Melissa: Beach Closed, Proceed at Your Own Risk

Hot off the press from Melissa Fox, Assembly candidate, 70th AD:

Beach Closed: Proceed at Your Own Risk

We’ve all seen the devastation in the Gulf of Mexico caused by the offshore oil spill.

We’ve seen the sea birds drenched in oil, fisherman out of work, beaches contaminated, a way of life destroyed.

For me, the devastation in the Gulf of Mexico is personal.

I have many friends who live around the Gulf.

I’m heartbroken about what this oil spill has done to their lives and their communities.

We cannot allow this catastrophe to happen to us in California.

My opponent, Donald Wagner, vehemently disagrees.

When asked by the Orange County Register how he would deal with our state’s budget crisis, his number one answer was “opening up off shore oil fields to drilling.”

I strongly oppose the expansion of offshore oil drilling in California, and I need your help to make sure that our community does not cast a vote to drill off our coast.

As a coastal community, we cannot allow the ecological devastation in the Gulf of Mexico to happen here or anywhere in California.

Nor can we risk the catastrophic economic consequences of an offshore oil spill. Tens of thousands of people are employed and billions of dollars are invested in local businesses that depend on our beautiful beaches and coastline.

Our way of life, quite literally, could be destroyed.

In fact, the danger of disaster is even greater here than in the Gulf of Mexico. The BP rig was 50 miles from the coast, but our oil rigs are much closer to shore – in the range of three to 12 miles.  The impact on our coast and beaches of an offshore spill would be catastrophic and nearly immediate.

We cannot allow our district to be represented in Sacramento by someone who would risk our way of life to drill for oil off our coast.

Donald Wagner is counting on the big oil companies to support his campaign.

I’m counting on you.

Please contribute whatever you can now to make sure that an offshore oil spill disaster never destroys our beaches and coastline.

And please tell your family and friends that you support the candidate who will fight for our community, not the big oil companies.


July 28, 2010

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.