Naui Huitzilopochtli is famous today for his video showing Lupe Moreno and her Minutemen taking over this year’s Independence Day event. But my favorite Naui video is the one after the flip.
In that video, which was shot in May of 2007, Naui showed up at a Minuteman protest at the Mexican Consulate’s office in downtown Santa Ana. And then fate intervened.
Click here to see the video and to read the rest of this post.
yes we now see the future of santa ana . i see no changes .
Why were the kids yelling Mexico? I don’t understand. Is this the El Sol school where Claudio sends his kids? He claims it’s an award winning school although Correa and Pulido pulled their kids out of it and Solorio never even considered it for his bambinos. Must not be that great but they do a very nice Mexico yell. Next time why don’t you toss 30 Vuvuzelas over the wall and help them to really express themselves.
Come to think of it, there is no law against Vuvuzelas. Next time the Minutemen/Tea Party folks are out protesting why don’t we greet them with a nice Vuvuzela orchestra.
they are yelling mexico , mexico i wonder if english or u.s history is being taught there . coming from chipolti .tapatillo what ever his name is and el zorro we know where their loyalty lies .
Kids can generally spot mean-spirited people and the unfairness of it.
This is an assumption on my part: I think the kids may have been yelling “Mexico – Mexico” because the majority of them may be Mexican-American (a BI-Cultural IDENTITY), and so they may have perceived the protest as an attack against their Mexican side of their culture.
Kids are generally also turned-off by hate:
Perhaps this should be instructive to hate groups out there that their hate ideology comes out loud and clear even when seen through the eyes and innocence of children.
The louder and more visible that extremist or hate ideologies get, the more the potential for turning-off the rest of America, as hate and extremism are not American values.
True. Look what happened to Bill Hunt in the primary!
This was a bad scene, not just because some adults like to protests in front of the consulate’s office in their free time. BUT BECAUSE an employee of the school “lost it” and egged school children under (his/her) control to shout slogans from atop of the play ground equipment. (as you can see on the video)
That person put those school children in DANGER. (I think the person was fired “for cause“)
This is NOT, the El Sol school that ranks top in the state and in Santa Ana. This school happens to rank at the bottom. (Chartered by the state, into the SAUSD) (SAUSD & OCDE both denied the charter before the state approved it)
(1) Adults exercising their “Rights” to assembly and protest.
(2) School children being used as pawns.
@ Cook:
1) How do you know an employee of the school is involved and “lost it”?
2) How do you know an employee of the school “egged the children on”?
3) How were the children put in DANGER, by shouting two words? And how is this different than shouting anything else at a playground?
4) How do you know the person was fired?
5) And how do you know if this was “for cause”?
If these are unproven assumptions on your part, then you might be attempting to trivialize the fact that the children were also reacting to the mean-spirit and hate that they saw across the street.
I was there, just to the north and not on the video, as a passive observer. (1 & 2)
Anyone who uses school children as “human shields” puts the children in “danger” (3) (My opinion on what I observed)
I am “assuming” because complaints were filed with the school. (4 & 5)
(Student safety is #1)
@ CooK
with respect to 1 & 2, you said you were there.
Okay. So,
1) what did you hear from this “employee” to cause you to believe that they lost it?
2) What did you hear to cause you to believe that they “egged” the children on?
ON #3 It seems that you are making a statement that goes beyond the situation. How were the children used as “human shields”?
so for #4 & #5, can we conclude that your assumptions may also possibly be False Assumptions, as you have no proof of their truth?
punk is an apt description
cook could not agree with you more . do you really think these kids did this on their own . and their test results being at the bottom shows what a great job they are doing .
Shit, Naui beat me to that event by a year? He musta been 14. Exactly a year later I wrote my “Penderjerias de MayDay.”
So Cook, how were these kids endangered? Are you assuming that Coe & co. are packing and postal? This is a great video, I gotta share it over here too……….
It is self evident.
These are Santa Ana and other cities school children. Almost to the child, each being a US born citizen.
The yelling from the top of the equipment, “Mexico” was an attempt to incite the adults across the street.
That is not the act of a school child.
How many posts on the OJ have there been stating over and over again that these protestors are wacko’s on the edge? How many cops were there to keep the peace and protect the innocent? (I counted 8 on foot)
How watch the video again with an open mind and listen to what is said, not only the children but the protestors also. This could have ended very badly.
How if you still have a problem understanding what I am writing, then change the words the children are saying.
Instead of “Mexico”, Mexico”, Mexico”
Insert “Mexicans go home” or
Insert “Jews leave Palestine” or
Insert “your favorite derogatory remark or slur”
No, children chanting the name of the country their parents came from, when their impression (correctly) is that their heritage is under attack, is both darling and unobjectionable. Your counter-examples are totally on another level.
That is just plain whack.
Art and Vern
You were not there to feel or taste the atmosphere. Even the video grafter caught on and crossed the street to the greater story.
The protestors make regular rounds to the Consular’s office. That school across the street does not expose their students to that turmoil anymore.
I think you meant videographer. Whatever the case, I am proud of those children. They stood up, even as little tykes, against the haters. That took guts and initiative.
Ask Bill Hunt how his strategy of hatred against Mexicans worked out for him. It is a losing proposition.
such little darlings !! our future is sunk