Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s latest newsletter has this to say about the County’s budget woes:
While the economic climate is still somewhat bleak, we as a Board have continued to be proactive and strategic in dealing with the continued economic downturn and its effects on the County. We have made difficult but cohesive decisions to protect the financial integrity of the County and we make these decisions mindful of the impacts on the residents of Orange County. We are fully committed to the continued safety and welfare of our citizens. Our goal is to insure Orange County remains a premier County in California.
Recently the Supervisors have talked about de-funding the O.C. Human Rights Commission and the O.C. Grand Jury. With that in mind, isn’t it time for Nguyen to closer her satellite office in Westminster?
I checked on Google Maps. Nguyen’s satellite office is less than eight miles away from the Orange County Hall of Administration. See the map above. It is pretty much a straight shot from the satellite office to the County Hall.
While we are on this topic, isn’t it time for O.C. Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly to close his satellite office in Fullerton? It is obvious that he opened it only to market himself to the voters, as he was initially a candidate for the 4th Supervisorial District. Well, he dropped out of that race, got reelected and it is pretty obvious that he intends to run for Bill Campbell’s 3rd Supervisorial District in 2012. So why not end the charade and close his unecessary Fullerton office too?
I checked on Google maps and Daly’s office is less than 12 miles from the County Hall. It is a straight shot down the 57 Fwy.
We elect our County officials so they can make good decisions. I would hope that they would not waste our money, but they do. Now with our ongoing budget crisis, Nguyen and Daly have an opportunity to do the right thing. Will they? Or will they put politics ahead of appropriate fiscal governance?
Tom Daly doesn’t understand the right thing. He is a big spender and is wasting taxpayers money by hiring his friends and giving out bogus contracts. We need to audit this idiot and get rid of him once and for all.
This office is a waste of money. I have been there and have only seen 1 or 2 customers!
I know it is a waste of money. I worked there for a few weeks and saw what a waste of money it was. The number of customers is so low that they came up with creative ways to count customers. I was told to count a pregnant woman as two customers. I was told to count people who walk in by accident as customers. I was told to count the mailman as a customer. I was told to count the guest of people getting married as customers. If you really want to know how many customers use the office go by the number of transaction finalization numbers. The number of paying customers should be the only number that matters. By the 100,000 figure claimed in a recent press release by the department, the south county office services about 5000 customers per month. At $7500/month lease, that means that it cost the department $.67 per customer. That is high number. A normal business would be broke by now but not Tom Daly. He can waste all the money he wants because it’s not his money. What a shitty business man.