Prop 15 Freeway Blogging

If you slogged through this early Monday morning’s traffic on the 405, you probably saw some of our Freeway Blogging Banners for Proposition 15 – this time we centered them in Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa, where the traffic seems heaviest on Monday mornings.

Freeway Blogging is Asymmetric Warfare.

The forces arrayed to prevent this essential reform have unlimited resources. The lobbyists’ union, known as the IGA, has dumped tens of thousands on consultants Schubert Flint, pollsters Probolsky & Associates (sounds like a Red-Faced County gravy train huh?) and you can see all the sleazy slate mailers they paid to be on here – $1000 each – including that so-called “Democratic” one we blew out of the water on Saturday.

All the grass-roots forces of goodness and light have is our own time, energy, and:

  • $60 for a 1000-foot roll of butcher paper from Garden Grove’s “USA Toys” (will last for a year of Freeway Blogging!)
  • a slide projector so we can trace nice letters
  • a few cans of paint and brushes
  • a couple rolls of transparent packing tape for re-inforcing the fragile paper
  • a hole-puncher and a big jar of plastic ties for attaching to all the chain link fences on the bridges of this freeway-spangled county.

This is what democracy looks like...

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.