Hispanics Targets of Incitement and Violence

Report by the Anti Defamation League is as current now as it was in 2006

ADL’s motto –

“To Stop the defamation of the Jewish people . . .to secure justice and fair treatment to all”

According to the Jewish Anti Defamation League (ADL):

“While white supremacists have for many years attempted to exploit rising anti-immigration sentiments in the U.S., the level and intensity of their attacks against Hispanics has reached dangerous new highs, with right-wing extremists joining anti-immigration groups, distributing anti-immigrant propaganda and holding frequent anti-immigration rallies and protests.

As a result, Hispanics, regardless of their citizenship or immigration status, increasingly are becoming the targets of hatred and violence from hardcore white supremacists.”


To see ADL’s full report, PLEASE CLICK HERE.


Inciting violence or hate against any groups is unacceptable, and Un-American.

Francisco J. Barragan

About Francisco Barragan