingredients consisted of maize, beans, chicken, pork, beef, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, peppers, chilis, onions, peanuts, avocados and guavas. Popular beverages include water flavored with a variety of fruit juices, and cinnamon-flavored hot chocolate prepared with milk or water and blended until it becomes frothed using a traditional wooden tool called a molinillo. Alcoholic beverages native to Mexico include mescal, pulque, and tequila. Mexican-produced beers are popular in Mexico and are exported. There are international award-winning Mexican wineries that produce and export wine.[8]
See also: Music of Mexico and Pre-Columbian Maya music
Indigenous Aztec dancers in Mexico City.The foundation of Mexican music comes from its indigenous sounds and heritage. The original inhabitants of the land, used drums, flutes, maracas, sea shells and voices to make music and dances. This ancient music is still played in some parts of Mexico. However, much of the traditional contemporary music of Mexico was written during and after the Spanish colonial period, using many European instruments. Some instruments whose predecessors were brought from Europe, such as the vihuela used in Mariachi music, are now strictly Mexican.
Mexican society enjoys a vast array of music genres, showing the diversity of Mexican culture. Traditional music includes Mariachi, Banda, Norteño, Ranchera and Corridos. Mexicans also listen to contemporary music such as pop and Mexican rock. Mexico has the largest media industry in Latin America, producing Mexican artists who are famous in Central and South America and parts of Europe. Folk songs called corridos have been popular in the country since the 16th century. It may tell the story about the Mexican Revolution, pride, Mestizo, romance, poverty, politics or crime.
Today, musical groups known as Mariachis perform along streets, festivals and restaurants. A Mariachi group includes singers, guitar, trumpets, violin and marimba players. The most prominent Mariachi group is Vargas de Tecalitlán, which was originally formed in 1897.
Carlos Santana performs in 1984.Other styles of traditional regional music in México: Son Jarocho (Veracruz, with guitars and harp), Huapango or Son Huasteco (Huasteca, northeastern regions, violin and two guitars known as quinta huapanguera and jarana), Tambora (Sinaloa, mainly brass instruments) Duranguense, Jarana (most of the Yucatán peninsula) and Norteña (North style, redoba and accordion).
Folk dances are a feature of Mexican culture. Significant in dance tradition is the “Jarabe Tapatío”, known as “Mexican hat dance”. Traditional dancers perform a sequence of hopping steps, heel and toe tapping movements.
Among the most known “classical” composers: Manuel M. Ponce (“Estrellita”), Revueltas, Jordá (Elodia), Ricardo Castro, Juventino Rosas (“Sobre las olas”), Carrillo (Sonido 13), Ibarra, Pablo Moncayo (Huapango) and Carlos Chávez.
Pop singer Luis Miguel.Popular composers includes: Agustín Lara, Consuelo Velázquez (“Bésame mucho”), “Guty” Cárdenas, José Alfredo Jiménez, Armando Manzanero, Luis Arcaraz, Álvaro Carrillo, Joaquín Pardavé and Alfonso Ortiz Tirado.
Traditional Mexican music has influenced the evolution of the Mexican pop and Mexican rock genre. Some well-known Mexican pop singers are Luis Miguel, Thalía, Paulina Rubio and Alejandro Fernández. Latin rock musicians such as Ritchie Valens, Carlos Santana, Los Lobos, Maná, Café Tacuba, and Mars Volta have incorporated Mexican folk tunes into their music.
Main article: Cinema of Mexico
The history of Mexican cinema dates to the beginning of the 20th century, when several enthusiasts of the new medium documented historical events – most particularly the Mexican Revolution. The Golden Age of Mexican cinema is the name given to the period between 1935 and 1959 where the quality and economic success of the cinema of Mexico reached its peak. Some present-day film makers include, Alejandro González Iñárritu (Amores perros, Babel), Alfonso Cuarón (Children of Men, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth), Carlos Carrera (The Crime of Father Amaro), screenwriter Guillermo Arriaga and cinematographer Guillermo Navarro.
