Gustavo’s item this morning got me a little worried. Even though Art is responding to the Liberal OC’s threats and demands with admirable defiance, issuing his own demands for apology, and responding to Dan Chmielewski’s claim of $11,000 a month in lost business, “”It may well be that his clients do not wish to do business with him because he is a gigantic prick and he stalks people,” this following passage of lawyer Gallinger’s demands gave me pause to worry.
For if Art – God forbids – caves and agrees to this, it will affect the free speech of ALL of us – me, Sean, Art, Bushala, and all you fun commenters!
…”Though the apology will be subject to the approval of my clients, they will not draft it for you,” Gallinger wrote. “Following the finalization of the settlement agreement, they may forward you some points which they think it should include. Additionally, the Orange Juice Blog will also not publish any future posts, or comments from writers, which are derogatory towards my clients with regards to this lawsuit.“
Gentle reader, this could mean all our days of bashing Dan, Chris and Co. for being such a boring, predictable, mediocre excuse for a liberal blog – really, as “KenLaysNotDead” loves to say, “channeling the right-wing noise machine” – it could be over within days! Think of this as an impending apocalypse – what is it you most wanted to say about that allegedly Blue Blog, but were holding back out of common decency? It is time to let it all out now.
Let me see if I can get it started. Ahem. Looks like we beat the Liberal OC Fib OC at their own specialty – quickly copying and pasting the latest Democratic Party press releases – with that last Melissa post. I guess they’re off their game. They’ll get to it tomorrow no doubt. Chris musta been just out of his county job out in Long Beach and in no position to use his work computer on taxpayer time, while I imagine Dan was hobnobbing with Matt Cunningham and Marty Wisckoll talking about how much more they have in common with each other than any real activists or bloggers or journalists and waiting for scraps to fall from the mouths of … something something hand jobs …. See, I can’t do it as good as some of you all. Go for it!
It’s too late to bemoan the loss of “free speech”, Art has already been silenced. His “choir boy” act doesn’t ring true and worse yet, it’s boring.
Art should have taken this lawsuit seriously and made amends early on, clearly he crossed a line and it is better to admit it and move on than to let the situation fester and grow. That being said, it’s sad to see what the OJ has become, Art’s perspective and his outrageous comments were a source of entertainment and information.
The OJ used to be a freewheeling, shoot-from-the-hip, say-what-you-really-think kind of blog, now it’s all insider baseball and boring “aren’t we pillars of the community” type stories.
Vern, you have also played a part in the demise of the OJ, who knew that you’d embrace censorship (MQ for sure, Terry Crowley?) and what happened to upfront authorship of posts.
Any way, it all adds up to a boring blog, so I NEVER thought I’d say this, but I’m off to the OrangePunch to take on the dynamic duo of dimwits, Landsbaum and Seiler.
Good Luck, Art.
…who knew that you’d embrace censorship (MQ for sure, Terry Crowley?)
Quinn still comments whenever she wants, I just scolded her once for doing like twenty repetitive things a day, and she settled down. Art kicked out Crowley for outing something or other, though I admit I shed no tears.
Sorry to lose you, anonster, come back when you get bored with Landsbaum and Seiler!
You have had it in for me for some time. And your advice, to bend knee to the psychos at the Lib OC, sucks. No thanks.
There is no demise of the OJ. Our readership is doing quite well. I took a peak at the readership at the Lib OC today. They are the ones in demise, not us.
You have some other issue with me, and I don’t know what it is. Regardless, good riddance. I have always said this about our blog, if you don’t like it, don’t read it. Adios.
I do not have a grudge against you, I believe the extra-special boring and dull LibOC blog was and is WRONG to pursue this. They have blown this all out of proportion, but the law is on their side and you can’t ignore the law. You will have to work out a deal with these guys, they have legal bills, those won’t just disappear.
I am truly sorry for your troubles and I miss the old Art, the one who said wild and crazy things, you might not of always been right and I sure as hell didn’t always agree with you,but you sure were provocative and that’s why this blog was successful.
I still read this blog, it’s just not as interesting with you feeling and behaving so chastised, this lawsuit has created a LOSS FOR THE ENTIRE OC BLOG COMMUNITY, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; A PLAGUE ON THE LIBOC!!!
Good luck in resolving this Art, I’m sorry if I’ve sounded harsh, I guess I was only thinking of my own selfish little blogging world, I really only wish the best to you and your family.
Vern, I guess I owe you an apology as well, the OJ does need to get it’s groove back though, perhaps a few more national stories. : )
Thanks. I get it now. Yes you make a good point. I spoke to Vern about this very subject a few days ago. He was so happy I was striking back. So was Gustavo.
I am going to make a few more calls this week and see if I can get some help. Maybe my old friend Jim Gray knows a federal pro bono lawyer or two…
Sad it has to come to this. Honestly I think the Lib OC guys just don’t have any sense of humor and I am not at all sure they know how to blog. Look at all the awesome posts Vern puts up every day! I am so proud of the work we do here. It matters, and at the end of the day that is what it is all about…
Word. I wanna see Art feisty again as well; this gelded version has been unnatural.
