Attended the OC Republican Central Committee Meeting last night. Ran into our favorite person Wendy Leece who is running for re-election on the Costa Mesa City Council. Ran into Don Wagner who is shooting for the Assembly, and who we like very much. Saw our good friends Linda and Bruce Whitaker who is running for the two year term, left over from Shawn Nelson…who we have already given money to for his election in Fullerton. Ran into Ed Reno who is running for Newport Beach City Council in District #3 but we like him. Ed is a professional lobbyist for Allegan, but he knows his stuff and is probably the most qualified candidate that has run for City Council in a long while. Can’t believe we are going to vote for a guy from “Big Pharma”! The highlight of course was to see our very dear friend Lucille Kring…who was delegated the job of taking on Lou Correa for his Senate seat – rather than running for Mayor in Anaheim!
Looking around the Central Committee we saw our old pal Tom Fuentes, Jack Wu, Deborah Pauly, Allan Monsoor, Ed Royce Sr., Jack Anderson, Nancy Padberg and Paul Glaab. Oh sure, we saw Tim Whitacre and Todd Spitzer, Jon Fleischman, Adam Problinsky, Anna Bryson and luminary Scott Baugh too. Don’t you just hate name droppers? Where is Van Tran now that we need him?
We won’t mention everyone…..but you get the idea: We have seen these people around for a long time. The issues addressed were interesting: Prop. 14…and the fight against “Open Primary Elections”…making every seat…literally “Non-Partisan”- Baugh vowing to fight and challenge to last man in the Supreme Court on that one! And of course; “the Scott Baugh Axiom of 2010”: No Union money…ever!! No Fire, No Sheriff, No Public Employee Union Money…EVER! That is; if you want a local Republican Endorsement! Tony Beall got Volunteer of the Cycle!
Fast forward to November and what our Nationally disorientated Republican Party is facing. Dick Armey: “Hostile Take-Over by the Tea Party of the Republican Party”. Sarah Palin wanting to take charge of the Tea Party! A plethora of so-called Conservative Republicans that voted for TARP and the Stimulus….and will probably want to bail out Fannie and Freddie for the next 20 years! Meg Whitman…who is not likeable, Carly Fiorina who is not kicking down the Barbara Boxer Dynasty Show. An assortment of various “New Majority Candidates” that claim that they are “Religious and Economic Conservatives” – whatever that means! So, what does this mean again….you about that California Budget and the missing $Billions and $Billions? Will it make any difference who we elect for State office during these End Times?
Folks….Republican Brothers and Sisters – we are in disarray! Do we even have a consensus on the the forthcoming Initiatives? How about Pot? How about the Re-Districting? Or the other seven items?
A Japanese Fire Drill looks more organized. Is it just the appearance of “lack of leadership” …. or are we totally twisting in the wind? We have no National leader! We don’t want Newt, Mitt, Dick, Mike or Sarah! We aren’t sure Marco Rubio is a real deal, any more than Bobby Jindal. These guys are just not ready for prime time….as far as we are concerned. Who are we going to follow? Tough. Don’t know, but we are open! Anyone out there with an idea? Guess we will just have to Google it! Or Answer dot com it! Or Yahoo it? Hey people, we are really confused about this 2010 Election deal.
Guess, we will just stick with those folks we know. Folks that answer our e-mails and those folks that occasionally even stand on the right side (the side we like) of the issues! Those days of shoulder to shoulder, bite the bullet, take the lesser of two evils is over! This election we are only going to vote for people we like! Will that make any difference? Don’t know,…Don’t care! In the meantime, we still detest Michael Bloomberg and still love Rudy Guiliani! Still bummed out that those bankers got bailed out and didn’t have to serve any prison time! Love the fact that the Swiss Banks are giving up their numbered accounts of US Citizens! Too bad the Off-Shore Carribean Banks won’t do the same!
What about Maddox then? He takes union money, he takes it often. And the central committee has come out against his recall election, Tony Beall is the spokeshole for the whole bunch.
They are total hypocrites. Taking public employee pensions, working for the Government and yet railing against it at the same time.
