Or maybe Chris had a stranglehold on poor Dan’s nutsack. Hard to tell – there was so much distressed screaming, here.
It seems Dan Chmielewski took great affront (or, as is more likely, really pretended real hard) at 4th Districts Supervior Shawn Nelson’s attempt to do something appreciative for US troops in battle zones – have folks send cigars over in honor of a couple of soldiers from OC who were killed in Afghanistan recently. It appears some soldiers really like to smoke a relaxing cigar.
Read the rest of “Testosterone-Callenged Hysteria of LiberalOC Reaches Ridiculous Cresendo”
Clearly Dan and company lack ANY credibility.
Earlier today, Chip Hanlon called The Speaker Of The House Of Representitives (mind you 3rd in line of the Presidential Sucession) a WHORE.
I can’t understand how anybody would do that, especially a died in the whool conservative like Chip.
More concerning is the LOC’s ignorance, I thought these guys were “Challeging OC’s Right Wing Noise Machine”? Clearly Dan and Chris are Abject failures at thier stated goals. illastrated by this latest ommission.
These guys are either in Chip Hanlons Pocket (LOOK OUT FOR MATT’S TOUNGE) or just really really bad and insincere about what they do!