In what we hope will be an ongoing feature, Congressional candidate Van Tran has kindly agreed to join us in an informal e-mail dialogue where we will discuss various issues of the day. This week Mr. Tran has decided to share his opinions on August 4’s historic ruling overturning California’s Proposition 8 outlawing same-sex marriage. We hope Mr. Tran will continue to join us as the campaign season proceeds, in a series we’re entitling “Van Tran, You Moron!”
Tran: Today Judge Walker showed his outright contempt for California’s voters.
Orange Juice: Contempt? That’s somewhat harsh, don’t you think? I assume you’re referring to his ruling that Proposition 8 was unconstitutional because it discriminated against same-sex couples? That took months of arguments and deliberation, it was hardly contemptuous.
Tran: The initiative process was designed to ensure the people of California have an opportunity to bypass the legislature and courts when these institutions fail to represent them.
OJ: Well, actually no. The initiative process was designed to bypass the legislature, not the courts. Where did you pull that from, doofus?
Tran: Instead of respecting that clear voice, a judicial activist has undermined the will of voters.
OJ: Ah, “judicial activist” – that Tea Party Express endorsement has gone to your head, huh. You mean, of course, any judge you disagree with; we know the GOP lexicon. You may not know any American history, being such a newcomer, but we’ve had all kinds of horrifically unjust laws, passed and favored by popular majorities, that would still be in effect if the courts hadn’t done their jobs and found them unconstitutional. You don’t know any of that, do you. Do you want some examples?
Tran: This is a radical action, attempting to throw out the vote of the people and change the rules after the fact.
OJ: If you ask me, Prop 8 was a pretty radical action itself, taking away marriage rights from millions of people by a 52% vote. But what are you talking about, “change the rules after the fact?” The fact that courts can decide on the constitutionality of a law or an initiative has been part of “the rules” since the beginning, and everybody was expecting that possibility. You goofy drooling dope.
Tran: The battle for the merits of Proposition 8 is over.
OJ: Yes! Thank you. So be quiet now.
Tran: We had an open, fair election of Proposition 8 and it was passed by California’s voters in a historic election.
OJ: Oh Jesus, this again? Here’s something you probably don’t realize about this country’s Constitution – it’s there to protect us individuals not only from the government, but also from the tyranny of the majority. Can you wrap your melon head around that, sir?
Tran: The judiciary must learn to respect those results.
OJ: You know, I’m getting really concerned here about sending someone to Congress who doesn’t understand the separation of powers, or the concept of the equal protection clause. You know, Van, why don’t you just sit this election out, we’ll stick with Loretta. Meanwhile watch this a few times and see if you can learn something:
Very entertaining, Vern. And it sure was nice of Mr. Tran to speak with you.
The title is a real grabber. Your clever descriptor–“you goofy drooling dolt”–is not only alliterative, but it reveals a fine grasp of supercalifragilistical nuance and, well, bold calling-a-spade-a-spadulosity. Know what I mean?
I’ve become a regular reader. Let not the wonderfulness cease.
I aim to please, sir.
This picture = CLASSIC!
The interview format is great for unraveling this nonsense.
And as a history lesson, the initiative process was really about bypassing the corruption engendered by the great wealth and monopolies of the Gilded Age. This process has succumbed to the special interests, whether it’s the Mormons on Proposition 8 or the Texas Oil Companies on Prop 23.
Even if Loretta busts Howard Kieffer out of Federal Prison and let him chair the campaign, and she would still win by 10 percent!
I’ve just learned that, far from a “moron,” Mr. Tran is actually a “Man Of Destiny.” Or so says this worshipful article from some periodical called “Human Events.” http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=38351
Some excerpts:
“I felt as though I was on Schindler’s List,” recalled Van Tran, bringing to life the memory that never dims of trying to leave Saigon in 1975 as the invaders from Communist North Vietnam marched in for the takeover. .. As young Van went through school, his passion for politics grew. As he says, “I was one of the Reagan youth.”
While at the University of California (Irvine), he was active in the College Republicans and the conservative Young Americans for Freedom. He served as an intern for Rep. Robert Dornan (R.-Calif.), worked in Dornan’s California office and on the staff of State Sen. (now U.S. Rep.) Ed Royce—both conservative stalwarts.
Now Tran is his party’s nominee against liberal Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez, who first went to Congress in 1996 by unseating his old boss Dornan in a much-disputed outcome…
“Van is a man of destiny,” California GOP National Committeeman Shawn Steel said of Tran back when he first won a legislative seat. “He’ll be the first Vietnamese-American congressman!” Steel was proven wrong when Louisiana Republican Joseph Cao achieved that distinction in ’08. But Steel can still be right that Van is a man of destiny if conservatives help Van Tran take that next important step to Washington in his already exciting life.