As far as national stories… Us blog readers / MSNBC watchers get transfixed by what’s happening nationally and internationally. But I’ve always kind of felt like we should get involved more in local stuff… and as of late I have, thanks to being a blogger here and meeting locally involved people.
If I write well enough I might be able to draw you into some of these burning local issues… but I’m not really part of the Santa Ana team. More the Huntington Beach / Costa Mesa / Fairgrounds / 68th & 70th AD / Capo USD adopted son team.
I know that you are right to put local stories first, but national stories get people’s juices flowing and when those juices flow, well, you just never know where they might go.
Vern. You may be my blog brother but we have not adopted you into the CUSD.
You need to be a card carrying taxpayer in the District so that you can directly feel the pain which goes back to former Superintendent James Fleming, the new San Juan Hills high school near the County dump off Ortega that does not approach the cost of the one in LA, and an administrative building that was built while classrooms were in decay. All of this preceeded the current Board of Trustees.
Perhaps we should follow Obama’s lead and blame Bush 43 for the current upheaval.
I FEEL the Fleming pain, Juice Brother. I know all about it. I am cursed with EMPATHY. That is why the Capo Unified School District has adopted me as their troubador, their minstrel.
Behold – I portrayed the Fleming as Shah Reza Palavi in this seminal post:
The following are my opinions and not these of this blog or Pedroza!
“this lawsuit has created a LOSS FOR THE ENTIRE OC BLOG COMMUNITY, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; A PLAGUE ON THE LIBOC!!!”……. exactly anonster.
This is what makes me most angry!…… Chmielewski does not belong into the blogging community.
There is old saying: If you cant stand heat, get out of the kitchen.
By his irresponsible actions, Chmielewski stabbed U.S. constitution in the back and should be banished from the OC blogging community for ever because there is no room for domestic enemy in this country…… I can tolerate f**king a**holes but not traitors and yellow cowards.
Therefore, as an individual who lived 22 years in total free speech silence, I am asking all you bloggers in large: would you consider to organize a “mock trial” of Chmielewski for his back stabbing of the journalistic principles within the blog sphere?
The peoples trial!…… the true trial by his peers.
Lets put together a coalition and get this SOB from the net so he does not waste the bandwidth.
Lets start Now!
This weekend in SA Community room….. lets email to all bloggers and journalists to attend.
This is good time to fight for the freedom and get these parasites out.
To all bloggers: This is a call for coalition!!!!!
After we are finished with Chmielewski and brand him socially unfit then we can continue our posing contests.
I have never loved Stanislav more! And that is saying a little bit.
hahaha, you’ve got that right, Vern!
I would simply suggest that you guys take what you write, how you write it, and who you write it about more seriously. Bloggers are not bullet-proof…,0,5604043.story?track=rss
Why don’t you go tell that to the Lib OC guys who have been libeling me for months?
Then sue them for libel…if you have a case, that is.
I hate the courts. I rather kick their tails here. Resorting to suing people you disagree with is what wusses and bullies do.
Thanks for the link to the article Anon. My guess is that the liberal judicial system will continue to let such frivolous lawsuits continue because the establishment is threatened by free speech in any form, but especially the free speech on the internet as it is truly free and uncensored.
Here is a very good reason to drop the suit Liberal OC! Ultimately, no matter how low the blows were, you are even affecting your own right to speak freely in the future. This is a hit against democracy as a whole. Too bad, too bad.
Tell you what, Anonster, I will try to do a little shootin’ from the hip for your entertainment since no one is suing me yet. Sound good?
This Fall, fifteen guys (strangely no women) will spend four days on the California Delta, shaping politics for the left (and central valley right) most of them have never heard of Matt “Jubal” Cunningham, Dan Chemilinwinski and certainly NEVER Chris Prevatt.
These guys: lawyers, priests, politicians, union members, teachers and even a SCIENTIST!!! have long counseled me to shut the F*%K UP and let guys like Dan and Matt self destruct.
I guess I never had it in me, I was born to defend what is right. When I see a guy getting pounded across the street, I intercede, I STAND UP FOR A STRANGER.
But what I really wanted to type (chanelling a a 15 year old girl) was:
My values are different from theirs and I accept that.
“And your advice, to bend knee to the psychos at the Lib OC, sucks. No thanks.”…… Art you have capitulated!
As I said many times Art you can’t help Mexicans.
And you comrade Vern, have you ever race a dime or look for some pro bono leftist lawyer who vans to make name for him self?… NO
Ah but Stanley I have TOTALLY race a dime, and on top of that my pro bono leftist lawyer vans for anything – ESPECIALLY to make a name for him self. YES!
In other words……. walking talking nothing.
I rarely read the Lib OC’ but when I saw all the fuss I checked it out. I don’t know, I’m spoiled by other national blogs,so I feel this so-called liberal blog is mediocre. Frankly the back and forth snitting is already made my reading habits steer away from the two of them. I’m tired of the name-calling and blaming. That sense of humor that makes everything tolerable is missing. It’s not fun when you lose your cool guys.
