In addition to the traditional General Election races that range from local School Board and City Councils to State and Congressional races, we have several Ballot Measures that have qualified for an up or down vote by the electorate this November 2nd. This is part one coverage of the upcoming ballot measures with a brief overview.
“On October 10, 1911, by way of a special election called by Governor Hiram Johnson, the initiative process was established in California.” Prior to that date “citizens in California only voted on measures and acts that were placed on the ballot by the legislature. The approval of the initiative process in 1911 provided two methods by which a citizen could place a measure on the ballot.
The first method, the direct initiative process, allows a citizen the option to bypass the Legislature and go straight to the public in an effort to place an issue of interest on the ballot for voter approval or rejection. The process adopted in 1911 which is still in use today, requires the proponent to obtain an official title and summary of the proposed initiative from the Attorney General.” The second method, “the indirect initiative process, was revoked due to its lack of use.”
There are pundits, elected officials and some voters who oppose the concept of ballot box initiatives. However, this is one legal remedy in our state in which the voters can hold our elected officials feet to the fire. Many are not aware of the time effort and cost associated with qualifying these statewide measures. The following text is from Ballotpedia.
“To qualify for the ballot, proposed initiated state statutes need 433,971 signatures and proposed initiated constitutional amendments need 694,354 signatures. The signature collection cost of the two initiatives that qualified for the June 8 ballot averaged $2.2 million per initiative. If this signature-collection cost holds true for the November hopefuls, and if 10 initiatives end up qualifying, the signature collection costs alone would exceed $20 million.”
The above clearly confirms that unless you have deep pockets the task to even qualify these statewide measures, not just promoting them, is huge. Even after you get over that initial hurdle you still have the challenge on winning the hearts and minds of the CA electorate.
I like the following reference to the Beatles song “Can’t Buy Me Love” in reference to “PG&E President and CEO Peter Darbee, whose company spent $46.4 million on the unsuccessful Proposition 16; and Mercury Insurance Group President and CEO Gabriel Tirador, whose company spent $15.9 million on the unsuccessful Proposition 17.”
Those were two Primary ballot Measures in which I recommended a NO vote while the Register promoted a YES vote. At times I do get it right.
Of the ballot measures getting the most attention this November is the “California Jobs Initiative” a proposal to suspend AB-32, the climate change mandate, until our state unemployment drops below 5.5% for four consecutive quarters.
Reading from the Text and Title application of 09-0104 it reads in part that :
“At the time AB 32 was signed, the unemployment rate in California was 4.8%. California’s unemployment rate has since skyrocketed to more than 12%.
Numerous economic studies predict that complying with AB 32 will cost Californians billions of dollars with massive increases in the price of gasoline, electricity, food and water, further punishing California consumers and households.
California businesses cannot drive our economic recovery and create the jobs we need when faced with billions of dollars in new regulations and added costs and,
California families being hit with job losses, pay cuts and furloughs cannot afford to pay the increased prices that will be passed onto them as a result of this legislation right now.”
Part 2 of my report will address legalizing marijuana, Sacramento taking of local funds to cover their budget shortfall and the $11.1 billion Bond to upgrade California’s water system.
Will you vote YES to suspend AB-32?
If not, why not!
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