Orange County Human Relations Commission in Jeopardy!

I just received this update on the current status on an important institution on Orange County that has helped the community here live together a little more peaceably throughout the decades. Read the following message about the would-be fate of the OC Human Relations Commission:

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The Orange County Human Relations Commission may be eliminated tomorrow (6/15)! This is your last chance to show your support for the Commission to the Board of Supervisors.

The Supervisors have the difficult job of making cuts to the budget this week and they need to hear from OC residents! The OC Human Relations Commission is here thanks to the support of the Supervisors and if we are to continue to have this support we need to let them know that the community supports our budget and values human relations in OC.

The Orange County Board of Supervisors created OC Human Relations in 1971 to foster mutual understanding among residents and eliminate prejudice, intolerance and discrimination in order to make Orange County a better place to live, work and do business. For the past 39 years, we have worked with law enforcement, cities, businesses, schools, courts, community organizations and residents to Develop Diverse Leaders, Build Understanding and Respect, Create Safe and Inclusive Communities and Mediate Conflicts.

Did you know?

o We provide the only Police Community Reconciliation Program in the county.

o Our BRIDGES Program touched 49,000 Orange County students last year.

o We serve over 3,600 residents each year through our free mediation services.

o We take a stand against hate and intolerance in your communities and educate others to do the same.

Please join us in the urgent call to action:

Tomorrow the Orange County Board of Supervisors will be making a landmark decision on the OC Human Relations budget which could potentially eliminate the agency. We need you to contact your supervisor and write a letter of support for OC Human Relations Commission. Now would be a great time to thank the members of the Board of Supervisors for their support of OC Human Relations Commission and ask for their continued support this budget year. You can contact them directly or you can come to the hearing tomorrow.

The decision will most likely be made tomorrow afternoon, June 15, 2010. Please attend the meeting to speak and show your support if you can. Please call my colleague Rafa Solorzano to get details about the hearing at 714-390-0814. Click on the link below for directions:,%20First%20District/Contact

To watch the meeting or voice your comments online go to:

I shudder to think what county life would be like without the OCHR. To see what county life was like before its creation, readers can take a second look at the cover story OC Weekly Staff Writer Gustavo Arellano and I did last September. In these current times when economic hardships have already brought tensions and resentments among differing classes of peoples to the surface, the future will be much more caustic without its existence!

About Gabriel San Roman