Dr. Laura Schlessinger has used the “N” word 11 times in 5 minutes during her radio show. Going off on what appears to be a racist rant, according to many who’ve listened to it, with a woman who had called in how to get advice on how to get along with her husband who’s have a different race. Dr. Laura has now issued an apology, according to a CNN blog.
Conservatives often like to repeat the lie that there is no racism. But there is – and the audio of Dr. Laura’s rant is simply disgusting. You can hear it in the embedded video file above. Click here to read her lame apology.
Isn’t it time to toss this hater off the air?
Here is the show’s transcript:
Caller: OK. Last night – good example – we had a neighbor come over, and this neighbor – when every time he comes over, it’s always a black comment. It’s, “Oh, well, how do you black people like doing this?” And, “Do black people really like doing that?” And for a long time, I would ignore it. But last night, I got to the point where it –
Schlessinger: I don’t think that’s racist.
Caller: Well, the stereotype –
Schlessinger: I don’t think that’s racist. No, I think that –
Caller: [unintelligible]
Schlessinger: No, no, no. I think that’s – well, listen, without giving much thought, a lot of blacks voted for Obama simply ’cause he was half-black. Didn’t matter what he was gonna do in office, it was a black thing. You gotta know that. That’s not a surprise. Not everything that somebody says – we had friends over the other day; we got about 35 people here – the guys who were gonna start playing basketball. I was going to go out and play basketball. My bodyguard and my dear friend is a black man. And I said, “White men can’t jump; I want you on my team.” That was racist? That was funny.
Caller: How about the N-word? So, the N-word’s been thrown around –
Schlessinger: Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is n*****, n*****, n*****.
Caller: That isn’t –
Schlessinger: I don’t get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it’s a horrible thing; but when black people say it, it’s affectionate. It’s very confusing. Don’t hang up, I want to talk to you some more. Don’t go away.
I’m Dr. Laura Schlessinger. I’ll be right back.
After taking a commercial break, Schlessinger resumed her discussion with the caller:
Schlessinger: I’m Dr. Laura Schlessinger, talking to Jade. What did you think about during the break, by the way?
Caller: I was a little caught back by the N-word that you spewed out, I have to be honest with you. But my point is, race relations –
Schlessinger: Oh, then I guess you don’t watch HBO or listen to any black comedians.
Caller: But that doesn’t make it right. I mean, race is a [unintelligible] –
Schlessinger: My dear, my dear –
Caller: – since Obama’s been in office –
Schlessinger: – the point I’m trying to make –
Caller: – racism has come to another level that’s unacceptable.
Schlessinger: Yeah. We’ve got a black man as president, and we have more complaining about racism than ever. I mean, I think that’s hilarious.
Caller: But I think, honestly, because there’s more white people afraid of a black man taking over the nation.
Schlessinger: They’re afraid.
Caller: If you want to be honest about it [unintelligible]
Schlessinger: Dear, they voted him in. Only 12 percent of the population’s black. Whites voted him in.
Caller: It was the younger generation that did it. It wasn’t the older white people who did it.
Schlessinger: Oh, OK.
Caller: It was the younger generation –
Schlessinger: All right. All right.
Caller: – that did it.
Schlessinger: Chip on your shoulder. I can’t do much about that.
Caller: It’s not like that.
Schlessinger: Yeah. I think you have too much sensitivity –
Caller: So it’s OK to say “n*****”?
Schlessinger: – and not enough sense of humor.
Caller: It’s OK to say that word?
Schlessinger: It depends how it’s said.
Caller: Is it OK to say that word? Is it ever OK to say that word?
Schlessinger: It’s – it depends how it’s said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it’s OK.
Caller: But you’re not black. They’re not black. My husband is white.
Schlessinger: Oh, I see. So, a word is restricted to race. Got it. Can’t do much about that.
Caller: I can’t believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the “n*****” word, and I hope everybody heard it.
Schlessinger: I didn’t spew out the “n*****” word.
Caller: You said, “N*****, n*****, n*****.”
Schlessinger: Right, I said that’s what you hear.
Caller: Everybody heard it.
Schlessinger: Yes, they did.
Caller: I hope everybody heard it.
Schlessinger: They did, and I’ll say it again –
Caller: So what makes it OK for you to say the word?
Schlessinger: – n*****, n*****, n***** is what you hear on HB –
Caller: So what makes it –
Schlessinger: Why don’t you let me finish a sentence?
Caller: OK.
Schlessinger: Don’t take things out of context. Don’t double N – NAACP me. Tape the –
Caller: I know what the NAACP –
Schlessinger: Leave them in context.
Caller:I know what the N-word means and I know it came from a white person. And I know the white person made it bad.
Schlessinger: All right. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Can’t have this argument. You know what? If you’re that hypersensitive about color and don’t have a sense of humor, don’t marry out of your race. If you’re going to marry out of your race, people are going to say, “OK, what do blacks think? What do whites think? What do Jews think? What do Catholics think?” Of course there isn’t a one-think per se. But in general there’s “think.”
And what I just heard from Jade is a lot of what I hear from black-think – and it’s really distressting [sic] and disturbing. And to put it in its context, she said the N-word, and I said, on HBO, listening to black comics, you hear “n*****, n*****, n*****.” I didn’t call anybody a n*****. Nice try, Jade. Actually, sucky try.
Need a sense of humor, sense of humor – and answer the question. When somebody says, “What do blacks think?” say, “This is what I think. This is what I read that if you take a poll the majority of blacks think this.” Answer the question and discuss the issue. It’s like we can’t discuss anything without saying there’s -isms?
