Tea Party favorite Marco Rubio to speak at the OC GOP Flag Day dinner on June 14

A couple years ago, back when Florida Governor Charlie Crist was thought to be a candidate to run for V.P. on the McCain ticket, the Republican Party of Orange County brought him here to speak at the Flag Day dinner.  It was an unmitigated disaster.

Crist praised pathetic Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and he was booed for doing so.

Crist is now an independent and the Republican he is running against for an open U.S. Senate seat is Marco Rubio, a Tea Party favorite.  And sure enough Rubio is coming here to speak at this year’s OC GOP Flag Day Dinner, on June 14, at 6 pm at the Hyatt Regency in Irvine.

You can RSVP by calling 714-453-0900.  Or send an email to ocyrlauryn@gmail.com.  Be prepared to pay $250 per ticket.  Ouch!

Ironically most pundits now think that Rubio will lose as Crist gobbles up the moderate voters.  But he will surely get quite a thunderous applause from the same folks who tried to elect Linda Ackerman and Jerry Amante.  Mostly fake conservatives, IMHO…

About Art Pedroza