President Barack Obama on Friday endorsed a controversial plan to build a mosque and Islamic center just blocks from Ground Zero in Manhattan, despite the strong objections of conservatives, civic groups and those who lost loved ones in the September 11 attacks, according to
“Ground Zero is, indeed, hallowed ground,” according to prepared remarks Obama was to deliver at a White House dinner celebrating the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. “But let me be clear: as a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.”
Obama is right. Not all Muslims are evil terrorists. There are many good Muslims here and abroad. Blaming an entire people for the mistakes of a few is simply un-American.
I cannot tell you how many crazed emails I still get from nutter Republicans who think all Muslims are evil. It is just sick. Kudos to Obama for telling these haters to take a hike!
The Republicans are such hypocrites. I haven’t forgotten how President George W. Bush used to like holding hands with Saudi tyrants. At least Obama doesn’t do that!
(forgot my name on previous post)
“I cannot tell you how many crazed emails I still get from nutter Republicans who think all Muslims are evil. It is just sick. Kudos to Obama for telling these haters to take a hike!”……. Hmmmm
Art you have big advantage over me….. you can always Flip Flop on your misguided hypotheses as you have done many times before, I can’t! I never did and I newer will because I am using knowledge over the emotions in my consciousness.
Therefore, I support general Sun Tzu over Obama.
they “may’ be peaceful but need to go to sensitivity training and watch the apparently banned video of the jets crashing into the towers and the people leaping to their death. Maybe they could put it elsewhere? Hell, there was an uproar over the minutemen sponsoring a highway cleanup near the San Onofre border check, like that was insensitive to the criminal aliens sneaking past there.
Equating peaceful Muslims with hateful racist Minutemen is unfair and ridiculous.
That is your opinion!
We Americans disagree!
I was born here. I am indeed an American.
You are not American Mr. Pedroza!….. because you do fail to protect America against foreign and domestic enemy!
In fact you are calling the Law abiding Americans who protect America’s borders Racists and Haters.
The real Americans do not do that…… the impostors do!
Surely you are aware that a co-founder of the Minutemen fled police after he threatened to kill his family? He is hiding in the very desert you are referring to, on the border. Perhaps an immigrant will find him and turn him in.
You have a weird logic Mr. Pedroza.
If true, which I doubt based on your hyperbolic reporting, you are equating criminal activity of an individual with a legal charter of the organization he happens to sponsor.
If the charter would promote threats against members’ families then I would agree with you…… it does not!
The Minutemen charter protects America’s border within the legal limits and you hate America same as your peaceful fuzzballs Muslims whose Koran charter labels Americans as Infidels.
You have found the evil coalition with Muslims to destroy America and you will not be happy until the America resembles the Mexico’s pissing grounds.
Being Peaceful DO NOT JUSTIFY INSENTIVITY!!! Regarless your religion preference!.Lets try to build a Tempo or Church next to a mosque in Saudi Arabia or another officialy muslim nation. DO this in Iran and see what happen. I Believe RECIPROCITY is The KEY!!!!!!
See that’s some crazy scary new mindset you people have. We should be just like Saudi Arabia or Iran now???
Repeat after me: America is not at war with Islam. America is not at war with Islam.
And I believe our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Freedom of Speech and Religion are the “KEY!!!!!”
Agree Comrade Vern!
Lets erect statute of Hitler and Stalin next to the Lincoln Memorial.
Your pacifism is dangerous and historically it always leads to the war.
If you would study history you would know that Jews had option to leave Germany voluntary. The majority however, claimed that because they are Germans by the citizenship the Hitler would not hurt them.
More recently, in 1968 Czech government believed that Russians would not invade because they are Slavic brothers…… Russians invaded and took these stupid peaceful bohemians to Moscow and rest is a history.
In 1938 Czechs believed that the French and Brits would protect Bohemia as agreed. Well Chamberlain sold out to Hitler to have your stile of peace and the rest is the history.
I do not even know why I do argue with an ignorant.
You still don’t get it. You never will. We’re at war with Al Qaeda who attacked us 9/11, and related fringe groups that want to harm us.
I repeat, we are not at War With Islam. Why would you guys want to make it a war against 1-1/2 billion people?
You’ll just never understand what makes this country great. Too bigoted. I hope your kids grow up smarter.
Vern: “I repeat, we are not at War With Islam”…… perhaps not yet!
However, the Islam is in war with us!…… read the Koran!
If you do not believe in Islam you are an infidel and must be liked. Every Muslim has that right under the sharia law. If my Muslim neighbor kills me he can be tried under our laws but he is innocent under the Islam.
