I’ve been working on a masterpiece in favor of Proposition 15, but it’s not perfect yet. For now here’s a message from Congressman Alan “Democrat With Guts” Grayson to us Californians: “Don’t mess this up – pass Prop 15!”
Is Zelensky an American asset??
HA what a lie, it’s impossible to take money out of politics!
You’re right, he did say “take money out of politics.” Grayson indulges in hyperbole, that’s why people listen to him and don’t listen to most other politicians.
It would be more accurate, with Prop15, to say “dilute the power of big money in politics.” And THAT is certainly a good thing to do!
Vern, did the promoters ever find out if the tax that would be used to fund this politicians piggy bank is legal? I remember the other states where this was tried, the tax part was voided. Does this bill self destruct if the funding part is voided? Looks like I am going to have to read it.
Cook, I researched and wrote about that a couple months ago. It was found unconstitutional in one or two other states when lobbyists were made to cover ALL elections with their fees.
This is different and much more modest and sensible – they will only be covering the race for Secretary of State, which is the office that oversees and regulates them. This has been checked for constitutionality with many legal experts, who agree that it will withstand the inevitable lawsuite from the IGA (Institute of Governmental Advocates – the lobbyists’ lobbyists – who are the main opponents of the measure.)
That’s your answer. Also, the real reason the lobbyists oppose it is not because $350 a year is too much for them – that’s how much they generally make in an hour, and three different lobbyists told me they think it’s perfectly fair. Rather, it’s because it’s the beginning of whittling away at their power, and the power of people and companies who can afford to pay them.
Prop 15 is a fraud. I may not agree with Frank Schubert all the time, but this 1 out of 10 times he is absolutely right. Of course it would be nice to remove the millions from the Governor’s race and US Senate race from self funded candidates, but maybe we should have a trigger where if a self funded candidate raises more than a certain amount of money, campaign finance limits would be null.
I do not want legislators to embezzle public funds to pay for their own campaigns for city council or county supervisor.