Mayor Miguel Pulido, with Angels owner Arte Moreno, and Council Members Vince Sarmiento and Michele Martinez
I have spent years fighting the folks at Santa Ana’s City Hall, and have been, quite frankly, brutal in writing about our Mayor, Miguel Pulido and our City Council.
The high point of the “revolution” was beating Pulido’s hand-picked candidates, Tino Rivera and Jennifer Villasenor, in 2006. Michele Martinez beat Rivera, in Ward 2, and Sal Tinajero beat Villasenor, in Ward 6. Both benefited from vote-splits that occurred when other challengers took votes away from Pulido’s picks.
The low point, for me, was when Tinajero allied with the Pulido majority. I was not pleased, to say the least.
In 2008, Martinez inexplicably challenged Pulido. I found out later that Alfredo Amezcua put her up to it. He later denied it, but the source of that tidbit was Supervisor Janet Nguyen, with whom Amezcua is still allied.
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Anonymous #1,
Yes, you are right. Amezcua sold out to the Republicans. What a shame.
Can you prove your statement?
Mr.Pedroza can you explain what scapegoating of immigrants are you refering to? Can you be specific and tangible regarding your statement on Collins?
Weak. Deficits, no reserves, high unemployment rate, freedom of speech challenges, and unlimited term limits. I’ll pass on Pulido.
LOL! You are going to blame Pulido for the Bush/Obama Recession? Go ahead but that is silly.
Many cities in our county are having budget and reserve issues. We are not alone in that regard. Hindsight is 20/20, but the reality is that the City administrators have worked hard to bring the budget under control. They continue to dedicate a lot of time and energy to that effort.
As for term limits, the truth is that the voters can dismiss the incumbents whenever they opt to. The competition has been weak and is weak again this year. Blame the challengers.
As for freedom of speech challenges, I believe the State AG will clarify this to the Council and they will act accordingly, so your rude friends can go back to wasting our time at the Council meetings with their ridiculous rants. I am sure this will be in full effect tomorrow night.
Glad that you find issues of reserves, closing of city hall, unlimited term limits (only city that size in CA), one main library, weak test scores of schools, and so on very amusing and tickling your funny bone. I guess if you can’t beat Pulido might as well join him.
So tell me, what are YOUR solutions, or do you, like Amezcua, have none?
Anyone can come up with gripes. Coming up with solutions however is another matter altogether…
I just read a twelve (maybe it was fourteen) paragragh RANT from a guy WHO LIVES IS IN LONG BEACH!
What, pray tell does this jack ass have to do with MY CITY COUNCIL.
I am on a self-imposed exile from that blog, mostly because Dan and company were ASSHOLES to my wife and kids.
Chris, SHUT UP or move here and do something, quit your bitching.
HOW DARE YOU SIT IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY and tell others how they should run thier city.
GO HOME LOSER, YOU TOO DAN, your $1275. a month rent does little around here. I am sure your wife spends tons of money South Of Main.
If you go to Amezcua’s website you will see that he is parroting the Long Beach guy’s rant. My guess is that this entire scheme was cooked up by Janet Nguyen.
The Council screwed up. But what this means is that tomorrow night’s meeting is going to drag on for hours as one Usual Suspect after another gets up and slanders everyone in sight. Sure, they have a right to do so, but that doesn’t make it right.
I will be there to support the brave student commissioner who was terrorized by City Commissioners Tish Leon and Julie Stroud. He is risking everything to speak at the meeting. Leon is toast. Sadly Benavides is refusing to get rid of Stroud. Why anyone would side with an adult who bullies teenage honor students is anyone’s guess…
Speaking of bullies, I am sorry Dan and company went after your family. That is ridiculous. Is nothing sacred?
Art, for sure he did’nt go after them. He was just incredibly rude, they were trying to support his whole drinking liberally thing. Instead he and some other dude I have no idea who chased them off.
My daughter said “Dad, that guy was a first class asshole” mistaking him for one of my friends.
But perhaps Dan was in a hurry to head back home……… the land of Panda Express and Starbucks!
Plus my wife, would clean the floor with his fat, uneducated ass.