Tomorrow you will know if your electoral politics will be bought and sold like a cut up salmon at a fish market.
In the 4th District Supervisor race in the past several months we’ve seen it all: two candidates – Galloway and Sidhu who both conjured up several addresses in order to favor us with their candidacy. One, the arrested adolescent Galloway, wanted so much to be the union stooge; yet it was the ignorant, incomprehensible, buffoonish Sidhu who grabbed the union brass ring.
Lorri Galloway seems to think she has Jesus Christ on her side. Well, okay; but Sidhu’s union pals spent almost $1.5 million to beat a solid candidate, Shawn Nelson, who actually lives in our district. Galloway has not yet submitted campaign contributions from the Almighty.
What will happen? I really believe that the voters will see through the phony crap laddled out by Hide and Seek Sidhu and his self-seeking tools, some of whom have trolled this blog.
Sadly, though you guys like to tar Lorrie and Harry with the union brush, the only candidate true enough to unions to use union-bug literature is good old Rose Espinoza.