Mexicans use to tried that too. Until recently they would not extradite criminals to USA for prosecution nor will Muslims.
So there is a similarity between Islam and Mexican haters of the America.
The sharia law to a Muslim is like a constitution to us and if you disobey they will cut off your nose and ears, or head.
Comrade Vern you need help.
I should add that if you are listening to the news — Obama is backpedaling.
@ Stanley F:
you say, “Mexicans use to tried that too. Until recently they would not extradite criminals to USA for prosecution nor will Muslims. So there is a similarity between Islam and Mexican haters of the America.”
My Response:
This is such an IGNORANT, STUPID and ILLOGICAL comment.
Mexico does NOT have the death penalty…(they might for TREASON against Mexico, but I am not certain). So Mexico’s reason for refusing to EXTRADITE criminals to the USA is IF they face the DEATH Penalty in the USA, which would violate Mexico’s Constitution, but they do EXTRADITE criminals and there is close cooperation between US/California Dept of Justice & Mexico (Procuraduria General de la Republica – Mexico’s Attorney General).
So agreeing and proving that MEXICO does NOT Extradite in Death Penalty cases, does NOT Prove that Mexican are haters of America . . . this is the part of the ignorance, stupidity and lack of valid logic of your premise.
Sadly, but as expected, I see you are expanding your horizons, and demonstrating hatred of not just Mexicans, but also Muslims.
Irrational prejudice and assuming people are Guilty until Proven Innocent is UN-American…it might be okay in other countries, but it is NOT okay in America, and that is why America is great and unique among other countries.
Francisco “Paco” Barragan (my opinions only and not those of any group)
Santa Ana, CA
Obama stands up for the American principle of freedom of religion. It is this concept promoted by our founders that some fellow citizens conveniently forget when their intolerance of others overrides reason and egalitarian rights. And Minutemen are the new Klu Klux Klan. The Minutemen should be wearing bownshirts and heil-Hitlering the Stars ‘n Stripes.
There are two issues with the building of the Mosque near Ground Zero:
1) Is it Constitutionally protected? Yes or No.
2) Is it “wise” for it be built there? Yes or No.
A) I think our Constitution is clear, and those that would deny this most basic of rights from any group of faith would be violating the US Constitution and our American Values.
i) I think this is the FIRST part of what President Obama was referring to when he spoke about this, the right to practice your faith (ANY FAITH) without government interference; and reminding us that the government cannot be preferring one Religion over another.
ii) We would also be violating our American Values because we are presuming every Muslim person as presumed Guilty until proven Innocent, and somehow the WHOLE religion itself being responsible, rather than the specific INDIVIDUALS that committed this crime.
Those that attacked America were EXTREMIST radicals that use their CORRUPT view of a religion, this time, the Quran to attempt to justify their Terrorism/Crime against humanity.
To understand how the 911 were terrorists and have Corrupted Islam, and are an affront to it, consider the following:
Jihad is permitted against INFIDELS – Non Believers in defense of the practice of their faith. But Muslims are prohibited in engaging in Jihad -Holy War against, Jews and Christians. Why? Because Muslims, Jews and Christians ARE BELIEVERS and have a belief in a One True God, regardless of what each of us call this God: God, Jehovah, Allah, Dios.
iii) As a military person, and as a Christian, I think it is DESTRUCTIVE to violate our US Constitution; or to attempt to attack Islam to advance our Christian views. I know this would be religious bigotry, and Un-Christian . . . For Christians, the real test is “Love your Enemy” – and here I don’t mean to imply that Islam is the enemy . . . for what value is there in only loving those who love us?
iii) Timothy McVeigh had been in the US Army, and used his US military skills in a CORRUPTED way to attack innocents in Oklahoma City. Does that mean that we should condemn the WHOLE of the US ARMY/or US Military because of the treasonous, barbaric acts of a few INDIVIDUALS associated with Tim McVeigh, and deny the US Army from building recruiting centers near Oklahoma City ground-zero or in a federal building? No.
B) Now, the second part: If we agree that the right to build the Mosque is Constitutionally protected, and the question remains should it be built, given the tragic events of 911, then that is a larger consideration for those who intend to build, and those who are opposed.
Perhaps, the building of the Mosque will allows us to help bridge the gap of DISTINGUISHING between the TERRORISTS and the RELIGION as a whole. That is what I believe to be the second part of President Obama’s comment was…the Wisdom of Actually building there, knowing that a choice must be made between Risk of Causing further pain VS the Opportunity to Bring Americans together (Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, or those of no faith.) and help in Healing together as American Brothers and Sisters, regardless of religious affiliation.
