A new Field poll shows Jerry Brown leading Meg Whitman 44 percent to 43 percent, a statistically insignificant difference, according to the Sacramento Bee.
Of particular interest is the fact that Brown leads Whitman amonsgt Latino voters by only 11%. That is amazing given Whitman’s Latino bashing during the primary.
And Whitman leads Brown amongst younger voters, ages 18-39, by a margin of 45-42. Are younger voters turned off by Brown’s age? He looks a lot like “Mr. Burns,” from the Simpsons cartoon.
“Brown’s strength comes from those 50 and older, who are the ones old enough to remember his last turn in office, which happened to coincide with a time when California seemed to suck a lot less. If Brown can solidify his standing with young and Latino voters, he should be in more solid shape for November,” according to the Swing State Project.
But what if younger voters vote in large numbers due to Prop. 19, the measure that will legalize cannabis and tax sales of it? Will Brown or Whitman actually come out for this measure? You would think that Brown would. I cannot see Whitman doing so. This entire election may hinge on marijuana!
Brown hasn’t even started his campaign yet. Whitman has spent almost 100 million on non-stop advertising. Why isn’t she doing better? That’s the real issue.
Jerry Brown has been our AG for over three years. Until throwing his hat into the arena for governor I never heard from him. Now I receive daily emails of his performing his job. How considerate.
My point is that he is taking advantage of his post to get free face time which might explain the difference in campaign expenditures.
As former mayor of Oakland I would be curious to hear his opinion of that Oakland shooting and trial outcome.