Main article: Sport in Mexico
El Paso de la Muerte (The Pass of Death)
Bullfighter in Mexico.The traditional national sport of Mexico is Charreria, which consists of a series of equestrian events. The national horse of Mexico, used in Charreria, is the Azteca. Bullfighting, a tradition brought from Spain, is also popular. Mexico has the largest venue for bullfighting in the world – The Plaza de toros in Mexico City which seats 48,000 people. Soccer is also highly appreciated and is regarded to be the most popular contemporary recreation in the country. Most states have their own representative teams. Among the country’s significant teams include Club América, Chivas de Guadalajara, Cruz Azul and Pumas de la UNAM. Notable players include Hugo Sánchez, Claudio Suárez, Luis Hernández, Francisco Palencia, Cuauhtémoc Blanco, Jared Borgetti, Rafael Márquez, Pável Pardo, Ramón Ramírez, Jorge Campos and Oswaldo Sánchez.
Mexico is also known for its boxing tradition, having produced world champions such as Julio César Chávez, Salvador Sánchez, Jose Napoles, Ricardo Lopez, Rubén Olivares, Carlos Zarate, Érik Morales, Marco Antonio Barrera, Sugar Ramos and Juan Manuel Márquez. Other popular recreational activities include lucha libre (Mexican professional wrestling), baseball, fishing, scuba diving, Jai alai, and basketball.
The country hosted the summer Olympic Games in 1968 and the FIFA World Cup in 1970 and 1986 and was the first country to host a FIFA World cup and the Olympics, and the first to host the FIFA World Cup twice.
1.^ “Learn Spanish in Mexico – Spanish Courses in Mexico – Spanish Schools in Mexico”. Retrieved 2010-02-18.
2.^ “Mexico – General country information”. Retrieved 2010-02-18.
3.^ “Amerindian Words in English”. Retrieved 2010-02-18.
4.^ “Religión” (PDF). Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda 2000. INEGI. 2000. Retrieved 2 August 2009.
5.^ “Church attendance”. Study of worldwide rates of religiosity. University of Michigan. 1997. Retrieved 2007-01-03.
6.^ “The Largest Catholic Communities”. Retrieved 2007-11-10.
7.^ “The History of Silver in Taxco, Mexico”. Retrieved 2010-02-18.
8.^ “Mexico Wine Routes & Regions – Vineyards & Wineries of Baja”. Retrieved 2010-02-18.
If the above was true today, I would be in Santa Ana everyday.
What has happened to Mexico and its people is: corruption and a total break down of the family especially here in the US.
I have a great love for the hispanic culture, I love the art and the music. I do not like want is happing to the culture!
I have more concern about YOUR culture and YOUR people than you do!
I am not like you Doctor, I have no dog in this fight. I am just telling the truth, and the truth hurts!
Please explain what you think is happening to the culture and why you have more concern than I.
I believe you are associating poverty issues with culture,,which is wrong. You will ignore and not accept this as this will eliminate your talking points that fuels your bigotry.
You cannot allow yourself to face the truth, that the hispanic family as clearly seen in Santa Ana are in big trouble. I have no allegiance to race, I am not ethnocentric, though I do hold my culture and its values in high esteem, but I am able to criticize my own if need be. Were you cannot, you would rather give facts and figures that don’t fit the picture of LA unified and SAUSD and the communities that surround them.
Why do I think I care more than you. Because I can face the facts without sugar coating it to save face. I care that kids are having kids and so many are dropping out of school. I care that so many are on welfare and I know that welfare use is a viscous cycle that usually goes on from one generation to the next. I care that my communities are becoming third world holes.
I care about this country and I am not afraid to bring sensitive topics up because I believe not speaking about topics that my offend some, is just enabling a tumor to metastasize!
Just as I predicted. The article you produce is a right wing source .
No reasons are offered as to why certain social problems exist in some Hispanic and Black communities and not in other Hispanic and Black communities.
The differences are in economic development in these communities. You and your clan pose stupid articles that fuel your agenda to produce the perception that social problems within some Hispanic and Black neighborhoods are general in the Hispanic and Black communities.
Clearrly an attempt at propaganda in order to fuel hate. Sources like the one you posted is where you and your clan get the propaganda that fuels your bigotry and agenda which is to stigmitize a group(any group) in order to create hate.
Are you and your clan saying that the social issues you are concerned with are General in the Hispanic community?
Are and your clan saying these social issue of concern are genetic within the Hispanic and Black race?
Are you and your clan saying that these social issues of concern are cultural in the Hispanic and Black race?
“I care about this country and I am not afraid to bring sensitive topics up because I believe not speaking about topics that my offend some, is just enabling a tumor to metastasize!”
Are saying that Santa Ana Hispanics and Hispanics in general in the USA are a tumor and you and your clan’s agenda is to remove it from the USA?