Now that the Santa Ana Planning Commission has voted, by a margine of 3-2, to approve the changes requested in the developer agreement for the One Broadway Plaza development, by developer Mike Harrah, what is the Santa Ana City Council going to do?
Here is how the Planning Commission voted. Thanks to our reader Rob Cook for providing this information!
Frank Acosta………………………ward 5……………no
Patrick Yrarrazaval……………..ward 2…………….no
Mario Turner……………………. ward 4…………….yes
Michael Walters……………….. ward 6…………….yes
James Gartner…………………. ward 3…………….yes
Victoria Betancourt……….. Mayor rep…………absent
Eric Alderete………………… …ward 1…………. absent
The vote was quite interesting. The Commissioners who represent Council Members Michele Martinez and Claudia Alvarez, voted no.
Martinez actually worked on Measure A, which asked the voters to approve this development. And Alvarez has received significant campaign contributions, over the years, from Harrah.
Click here to read the rest of this post.
I love this Council photo. What you can’t tell at first glance is that the tallest councilmember, David Benavides is only 5 feet 5 1/2 inches tall! Now that you know that, take another look at the photo and try to guess the size of the others. Let’s just say that at least two of them can’t ride the Autopia cars at Disneyland without an adult driver!