Democrats for the first time are acknowledging that Republicans could retake the Senate this November if everything falls into place for the GOP, less than two years after Democrats held a daunting 60-seat majority, according to the Wall St. Journal.
The emergence of competitive Republican candidates in Wisconsin, Washington and California—Democratic-leaning states where polls now show tight races—bring the number of seats that Republicans could seize from the Democrats to 11.
Losing the House also appears to be a forgone conclusion. 2011 is going to be a very tough year for President Obama.
Here in California, Senator Barbara Boxer has a ton of money – far more than her GOP opponent, Carly Fiorina. But will that matter in November if disillusioned Democrats stay home and don’t vote? It could be an interesting general election…
All the money in the world isn’t going to help Barbara “Dumb-as-a-Box-of-Rocks” Boxer.
From the Daily Kos;
Democrats Surge in Generic Congressional Ballot
Mon Jul 19, 2010
Getting things done matters, including electorally. A just-released Gallup poll now gives Democrats a 6-point lead among registered voters in the generic Congressional ballot. With Wall Street reform awaiting the signature of the President, the American people are beginning to pay attention, and they are starting to realize that this election is a choice: A choice between a party that wants to move forward and make progress – however imperfectly – and a party that has made a political decision to obstruct everything.
The Democrats’ six-point advantage in Gallup Daily interviewing from July 12-18 represents the first statistically significant lead for that party’s candidates since Gallup began weekly tracking of this measure in March. [MOE +/- 3 percentage points. Copyright © 2010 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.]
What we need, though, anonster, is to turn those registered voters into likely voters.
Still Art’s article is pretty exaggerated: Us losing the House is far from “a foregone conclusion.” And our losing the Senate is very unlikely, hinging on:
Blumenthal losing to that Wrestling Lady in CT;
Harry Reid losing to Sharron Obtuse Angle;
BBox losing to Failorina;
Rubio losing to Crist, whom I’m counting as one of ours;
I am not saying I want that to happen but it sure might.