Two interesting points:
1) In the excerpt Van sent to his fans, he left out all the references to “conservative stalwart” B-1 Bob Dornan and his pathetic, histrionic attempts to blame his defeat on voting illegals. Sensible call, given that Dornan is now pretty much considered an insane buffoon.
2) The Human Events summary of his “already exciting life” leaves out the signal accomplishment of his eight years in Sacramento: his celebrated bill allowing Little Saigon shopkeepers and restauranteurs to sell New Year Pastries long after they are safe to eat.
Still, I will have to think about him differently now that I know he’s a Man Of Destiny.
Indeed. Tran is destined to lose…to Sanchez.
You are racist.
You wrote “You may not know of any American history, being such a new comer…”
It shows that you are a hyprocrite. When it serves your agenda to support your goal then you can call anyone anything you like. But your statement shows you are built a racist against Vietnamese American as well as anyone not your skin color or who just arrived here whether Latino, Asian, or other races.
Oh yeah. SO racist I am. I think I’m making a pretty educated guess that Mr. Tran doesn’t appreciate the bad parts of American history that we’ve struggled to overcome, and in which the judicial branch has been so indispensable to combating. Mostly RACIST bad parts, by the way, that I think he seems to be unaware of. Or if he’s not unaware, he just doesn’t care.
And what brings up this suspicion of mine is his defense of pure majoritarian sentiment taking away the rights of a minority (and his ignorance of our Constitution.) So pshaw – your lame attempt at the R-word rolls off me like water off a duck.
Is this the same “Ipad” (or Maxi-Pad) that spent days trashing Phu and sticking up for Dovinh? Run back to Trannie Central now, tell Vo your attack fell flat.
I don’t give a damn whatever side you take. But once you assumed new comers won’t understand any history of Amrica you crossed the line. It’s good that you admitted that you are a racist.
So from now on Vern, the Racist.
My words: You may not know any American history, being such a newcomer…
I stand by my original words, not your paraphrases. Slimy troll.
If Ipad keeps up these attacks on you please feel free to send him where we sent the Great One and Crowley.
Ah, I thrive on these sorts of attacks. They’re like a nice dash of aftershave on the face in the morning. I ain’t banning nobody.
Although I like the image of Crowley, Grate One, and Fiala grumbling at each other down in the cellar…
Vern, the Racist
As you selectively narrowed a group of people ( in this case “being new comer”) to say they don’t have a superior knowledge as you have in American history you already made a racist
assumption. It happened in the past against Black, Chinese, Latino, German, etc… under different assumptions. But yours is not different than theirs.
You and Vern can exclude my comments as you wish but the fact is still true. You can’t have a double standard for both of you but not to others.
Yeah right, whatever.
I approved this comment even though you’re full of sh*t. Don’t start repeating yourself though, that might get deleted.
Vern, the Racist
Well if you can’t handle the truth and critics you can delete any opposing view you want.
What do you mean my view is a ful of ****? If I pointed out what you wrote and your true assumptions meant then what is the **** about? Again if that’s the only comment you can make I am sorry for your intelligence.
Pearls Before Swine (That’s a reference to the Bible, Ipad, which many if not most people in this country grow up reading.)
I have to admit, this troll did get me thinking.
Of course, as far as Van Tran is concerned, 35 years since 1975 should be plenty of time to learn about the US Constitution and our checkered history. Whether he is really a “moron” or not, he is quite obviously – exactly as we used to say about the last Republican President – simply not curious.
I think from his bio we see that as soon as he got here he surrounded himself with rightwingers and never heard any opposing or critical views. This served him well as he became a “Man Of Destiny” and he never questioned what he heard from his little circle as his career moved forward.
I’m wondering (though I would never generalize) if folks who immigrate here from a Communist dictatorship where there is no democracy (that would include Van Tran, the Grate One, Fiala, and maybe this troll Ipad) often simplistically think that the only important thing about our system of government, what makes us great, is the rule of the majority on any issue. There is a lot more to our Constitution and system of government – our Democratic Republic – than just majority rule.
Also I wonder if immigrants in general (though I would never generalize) can be so blinded by the greatness of this country that they ignore all its flaws and flawed history. Otherwise, Van Tran would be more aware of the important function our courts have played putting an end to, for example, segregation, which was very popular with the majority at the time. Of course that was BEFORE HE GOT HERE.
I sadly suspect that he doesn’t really care about any of these issues and hasn’t put a moment of thought into them, but is just reading from the Republican Party handbook because it’s served him so well so far and he’s got his EYES ON THE PRIZE. (That’s a reference to the Civil Rights Movement – again, before Van or Ipad got here.)