Ron Paul 2012
Ron & Anna: What does “conservative” in regard to politics mean to you?
The meaning of political conservative seems to constantly change over the decades. I had at one time thought that political liberals and conservatives (eliminating the fringes) had the same objectives, justice and equal opportunity for all, but differed in the best way to achieve this. Conservatives promoted a cautious, methodical approach to needed change in order to avoid unintended chaos; liberals urged rapid progress and problems corrected afterwards. In this light I’ve always considered myself a conservative, but I have little idea what these words mean today other than “like Rush, Newt, Palin,”. And what in the heck does “liberal” mean other than “not like Rush, Newt or Palin” or as defined by the radio-right “pot-smoking, free-loaders”
I came to this conclusion a few years ago, Doc:
The only thing “conservatives” are actually interested in CONSERVING is … PRIVILEGE.
*Ron Paul is an extreme Conservative. If elected President….he would have a tough time
filling his cabinet. No Ben Franklin….No Patrick Henry! Being an extreme Conservative
started when the Evil Richard Nixon…took us off the Gold Standard, since Charles DeGaulle
had stolen all our Gold out of Fort Knox. Since that time, George Wallace picked up the mantle of territorial and fiscal conservatism. The concept was to reduce foreign aid, stay out of foreign military involvement unless our essential national interest was being threatened, close down bloated Government Bureaucracies, reduce Social Programs like, Medicare, Food Stamps and Federal Involvement in local Education matters. The concept was to also make
sure that government regulations did not thwart Private Industry from developing new businesses and innovation. Defending the right to keep and bear arms. The concept of also keeping Government separate from Private Industry…..except for essential human services, like: Water, Electricity, Gas, Roads, Fire and Police protection. As you can see……those concepts are now older than dinosaur poop….. like those of us left that remember freedom
and that still promulgate it. Once the Public/Private mantle took sway……there is little or no
balance. Government has no push and pull…..just push! The meaningless distractions
that news organization suggest… “Having a beer on Race!”, “Doubling down on “Is”
or “Is” sex a basis for Presidential conduct?” “Making people worry….that there may be a
“Liberal in their midst!” “Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee……and various assortments
of variations on those themes. Protection for those at Ruby Ridge and Waco and Elian Gonzales….are old day reminders of how our freedoms have been eroded. In exchange for
our essential freedoms….we get “same sex marriage” and “illegal immigrant blanket amnesty”!
Re-Inventing Conservative Theory….will be an important mission for both Republicans and
Democrats in the future. There will be new definitions….and we will be waiting to see what
the luminaries decide is the correct one. Not to worry, Conservatism is still alive…..but it
has a terrible uphill climb ahead…in order to make it back to the days of Reagan!
“Folks….Republican Brothers and Sisters – we are in disarray! Do we even have a consensus on the the forthcoming Initiatives? How about Pot? How about the Re-Districting? Or the other seven items?”
MQ says:
This is a Republican:
Color does not matter character does! Pot is no less harmful than Alcohol – you cannot stop people becoming alcoholics, nor can we stop people from becoming drug addicts “legalize it”. Welfare should only be a last resort for people who are in real need to get back on their feet, not a lifestyle for the underserved and the vulnerable. Working is not a right it is earned! Illegal immigrants should not be receiving preference to be here when legal immigrants are not able to come here without waiting years and paying thousands! Republicans don’t start wars but finish them. Liberals are really annoying but they have the right to speak, even the dull and the ignorant should have their say! Republicans love children and hate the fact that people feel the need to kill them while in the womb – like drug addicts they don’t think the one time might be a problem!
Republicans are usually hard working blue collar people who would rather work digging a trench than take a handout. Republicans don’t want the government telling them what to do, they just want to pay their taxes and be left alone to bring up their families, work hard, build their businesses and love their God and Country!
Honesty, truth and common sense are and should be a republicans hallmark and the love of this country and strict adherence to the founders of this countries vision the foundation on which we stand!
That is a republican and there are not many left!
