$36B per year “Deficit Busting” Tax-Cuts for Millionaires under The Republican Plan

The Bush Tax Cuts will expire at end of 2010.  The justification for passing these tax cuts under Bush Jr. was that they were only needed for ten years.

If they were so good for our Economy and our Deficit . . . how has that turned out?

The plan proposed by the Republicans will bust the Deficit by $36 Billion per year, with the majority of the benefit being one-lopsided for those making greater than $1 million.  Can we afford to increase the Deficit at $36 Billion per year, when the Republicans where fighting to Prevent Unemployed Americans from receiving extended Unemployment Insurance (for which working Americans PAID FOR)?

The Republicans talking points of late have been that Americans are being lazy and are treating unemployment as Welfare, and don’t want to work, and want to live off this “welfare”.

How accurate is this when this amounts on the average to about $450 per week.

See the Video, especially the graphs at the 2:00-3:50 minute mark, which compare the impact of the Democrats vs the Republicans tax cuts.

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About Francisco Barragan