Tired of every time you turn around some politician is pushing forward a new law in Sacramento to further limit our freedoms? We now have car seat laws, helmet laws that some want to expand to activities like skiing, sign waiving laws, and even a law that prohibits ranchers from removing the tails from cattle.
Now comes Assembly Bill 1934 authored by Assemblywoman Lori Saldaña, a Democrat from San Diego. According to a story in the San Francisco Chronicle her bill would ban the open carrying of guns in public. (“Assembly bans openly carrying gun in public”, June 2). That’s right, while some States are moving to allow the carrying of loaded firearms in public as an expression of freedom and in a belief it is a crime deterrent our Assembly, including Ms. Saldaña, want to criminalize the carrying of even an unloaded firearm in California.
Of course any legislation dealing with firearms is controversial, but beyond that just how much of our lives do we really need Sacramento telling us what we can and cannot do, what we must wear and not wear, etc.?
We have read that middle-class folks and employers are leaving California for places like Nevada and Colorado Springs, Colorado and Texas (where the economy is strong) taking their job and families with them. The motivation for such movement is not all economics; it is also to escape an over-regulated, over-legislated society that seems to be sinking. Bills like AB 1934 are yet another reason that freedom-loving folks are looking to relocate out of state, taking their jobs and money with them.
What is with it in California? Since they closed down the mental wards the place left for the sick crazies is the state legislature?
A bill to ban the 2nd amendment to the US constitution. (Assembly Bill 1934 authored by Assemblywoman Lori Saldaña)
What is next with these idiots? Banning the US Constitution? Leaving the union and joining the closest nation that bans individual rights of gun ownership?
It is high time to return the California state legislature to a part time status with a very small stipend.
I’m all for this regulation, and the more control over yahoos who want to carry loaded guns around like the old West the better. They are welcome to leave, take their families, and move to some red state hell where they’ll beg for Federal subsidies. Good riddance.
I’m with rapscalion…and the NRA folks conveniently choose to ignore the fact that it’s 2010, and greater numbers of idiots are choosing to act out violently, and usually with a gun.
The freedom to carry a loaded gun…it’s all about fear of change. And paranoia that the government is “out to get us”.
More people are kill with cars every year. So would you 2 be for a total ban on the private auto too?
People don’t kill willfully with cars. They do, however, with guns.
But thanks for that ridiculous analogy.
Let me clarify that…people don’t “generally” kill willfully with cars.
“More people are kill with cars every year”
Sure, more people are killed by cars because people are not allowed to carry loaded guns. Let people freely carry loaded weapons and soon the number of people kills by guns will catch up to cars.
Do you nut-jobs believe the police force should be disarmed too? What about the army?
Even tho not everyone owns a gun, I would bet there is almost as many guns in Orange County as there are automobiles. And even with all those guns, gun related deaths do not come to a faction of the death tolls that the all mighty auto has bestowed upon society.
You know that old saying, “Guns don’t kill people, automobiles kill people”
Police are trained in law enforcement and confronting violent criminals. The ordinary citizen is not. Again, a ridiculous analogy on your part.
You bet that there is almost as many guns in OC as there are cars? What is your basis for that bit of speculation. I actually can’t name a single friend of mine who owns a gun. They do, however, own cars.
And when a person kills with a gun, they get thrown in jail. When a person inadvertently kills with a car, it’s called an accident. See the difference? Ever heard of the word “deterrent”?
Really dude, where do you get these weird notions from?
I’d bet that the gun toters are trying to make up for certain shortcomings. Nothing like a gun on the hip to feel all manly.
“And when a person kills with a gun, they get thrown in jail. When a person inadvertently kills with a car, it’s called an accident. See the difference? Ever heard of the word “deterrent”?”
I know the word “deterent” and I know what it means too.
You and the other poster with phalanx envy obviously does not.
Private ownership of weapons (guns) by the citizens is a “DETERRENT” from a government gone bad.
Killing people with cars is not.
A government gone bad? What on earth are you talking about? Off your meds?
Why is it in places that ban guns, the crime rate goes up? Why is it gun-free zones are the places suicidal shooters target? Do you really think drive-by shootings would happen at an NRA convention or gun club? Using this logic, wouldn’t murderers or robbers choose not to rob places that have a tendency of having armed citizens?
“ignore the fact that it’s 2010, and greater numbers of idiots are choosing to act out violently, and usually with a gun.”
Right there is a flat out lie… The VIOLENT crime rate in the United States down for the third year in a row despite a recession and its not just slowly going down, it’s steeper than the years before. My source? Your own news network MSNBC.
Why is it that the gun control advocate’s “baby”, Chicago, is a place that no matter how many gun-control laws and ordinances that the Brady Campaign helps enact, the crime rate never goes down? Maybe they should rethink there position since they are helping the crime rate flourish upward.
Why is it places like Florida, Michigan, and countless others that enact and allow CCW permits have their crime rate drop at a faster rate than the National Average?
Sorry about the double post, after I typed and submitted my post it disappeared, so I ended up thinking I lost my data. After that, thinking it wouldn’t show up, I retyped everything the best I could.
Why is it that you don;t cite any facts? Why is it that you have the absurd claim that more guns results in less crime? Why don’t you look to the fact that the crime drop is probaly more related to safe and legal access to abortions?
Anonymous, are you brain damaged? The true experts at leaving out facts are liberals, they only speak accusation.
Every county and state that has promoted shall issue CCW laws and unrestricted open carry has seen a direct and instant decrease in crime. Abortion? What the xxxx are you talking about?