Amezcua gets punked as State Attorney General exonerates the Santa Ana City Council

Censorship?  The State Attorney General doesn’t think so!

Santa Ana Mayoral wannabe Alfredo Amezcua announced on Facebook this week that he had just appointed his photographer and mime, Ruben Alvarez to serve as his Campaign Field Operations Director.  If Alvarez was the one who cooked up Amezcua’s latest fake scandal – accusing the Santa Ana City Council of censorship when they unanimously voted to turn off Albert Castillo’s microphone a couple weeks ago, then perhaps Amezcua should fire Alvarez instead of promoting him.

I say that in the wake of today’s news that the California Attorney General’s Office has found no reason to take legal action against Santa Ana council, according to the O.C. Register.

That’s right – the entire faux scandal was B.S.!

City rules “appropriately” require speakers to limit their comments to matters within the City Council’s jurisdiction, Senior Assistant Attorney General Gary W. Schons wrote this week in response to a formal complaint about the incident.

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About Art Pedroza