Former State Senator Joe Dunn, is the Chair of the Voice of OC news blog – which has really been going after Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido of late. Dunn, apparently, is still mad that Pulido blocked him from moving the 4th Court of Appeals building to Irvine.
Dunn also has taken to referring to Pulido’s opponent, lawyer Alfredo Amezcua, as “the mayor.” Well, not quite Dunn. However, it figures that Dunn and Amezcua would be two peas in a pod.
Amezcua’s latest campaign email newsletter states that “we deserve jobs and economic progress.” He goes on to say that we need to combat the highest unemployment in Orange County, with programs to attract and retain businesses that hire our residents. That sounds great, but Amezcua’s alliance with Dunn runs totally counter to those expressed goals. Dunn is, and always has been, a cancer on our state economy.
Dunn became wealthy because of lawsuits against businesses. But that’s not all. When he was a State Senator he relentlessy lobbied for more bills that would create more lawsuits and money for his trial lawyer brethren, according to an article in the Jewish World Review.
Here are just a few examples of the job-killing bills that Amezcua’s pal Dunn championed while in Sacramento:
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