Mexican hating Assemblyman Van Tran hasn’t wasted any time. His campaign signs are starting to pop up all over Santa Ana. The sign in the picture above was posted on public property near the Main St. on-ramp to the 5 Freeway.
Tran’s website is LAME. It has no mention of what issues he stands for and lists no endorsements.
Click here to read the rest of this post.
Tran is opposed in the Republican primary for the 47th Congressional District by Tan Nguyen, who is yet another Mexican hater, and Anaheim School Board Trustee Katherine Smith.
I don’t care who wins the race but I think Van’s signs are pretty nice looking. Very clean and modern design. I also admire the people who work so hard to put up the signs. Some of the other elected officials and supporters are so very lazy. They want to cruise Bristol or play video games or join gangs but Van’s supporters work hard. I was going to Main place and saw an elderly couple waving American flags next to Van’s sign. Such hard working people who understand that freedom is not free and there is no free lunch in America. (Unless you go to school in Santa Ana and you get a free breakfast and lunch haha!) Garden Grove school district is much better!
not much into santa ana politics . but why is it that anyone who is against perdroza is a mexican hater . art tosses race into everything . with things like a all latino city council . mexican hating , anti immigrant , anti latino , how bout for once like one poster said how about americans first .
Van Tran does not have as much support this time around from the Vietnamese voters.
Since taking office, he hasn’t done enough to convince me to vote for him.
What is your opinion on Loretta? Has she done anything since 1996? That’s 14 years ago
Yes. Loretta has beat every single GOP opponent since 1996.
But I would like to see her support the Dream Act.
That’s it!-we need more of TRAN in the Santa Ana sham!
We need diversity in Santa Ana. No more of the Mexican Mafia type government. We need American Representation, not affirmative action!
Watch out for website
When you access that website it will automatically go to and will run a search on your machine. Apparently it is another malware or phishing form. Stay out for now.
I noticed that too. I got around it by using an IP scrambler program.
Not cool of them to do that, but it figures.
Loretta has done more for human rights in Viet Nam than Van Tran has ever done.
I was there last night and today and that malware attachment comes up. I had to just shut down because it doesn’t give you an option to just close it.
The lib OC mentioned haveing this problem early Friday but have yet to address it again. Do you think it might have been intiated from them?
I do. I believe they are using this program to block certain people, myself included, from reading their site. But they screwed up.
It may also be that they are using an old form of WordPress that has indeed been corrupted by malware.
Not much worth reading there anyway…
Also, talking about signs.
Janet’s litter removal/grafitti removal freeway sign was moved from barrier holding up the pedestrian bridge to the fence right next to the cars. The east bound sign semms to be removed as well but appears to have not been placed back up.
What’s going on?
Sounds like Janet is backpedaling…
Censorship here …
We do moderate comments and will delete those that use the “F-word” or are personal attacks against us, without being germane to the post.
In fact I deleted a comment yesterday that suggested that Mexicans are the offspring of Indians and buffaloes. Was that your comment? If so, there really is no hope for you.
Art. I also saw the comment about Mexicans and buffaloes and sent it to the trash can.