Santa Ana candidates scramble to raise more money as deadline looms today


This Wednesday, June 30, marks the end of the first campaign finance reporting period, which means that local candidates are scrambling to raise more money in advance of the deadline, so their first campaign finance report will look decent.

Many of the incumbents in town lack opponents.  Councilman David Benavides is unchallenged, as is Councilwoman Michele Martinez. 

Alfredo Amezcua

Mayor Miguel Pulido is opposed by local attorney Alfredo Amezcua.  And Councilman Sal Tinajero is opposed by a man he once appointed to a City Commission, Thomas Gordon, who resides part-time in Denver, Colorado, as well.  Gordon is actively involved in opposing graffiti in both Santa Ana and Denver.

The hottest race figures to be the Mayor’s race.  I doubt that Gordon will be able to raise much money, but Amezuca can and will, and he figures to self-fund as well.

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About Art Pedroza