Sunset Beach…Fight On!

Using Thunder Sticks to distract free throw shooters at basketball games is allowed.  The concept is for people to take away the concentration of the opposing teams free throw shooter.   The County of Orange is using the Local Area Formation CO for such a purpose!  Sunset Beach is the current target, and regardless of their independent history and strong will, the game is on!

Here in Orange County is one special place along the border of LA County…..called Sunset Beach.  It doesn’t even deliver the mail.  They all have to go to their local Post Office box to pick up their mail.  You might remember Sunset Beach because of the Water Tower House, or Turk’s the Bar, the Sunset Liquor Store (which was highlighted in an early Paul Newman movie – “Sweet Bird of Youth”), or maybe the famous Windjammer Bar that went out of businss 30 years ago.  How about Captain Jack’s Steakhouse?  Hey, they even have houses that border on Huntington Harbor!  The main thing to remember is that Sunset Beach is a very unique community – that can’t be pushed around very easily.   They even have “Woody’s”, a throw-back 50’s roadside diner!

Well, a couple of years ago, in a effort to rid the county of these dispirtited entities like Leisure World and Sunset Beach, they jumped on the LAFCO hard hammer concept.  You know, if those “independent souls” refused to do what you wanted – just force them!   In the Sunset Beach case – LAFCO wants Huntington Beach to take them over!  Make them mainstream…..but amalgamized into the bigger city.

So, who are the players that are doing the counties bidding?:

Orange County LAFCO Commissioners
Commissioner LAFCO Seat Appointing Authority
City Member, Chair
City Selection Committee
Alternate Public Member
Orange County Board of Supervisors
City Member
City Selection Committee
County Member
Orange County Board of Supervisors
Alternate City Member
OC LAFCO Commissioners
Alternate Public Member
OC LAFCO Commissioners
County Member, Vice-Chair
Orange County Board of Supervisors
Special District Member
Independent Special District
Selection Committee
Alternate Special District
Independent Special District
Selection Committee
Public Member
OC LAFCO Commissioners
Special District Member
Independent Special District
Selection Committee

Do we need to say anymore?  Fight On Sunset Beach, keep you own identify, create your own little town!  If you need to contract services to the county…then do so.  If not, tell them to skip a rope!  We think that the County of Orange and their lap dog LAFCO –  needs to back off!

Debbie Cook and Todd Spitzer seem to think that Huntington should take over Sunset Beach!  Todd even thinks that Huntington should Annex Sunset whether they like it or not!  He even said so, on Inside OC.

Todd and Debbie, unless you live in Sunset Beach…it might be a much better thing to let the people of Sunset Beach decide whether they want to be Oilers or Surfers!

You see, Sunset Beach thinks it can create its very own city, hire two people and contract out all the necessary services.  Whew, creative as you can possibly imagine!  Think the powers that be want that concept to proprigate?  Most likely not!  Well, we support you Sunset Beach!

Fight On Sunset Beach!  Fight On!  Call Joe Dunn..he might help!


About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.