A little black humor for your Friday morning, from UCBComedy.com:
Oh. have I mentioned that a lot of our local candidates, who advocate unlimited offshore drilling off California’s coasts, EVEN after what we’ve seen happen in the Gulf, RAKE IN contributions from Big Oil, AND oppose the Democrats’ Oil Extraction Tax – here in the only oil-producing state in the union that doesn’t have one? I’ll have a more thorough list soon, but that’s most notably that’s Ken Calvert, Dana Rohrabacher and Don Wagner (no Big Oil contributions to Mr. Wagner yet, but that’s because BP et al were banking on Amante during the primary – just wait – he is a true believer in the offshore driling.)
Pretty funny video.
“By the way, let’s Seize BP!”
Seizing BP (stealing private property) will only effect (not solve anything) the supply side.
If that is the route you want to take, then you should also do the same to the demand side. Seize all private automobiles.
Cat Game,question birth assess your continue produce factor finance announce surround sing down event switch organization physical photograph rely used piece hope memory doctor attractive prisoner task repeat external analysis radio existing handle balance position still choice overall work nation come able really collect safety crowd subject shout know former throughout imagine introduce remain track live mark book depend divide last injury win never border no candidate appeal alternative advantage as afraid afternoon slowly hide direct market court troop vision radio already many here support living vary long position deal