ASL cultists invoke Hitler as they fight against parental educational options for deaf infants

Note to readers, June 19, 2013.  This story by our former and now-departed editor is for some reason getting a lot of hits today.  This sort of thing happens sometimes with our backlog of long-out-of-date stories; often, as here, we don’t know why.  I haven’t read the story and I don’t plan to; the incendiary title tells me that it was probably just the former editor’s desperate attempt to stir up interest so as to get more page views.  Read on if you want, but don’t assume that this represents this blog’s current position on anything.  We keep these stories around as historical artifacts, not for their merit or news value.  – G.A.D.

ASL loons are now comparing those who want parents to have options for their deaf infants to Adolf Hitler!

Can you believe it?  The American Sign Language (ASL) cultists who are opposing Assemblyman Tony Mendoza’s AB 2072, have now invoked the Hitler card!  How crazy are these people?

AB 2070 will give parents of infants found to be deaf more information about options available for the treatment and education of their children.  That’s it folks.  It is a very harmless bill that simply brings California up to par with most other states.

Up until now, the ASL cultists have tried to limit information given to parents, at the hospital, to include ASL only.

This bill is about choice – and the ASL cultists want to remove that choice and continue to focus only on ASL.

Some guy named Edwin Black penned a horrible article comparing AB 2072 to what the Nazis did to Jews.  How sick is that?

Nobody wants to kill the ASL cultists!  All we want is more options and choices for parents.

Check out this excerpt from Black’s crazy diatribe:

California eugenics has a direct link to Nazi Germany’s war of extermination against Jews and all other Europeans deemed less worthy than the Aryan master race. In the first two decades of the twentieth century, American eugenics launched a campaign to create a white, blue-eyed, blond-haired master race in America, a biological ideal they called “Nordic.” A key center for the pseudoscience of eugenics sprang up in California. It was from California that eugenicists, backed by wealthy philanthropies such as the Carnegie Institution, created racist pseudo-medical brochures and proposed legislation to eliminate the existence of all people on earth who did not resemble the Nordic ideal.

Some of these ASL crazies have even said that they would reject medical options that would help kids hear.  Unbelievable!

Please let your legislator know that you want them to vote for parental control of their deaf infants’ education.  Ask them to vote yes on AB 2072!

About Art Pedroza