Martin Wisckol shills for the Liberal OC yet again


Wisckol’s latest journalistic gem was a lame article about the controversy stirred up between GOP candidates Jerry Amante and Steven Choi, in their campaign for the GOP nomination in the 70th Assembly District.

The joke that is Martin Wisckol hacked up a storm today over at his lame “Total Buzz” blog. Once again it was just an excuse for him to shill for his pals at Red County and the Liberal OC. Bad enough that he actually put up free ads touting their blogs, quite awhile ago, but he never misses a chance to parrot what they have to say – even when it is total nonsense.

Wisckol’s latest post is nothing more than an excuse to regurgitate the Liberal OC frivolous lawsuit against me – while also linking to their post about the Amante scandal, and a post by Red County.  You will not however find links to my posts about any of this, which figures.

We even broke a new story today – after scouring Amante’s campaign finance reports we discovered that disgraced former Assemblyman Mike Duvall gave $6,000 to Amante.  And BP, the oil giant that is polluting the Gulf Coast, also gave Amante a check, as did Debra Daly, the wife of Democrat Tom Daly.  And of course Wisckol ignored all of that, just as he ignored the research our friend Tony Bushala did, discovering rampant waste at Daly’s office, and outing Red County blogger Matt Cunningham for taking thousands of dollars from the Prop. 10 commission.  Wisckol also came up lame when we found out that Supervisor Janet Nguyen was hiring untrained, unecessary friends of hers to work in Norby’s vacant 4th District office.

I have had enough of this.  I am asking our readers to please contact Wisckol’s bosses and complain about the non-stop shilling he is doing for Liberal OC and Red County.  Here is their contact info:

Terry Horne, President & Publisher • (714) 796-7740
Ken Brusic, Editor • (714) 796-2226

And here is Martin Wisckol’s info: 714-285-2867.  Cell #: 714-932-1648.

I could not find the Register’s Ombudsman info on their website.  If they still have one, it is rather lame that his contact info is buried.  My guess is that they fired him awhile ago while trying to get out of bankruptcy.

For Wisckol to treat the Liberal OC bloggers like credible news sources is simply incredible.  They have stalked me, my colleague Sean Mill, and several candidates, including Hugh Nguyen and Shawn Nelson.  Their lawsuit against me is complete B.S. 

It is time to call Wisckol on the mat.  May I suggest that you also cancel your subscription to the Register?  We still receive their Sunday paper, because my wife likes it, but we canceled our weekly subcription awhile ago, due to Wisckol’s hackery.

About Art Pedroza