We have to be able to discuss these things. We’re people – goodness gracious me. Ah – hypersensitivity, OK, which is being bred by black activists. I really thought that once we had a black president, the attempt to demonize whites hating blacks would stop, but it seems to have grown, and I don’t get it. Yes, I do. It’s all about power. I do get it. It’s all about power and that’s sad because what should be in power is not power or righteousness to do good – that should be the greatest power.
“Isn’t it time to toss this hater off the air?”
But as you can clearly see, one of her “best friends” is a black man.
I wonder how he feels about her now?
Are you antisemi Admin?
Dr. Laura Schlessinger is the Jew “B”, therefore unteachable and can call anyone any alphabet name she pleases. If you object then you are the JEW HATER!
I guess?
See if you can do this:
If not I can give you a hand.
AH the Simpsons Theme by Danny Elfman. Sure, i got my own arrangement of it. Kids love it.
How is that germane to the topic?
You got me!
What is the topic?
Yeah hearing her live is a lot different from reading the text. Boy does she get animated when she has a chance to dress down black people for electing Obama! And gives herself an excuse to say “nigger nigger nigger” which you can just feel her enjoyment.
Funny thing language.
This is not an issue, and hearing it live is much different than reading the text. The caller is the one consumed with race, and asserting that “the younger generation” elected Obama and that older whites are scared of a black man taking over the country is a horribly racist statement. Art, again, I am disappointed that you are literally clueless about the race issue.
Dr. Laura was inartfully making a great point, and she was right. The caller was WAY too hypersensitive. She was offended at the mere utterance of the N word, and completely missed Dr. Laura’s point. The word should never be used, but is, all the time, so acting as if the mere utterance of it by her IN-LAWS is racist is way, way, way oversensitive.
“The word should never be used, but is, all the time, so acting as if the mere utterance of it by her IN-LAWS is racist is way, way, way oversensitive.”……… excellent!
So is the wort JEW…… see how the comrade Vern reacted!
Rob is an idiot:
Here’s my take: http://donpalabraz.com/?p=3876
“I Am My Kids’ Racist Mom!’ LOL!
I’m putting 2 + 2 together on Stan. Stan is an old school gypsy hating bigot from the old country, who now has transfered his families rich gypsy hating history to Mexicans.
@ Rob, if you think saying the “N” word in anger multiple times in succession on the air is “in-artful” your moral outrage meter is way out of whack.
she should not have stooped to the level of the blacks she referred to and use N word. That word should be retired. But, the way she used it, however STUPID, was not hate, not even close. Stupid, yes, racist hater, no proof by her comments. Cool down everyone.
For those who have a personal problem with “Words” or “Descriptive Adjectives’ or Nouns “ , you should form a PAC and give it all of your money and assets, and lobby the congress to change the US Constitution, and get rid of “Freedom of Speech”
GSR – I checked out your post on the other site, well done.
Thank you! What she did say deserves scrutiny, but it’s also offensive what she didn’t say in regards to the caller’s questions! Remarkable that such intellectual bottom-feeders write books and yap on the radio while raking in the $$$
I am not a fan of Dr. Laura the Hypocrite, but that being said, I don’t believe she is a racist. I agree with deadwhitemale that she is simply STUPID. In her own words” When somebody says, “What do blacks think?” say, “This is what I think.” Well, the caller DID say what she thinks, and she thinks it is offensive to use that word. So for Dr. Laura to go on to say the “N” word after the lady just told her that she found it offensive, was rude, vulgar, and a racist act. She said it simply to agitate the caller, and to incite emotion from the listeners. What would she have said if the lady said her husband’s friends were calling her “C**t”? Would that be a hypersensitive female? Would Dr. Laura have a sense of humor about it if she were called one? Would she have said the word multiple times? Dr. Laura is not a bright person, and lacks solid reasoning skills.
PLEASE NOTE: KFI removed months ago from their broadcast line up. Does that tell you something ??
Not really. What? Is she not racist ENOUGH for the John & Ken station? Or was she just too boring and not getting enough listeners?
so KFI is “racist” LOL. the word has lost it’s meaning due to crying wolf too often.
Well, their new mid-day host is a Scottish-Canadian, whatever the heck that means, who is against Mexican immigrants. What a hypocrite!
And Bill Handel is from Brazil!
Yes these people are damn racists.
I’d say that KFI looks the other way on racism if the ratings are high enough, as in the case of Rush L.
Not sure Dr. Laura qualifies here as a racist. I think she’s definitely stupid. And she really didn’t handle the call well. But then she is always caustic with whoever calls. That’s her deal. The caller is always wrong and Dr. Laura is always right.
I wonder what her doctorate degree is in?
Gabriel, please – grow up. Your take was juvenile and silly – the only thing you got right was the part about Dr. Laura not using the call as an opportunity to highlight why the N word should never be used – by anyone of any race.
@ Baxter – Dr. Laura wasn’t spewing the N-word in anger, she was frustrated with the hypocrisy regarding the use of the word. As I said in my post – the word should never be used, and Dr. Laura was an idiot for saying it, but I sincerely believe that she was trying to make a point, and using the word itself was inartful, which William Safire defined as “awkwardly expressed but not necessarily untrue; impolitic; ill-phrased; inexpedient; clumsy.” I think that is pretty accurate. The fact that many African-Americans use the word on a regular basis, especially given the horrific history of the word, clearly shows that context is everything, and the context during the call in question was not racist.