For examples, of interfaith sacrifice or working together see:
Queen Mary – Four Chaplains:
Muslims and Jews work together:
Francisco “Paco” Barragan (my opinions only)
Santa Ana, CA
Positive Sayings of the Prophet Mohammed:
• When the bier of anyone passeth by thee, whether Jew, Christian or Muslim, rise to thy feet.
• He who believeth in one God and the life beyond, let him not injure his neighbors.
• Feed the hungry and visit the sick, and free the captive, if he be unjustly confined. Assist any person oppressed, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.
• The Faithful are those who perform their trust and fail not in their word, and keep their pledge.
• No man is a true believer unless he desireth for his brother that which he desireth for himself.
• It is unworthy of a Mumin to injure people’s reputation; it is unworth to curse anyone; and it is unworth to abuse anyone; and it is unworth of a Mumin to talk vainly.
• Refrain from seeing and speaking of the vices of mankind, which you know are in yourself.
• Do not say that if people do good to us, we will do good to them; and if people oppress us, we will oppress them; but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them; and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them.
• In prayers, all thoughts must be laid aside but those of God; in conversation no word is to be uttered which afterwards be repented of; do not covet from others
• What is Paradise? Muhammad replied, “It is what the eye hath not seen, nor the ear heard, nor ever flashed across the mind of man.”
• Verily God instructs me to be humble and lowly and not proud; and that no one should oppress another.
• “Inform me in the nature of Islam,” said Sufyan, “so that I may have no occasion to ask others about it.” Muhammad said, “Say, O Sufyan, ‘I believe in God;’ after which obey the commandments, and abandon the things forbidden.”
• “What is Islam?” someone asked. Muhammad said, “Purity of speech and charity.”
• The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self.
• The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.
• Who is the most favored of God? He from whom the greatest good cometh to His creatures.
• All God’s creatures are His family; and he is the most beloved of God who doeth most good to God’s creatures.
• Whoever is kind to His creatures, God is kind to him; therefore be kind to man on earth, whether good or bad; and being kind to the bad, is to withhold him from badness, thus in heaven you will be treated kindly.
• He who is not kind to God’s creatures, and to his own children, God will not be kind to him.
• Kindness is a mark of faith: and whoever hath not kindness hath not faith.
• Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.
• The Lord doth not regard a prayer in which the heart doth not accompany the body.
• The other messengers of God had their miracles, mine is the Kuran and will remain forever.
From the Wisdom Fund.
“Obama is right. Not all Muslims are evil terrorists. There are many good Muslims here and abroad. Blaming an entire people for the mistakes of a few is simply un-American.”
MQ says:
The problem is that the lads that boarded the planes on 9/11 were just your average Muslim lads until they blew two buildings using two planes in the name of their God!
So the problem with Islam is this “Who is foe and who is friend?”.
A religion that advocates stoning, female mutilation, child brides and the use of men, women and children to blow up an enemy is suspect. Not to mention the oppression of their people as in Iran, the use of police as “Morality Cops”!
The fact that this religious leader would want to build a mosque next to the building of 9/11 makes total sense to me. They take a weak link in this country and uses it as a means of jihad. Just as the 9/11 killers used political correctness and a weak immigration system to blowup 3,000 people!
I don’t think Americans need to be bending over for a religion that quite frankly needs to be either disbanded or undertake a major change. Such as not hanging sweet young girls from cranes because they were raped!
So I think the founding fathers would give us a break with this one!
It must be nice to be a man Mr. F. try being a muslim woman!
Please read: “in the name of honor”.
@Michelle Q:
You say, “So I think the founding fathers would give us a break with this one!”
My Response:
I seriously doubt the Founding Fathers would “give us a break with this one” and allows us to violate our unalienable rights. Otherwise, they would have added a little clause that would read something as, “the US Constitution applies, EXCEPT For those times that it is CONVENIENT to disregard it”.
@Michelle Q:
“It must be nice to be a man Mr. F. try being a muslim woman!”
My Response:
I agree with you. In areas where you have EXTREMISTS (i.e. Wahabism-Saudia Arabia; orTaliban-Afghanistan) both Men and Women will be denied their human rights, but with women and young girls being FAR, FAR, FAR worse-off.
And in this case, or in any other where Men’s, Women’s and young-girls have their BASIC human rights violated, or other crimes against humanity committed, I think the world community has a responsibility to act to ensure these basic human rights.
But, I think this stems NOT from a FUNDAMENTAL interpretation of Islam, but a RADICAL/EXTREMIST one, which some manipulate for power, in violation of basic human rights or as they commit crimes against humanity.