No….that is a pseudo Conservative….perhaps a neo-conservative….perhaps a member of
the Blue Dog Democrats….with values of the South….perhaps even a member of the Catholic
faith…..that has been the meat and potatoes of the Republican party dialogue since the
1960’s. MQ…yes, you can be a member of our beloved corps……..but check those non
essential values at the door. Bob Dylan would tell you…..”the times they are a changin!”
Pat Buchanan and Bill Bennett Republicans….talk the talk…..but pay homage to the Cardinals
and Bishops….before they speak. They too can be members of our beloved corps. Peggy
Noonan is another “Young Catholic Girl in Trouble” that we admire and respect…..but watch
her every word carefully. Rhetorically, you have to ask: Can there ever be a Big Tent
Republican Party without total dedication by “the essential base”. Not Al-Queda mind you,
but today….those willing to fry Bureaucracy wonks the likes of those in the City of Bell and
those working the halls of Congress for the Global Banks, Insurance and Energy/Chemical Companies. It is a dangerous business….little doubt – and there aren’! many who are still willing – to charge the Bastille left!
You say, “As far as we are concerned, Who are we going to follow? Tough. This election we are only going to vote for people we like! Will that make any difference? Don’t know,…Don’t care!”
My Response:
It is truly a sad state of affairs for any party or individuals to ONLY vote for the people they like, and not necessarily for the one that is the most qualified to serve, and which might be in the best interest of our nation.
Your vote should make a difference, and you should care whether it does or not; otherwise, you are helping vote in someone who could be a disaster at worst, or a CARETAKER at best. But with all of our nation’s ills even a CARETAKER would be bad because this person would be maintaining the status quo…and the status quo doesn’t look that great right now. We need to elect LEADERS that ARE willing to risk losing the next election, because they know that doing so is in the best interest of our nation.
I also ask that you seriously consider the impact or difference that your vote will make, because this is how you honor the service of our fallen, and those currently serving in our military, who have sacrificed for our freedoms . . . I will always respect someone who votes both with their heart and their intellect even if it cancels out my own vote!
@ RAW: you say “Don’t know, but we are open! Anyone out there with an idea?”
My Response:
Look up REUBEN FRANCO (here in Orange County), he is a die-hard conservative Republican, very talented, very likeable, with a great heart!
He says, “our children are 25% of our population, but 100% of our future”…I may not agree completely with his politics just as he may not agree with mine, but I definitely agree with his sentiment, and I respect him highly.
I believe he is the Business Leaders Chairman for the Carly Fiorina for Senate campaign.
I understand you host a radio show…you should interview him.
P.S. If you don’t know him yet, I can put you in touch with him.
Francisco “Paco” Barragan
My opinions only and not those of any group
Santa Ana, CA
francisco barragan – You too can join our beloved corps…..yet you need to grasp what
great challenges await those willing to following “the faith of conservatism”. Even the best
that we chose….are under incredible pressure….by dare we say it: “CASH GATEKEEPERS”
that lock those boxes up tight…the moment….one of the elected refuses to roll over for
their favorite project or pal. Well, we shall all try our best….we agree!
No….that is a pseudo Conservative….perhaps a neo-conservative….perhaps a member of
the Blue Dog Democrats….with values of the South….perhaps even a member of the Catholic
faith…..that has been the meat and potatoes of the Republican party dialogue since the
1960′s. MQ…yes, you can be a member of our beloved corps……..but check those non
essential values at the door.
MQ says:
Which NON-essential values should a check?
The problem is that the republican party is no different from the democrats! The only difference is that the democrats will tell you when they want to rip you off, while the republicans do it be hind your back.
The times are changing, but the values and principles that made this country great should always remain.
The Republican Party of Orange County is a complete joke. They are also a good example to the rest of the republican party in this country not to resemble. Hence the state of this state whether the majority has been republican or democrat.
The times are changing and it is changing for the best. People are being to see what the parties have become in this country…. Corrupt!
FYI: The Catholic Church has become as far left as it gets, and of course it is also going through turmoil….When you erase values and principles to appease a few, then its like removing bricks from a building until it falls!
And quite obvious is the fact that the shinning city on the hill is being to erode!