I’ll be so glad if I’m wrong, and if he really wants to debate these issues intelligently, that I will not only take back all the “morons,” but I will EAT MY SHOE. (That’s how sure I am that he won’t.)
As for you, Troll, you ARE succeeding in getting on my nerves. One more “Vern the Racist” – something that nobody who knows or reads me would ever believe – and… I’ll at least erase that part of your comment, and the rest of it better be pretty intelligent and constructive if you want to see it up here.
Or let me make it short and simple for the troll.
Van Tran demonstrates clearly his ignorance of the Constitution and American history, WITH HIS OWN WORDS.
I try generously to give him an excuse for that – which is that he is a “newcomer.”
I offer him education.
I am really for your ignorance. First what got to do with reading Bible. Please do not fall back to religion when you discuss politics. There are many great religions and their own “bible” including Jewish faith, Muslims, Hindu, Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Buddhism, etc… BTW, each one of them has its own strength and weakness. I rather stay out.
Secondly, I believe Mr Tran never stayed under a Communist regime. You can check that fact because I am not 100% sure. However, that fact, if true, may provide Mr Tran a better appreciation of majority/minority system. Thirdly you wrote that you would not generalize but you wonder immigrants “in general” so blinded by the greatness of this country and would not comprehend the system. Your sentence is so contradictory and your “wonder” will lead you to a wrong assumption again.
I would restrain myself to call you a racist. But that’s not a free pass for you every time.
I am really for your ignorance.
I have to agree there, sir.
First what got to do with reading Bible. Please do not fall back to religion when you discuss politics.
I’m not talking about religion at all. I was using an expression “casting pearls before swine,” as an insult to the IPAD troll, Then I just mention the fact that – like so many of our popular expressions – it derives from the Bible, and suggest that the troll IPAD may not be familiar with that book – just another way to insult him.
Secondly, I believe Mr Tran never stayed under a Communist regime. You can check that fact because I am not 100% sure. However, that fact, if true, may provide Mr Tran a better appreciation of majority/minority system.
Maybe not quite literally, but his folks were terrorized by the North Viets, the whole community keeps an ambivalent cultural and family connection to the Communist nation, and just listen to any of his propaganda – it’s always focused on “Communism.” If that’s not due to personal experience and trauma, than maybe it’s just manipulative demagoguery, since he knows so much of his constituency was traumatized by Communism. As always I try to give him credit for the best intentions.
Thirdly you wrote that you would not generalize but you wonder immigrants “in general” so blinded by the greatness of this country and would not comprehend the system.
Not quite – you’re mixing up different sentences. I “wondered” if perhaps immigrants overlook the flaws in this nation’s history, and the difficult struggles we’ve had to go through to overcome those. Specifically Van doesn’t seem to know about the indispensable role the Courts have played in helping our nation slowly overcome its RACISM.
I would restrain myself to call you a racist. But that’s not a free pass for you every time.
Thank you sir, and you’re welcome to comment any time.
You’ve probably been called a lot of things, but RACIST is way off. Van Tran is the Republican here, a curious choice for those new to a country to sidle up to the party that looks down its nose at non-WASPs.
Republicans are rife with racism. Don’t drop the R word so easy, fellow Asians!
BTW, that Betty Bowers video is so funny!
Thank you for alllowing me to comment any time.
On my last post, my finger was too quick to click SEND and I didn’t re-read my writing or included my name. It wasn’t intentional.
However, it shows you are more accommodating than denying when you don’t know who the author is. So a suggestion from me is that next time when you want to label anyone you should know that person better than just a R or a D in front of his/her party registration.
No, I’m “more accommodating than denying” when the person’s not throwing unfounded insults at me. I knew it was the same computer or home by the way, it just seemed more reasonable and less literate so I thought it was one of your mellower friends or family members. You’re right to stop calling me a racist, and I hope you think about some of the criticisms and disagreements I made with your friend Van Tran.
Sorry, but you kept making many wrong assumptions. I read what you wrote and made
no other assumptions about whether any other ghost writers penned for you. So please do the same. I am neither a friend or a foe of Mr Tran, just a interested observer here.
The Republicans are so funny, when the economy is good you say let’s all celebrate “Cinco de Mayo, my brothers” but when the economy is down “it’s all your fault, you damn immigrant”. When most Americans (with Latin America roots) go to the polls this November we will remember that the GOP has gone on a nationwide rant in proposing and passing several anti-immigration legislation and have continue to blame us for the flat economy or worse. We will remember who stands with us and who stands against us, so trying to stop it now is somewhat funny, but go ahead, you will not change our minds. Is does not help that the GOP has recently attacked the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Your hate made you do it, in November; you will reap what you have sown.
Hey Benito you gotta stop that now. Just put up your comment once where it’s most appropriate or it’ll get deleted, even if I think it’s a good one.