Francisco “Paco” Barragan (My opinions only and not those of any group)
Santa Ana, CA
“I seriously doubt the Founding Fathers would “give us a break with this one” and allows us to violate our unalienable rights.’
MQ says:
What about the unalienable rights of the men, women and children who lives were taken in the name of ISLAM. What about the rights of women all over this world who are abused, raped and murdered in the name of ISLAM. What about the ISLAMIC countries who will not allow other faiths to build their churches?????
When the Islamic faith starts looking like a religion instead of a stone age mob only then people in the 20 Th. century should except their religion. I think the muslim faith is so perverted by the radicals, it has become a danger to this world!
The fact that women go around in black tents to shroud themselves from the glaring eyes of muslim men is a bit SICK don’t you think?
“And in this case, or in any other where Men’s, Women’s and young-girls have their BASIC human rights violated, or other crimes against humanity committed, I think the world community has a responsibility to act to ensure these basic human rights.”
MQ says:
“The world community” Mr. F our the targets of this perverted religion. Muslims need to start speaking up LOUD and CLEAR condemning every woman that dies by stoning, every female child that is traded like a cow to pay off debt and every person who dies in the name of ISLAM…
The founding Fathers designed the constitution to stop tyranny not promote it!
Long Live Neda!
Neda was an f-n Muslim, you bigot.
And she spoke up! You… Well its obvious!
You should move to Iran Vern, then you can buy a female kid call her Michelle Quinn and beat the shit out of her!
You are the talibans wet dream, easily brain washed!
Islam is NOT the enemy. The tragic events of 911 was perpetrated by a group of Terrorists who acted from a corrupted view of Islam.
Would you deny Americans, or legal residents who follow Islam the following:
1) The right to open up a restaurant near ground-zero.
2) The right to walk around near ground-zero.
3) The right to freely assemble near ground-zero.
4) The right to open up a private school near ground-zero.
5) The right to own a business (legal, medical, dental, accountancy practices; or any other type of business) near ground-zero.
Hey, if we are so afraid of the “Islamic take-over”, why don’t we just them round-up, and place them in Internment Camps…like we did with Americans of Japanese descent, and since we want to keep track of them, perhaps we should also Tatoo Numbers on Them.
The real threat is that we would trample on our US Constitution and our American values out of irrational prejudice and religious bigotry.
Separately, as I have stated before, the world community has the responsibility to act when basic human rights of individuals are being violated…or similar to when NATO went into KOSOVO to prevent further extermination or ethnic cleansing Kosovar Albanians who were victims of Serbian paramilitary forces, or similar to the Rwanda Genocide of 1994 where Hutus were exterminated about 800,000 Tutsis or Pro-Peace Hutus.
Francisco “Paco” Barragan
My opinions only
Santa Ana, CA
Ah, Michelle Quinn’s coat of many colors of intolerance!
You should move to Afghanistan and have the nose sliced off your face; not for being literate (barely!), but for mistreating the rights and principles the United States uses to effect policy. Your constant antagonism to ANYTHING you judge to be wrong is totally consistent with cult identity thinking. It’s a choice you make despite lots of informative data and different opinions.
Tell me, why DID you choose to move to this country? Freedom to be a huge A-hole? I think the state of Alabama would welcome a white family who shares a common bond of feeling superiority over those who are different. But I would pity those in that state who already suffer the entrenched bigotry there. Your passionate perspectives can be wrapped in a Confederate flag and deep fried–no tabasco sauce!
Excerpts from Pope Urban’s speech that launched the Crusades in 1095:
“…what peril threatening you and all the faithful has brought us . . .
From the confines of Jerusalem and the city of Constantinople a horrible tale has gone forth and very frequently has been brought to our ears, namely, that a race from the kingdom of the Persians, an accursed race, a race utterly alienated from God, a generation forsooth which has not directed its heart and has not entrusted its spirit to God, has invaded the lands of those Christians . . . wrest that land from the wicked race, and subject it to yourselves
“It is the will of God! It is the will of God! … undertake this journey for the remission of your sins, with the assurance of the imperishable glory of the kingdom of heaven…”
AND – Quotes from Albert Einstein:
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
But one of my favorites:
“The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.”
Close to a 1,000 years ago the Crusades were launched out of religious bigotry and the crusaders offered their place in heaven…the terrorists of 911 were offered their place in heaven . . .and now some people seem to suggest that we are in war with Islam…in 1,000 years since that speech by Pope Urban we still persist in seeing Islam as the enemy…and we have not changed “our modes of thinking” at the risk of our own peril (and of our values) as Einstein stated.
Francisco J Barragan (my opinions only)
Santa Ana, CA