Vern I hope you don’t mind but I am going to steal your word. The fellas over at the LiberalOC are “assclowns” plain and simple. That word sums them up to a tee.
I remember Prevatt stating that he thought it was “freakin hillarious” when his co-plaintiff Ryan Trabuco redirected URL’s associated with the campaigns of Hoa Van Tran and Dina Nguyen to gay porno sites. He said he wished he could redirect them to other embarassing sites as well.
However now that the shoes on the other foot pranks such as these are no longer funny to Prevatt and the others, they now claim they are “unlawful”. What has changed fellas?
Let “Jihad Todd” spin his wheels and drive up their legal bills. His clients are just as guilty of doing the same things. If it gets to court I’d love to see them weasel their way out of their past indescretions.
They think very highly of themselves over there but at the end of the day they are nothing more than a pack of assclowns, stalkers and a drunken nut.
Juice Brother I agree with the assclown and the stalker… but i would stop short of the “Jihad Todd” when Muslims are today’s target du jour of the Republicans and other dumb Americans.
That aside, DITTO.
Don’t cave in to their demands art. They are trying to not only suppress your speech but ours as well
Then join me in the coalition as shown above…… Art is alone i this!
Fuck the Liberal OC and Red County!,,,,…….I visit them both with about the same frequency………which is rarely
All politics are local……this is where I look for that……anyone can hit a huffpo/Grudge/TMP/reuters etc. etc. link
What’s the “Liberal OC?”
For the short time I’ve been here, I would dare say that writers of this blog have more balls than the emasculated dynamic duo of Prevatt and Chmielewski. Dan is a lot like the armchair QB who had dreams of playing ball but never had the talent to put it all out on the field. So he relies on playing passive aggressive games to compensate for some shortcoming or void that is in his life. It really must suck to be him as he plays his childish elementary school games. Be the bigger man and walk away, Dan!
To Dan Chmielewski:
“All the money you make will never buy back your soul”
-Bob Dylan “Masters of War”
My recommendation is to set a court date, take all documents, e-mails etc.Check with legal advise see what they recommend.
Perhaps you would have a counter suit perhaps not. Nobody balmeless in this, it is time to end it.
Take it to court, the more you discuss it here where you create documents the more it will cost whoever loses.
There is no reason to try to settle, unless you decide that you can and will give them the amounts they are requesting. I do not think they will come down or agree to a different arraigment.
Set a date let a judge decide
Why do I want to deal with three third rate small time lightweights like Wisckol, Prevatt and Chmielewski when I just got off the phone with a producer from an AWARD winning and acclaimed international TV network that wants to film a documentary here in Irvine about some real world activism that is going on behind the Orange Curtain? The conversation with this producer was more productive and fruitful than spending an hour reading the mindless whining of Chmielewski over the fact that the Democrats can’t make any progress in the OC. If they got rid of the likes of him (Chmielewski), the Democrats would actually be taken seriously here. And this is coming from a libertarian….
Vern, Art…PM me on FB if you want the lowdown on what I was just talking about….
Those fellas appear to be getting their rear ends handed to them across the board even on their own blog. That must be killing them seeing as how highly they think of themselves.
While they seem to want to air out everything in public perhaps they can tell their readers all about the “Pedrozabot” Twitter site they created in order to attack myself, Art, Art’s wife and children, my family, the deceased family members of our friends and other classy things like that.
They want to paint a picture of innocence on their part but they reality while hiding in the shadows they act like despicable scumbags. How’s about Fraudio, Chmielewski, Trabuco and Prevatt turning over their hard drives as part of discovery. I am sure they would not paint a pretty picture of those folks.
GF – You got it wrong pal. It isn’t that Dan doesn’t have the talent to put it on the field, he lacks the conviction.
I have long championed the cause here of Art, Vern, Sean and even the guy who moved whose name I can’t remember. These guys go out and take snaps, knowing they’ll get their ass kicked (or sacked), for lack of a better term (love of the game).
Meanwhile Dan sit’s in Northwood in Irvine, wanting to direct Santa Ana politics??? He rents a 1200 SQFT office in a whitewashed building on Main Street and tries to pretend he’s “trendy”. At the same time, his co-blogger, from Los Angeles County, writes about the OC like he has some skin in the game. Chris can’t even vote here!! Why pray tell does’nt he: #1) move here #2) start a Long Beach Blog?
GF- You hit the nail on the head, these are lightwieghts who would rather sue Art (admittedlly a big mouth, but maybe we need a Big mouth here to fight for us) than actually DO SOMETHING.
As for the MOW GOOD ONE!
I am liberal and I live in OC, but I still can’t relate to most of the stuff posted at that place. Bob Dylans last record was boring, they are something less exciting than boring. the LiberalOC should change their name to the Liberal Dead Sea. The LibOC desperately needs a triple infusion of clever, funny and balls. Perhaps Vern has a little brother that is looking for gig that can help them out. I suppose when you are the type of person(s) that resolve all perceived wrongs with lawsuits (and it does sound like Art did some stupid stuff) it also makes you a little paranoid about being sued yourself. This is turn results in the LiberalOC reading like a parts manual instead of a political blog.