Local OC candidates start pulling their papers for November’s general election

Costa Mesa Councilwoman Katrina Foley is running for the Newport Mesa School Board

Orange County candidates for local elected offices began announcing their campaigns yesterday on Facebook, as they pulled their campaign papers.

  • Costa Mesa Councilwoman Katrina Foley announced that she is running for the Newport Mesa Unified School District Trustee Area 2.  She immediately becomes a favorite to win this race.
  • Dan Kalmick announced that he has pulled papers to run for the Huntington Beach City Council.  Kalmick ran for Congress back in 2008, if I recall correctly, against Dana Rohrabacher.
  • Jeff Lalloway announced that he was the first person to pull papers to run for the Irvine City Council.  Lalloway is allied with Irvine Councilman Steven Choi.  That is great news!  Together they can keep on fighting the corrupt Agranista machine.

Do you know of any other candidates that pulled papers?  Please let us know by commenting on this post.  Thanks!

About Art Pedroza