The Orange Juice Blog is fiercely opposed to the discrimination against or scapegoating of any minority, be it racial, ethnic, sexual or religious.
The Orange Juice Blog is fiercely protective of this great nation’s Constitutionally enshrined Freedoms of Speech, Religion, and Assembly.
And we are fully aware that the 9/11 attacks were the work of a “handful of extremists,” as unrepresentative of American Muslims as the execrable Terry Jones and Fred Phelps are of American Christianity (or Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph.)
It seems that of late, the forces of division who want to keep us fighting each other so we don’t unite for our own interests have shifted their attention from bashing Mexicans and immigrants to picking on Muslims, trying to convince us we’re at war with a religion.
First the phony ginned-up controversy over the Park 51 Islamic Cultural Center or Cordoba House, demagogued by Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich until a majority of our citizens felt righteous outrage over a supposed “Mosque on Ground Zero.” Now the Islamophobia has gotten whipped up to the point where even Republicans are uncomfortable with it, as inbred parody-Christian dirtbags plan solemnly to burn Qurans. (See Sean’s fine post.)
It’s true that, as General Petraeus and others warn, images from this Hootenany of Hate will inflame anti-American sentiment across the globe and likely lead to heightened violence and resentment for years to come – but I don’t think that’s a good reason not to do it. Our sacred right of Free Speech – even that of these unspeakable Floridian pricks – cannot be held hostage by medieval hotheads overseas.
We oppose the burning because it makes us Americans look like flaming retards, and because it hurts the sincere sensibilities of good decent Muslims everywhere, including good American Muslims, including good American Muslims risking life and limb in our military defending our freedoms!
We defend to the death the right of these dirtbags to burn whatever they legally own, and hope they burn off their dicks in the process. And we propose to counter their free speech of hate with our own free speech of love and tolerance: For every Quran they burn we will donate the funds to print TWO more Qurans. Really cool looking ones too. Like the gold one pictured above.
Are you with us? The Orange Juice Blog has partnered with the local CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and any money you donate to this link will help pay for new Qurans. (One Quran is $45, but you can send less and it will still add up. Click here.) At the time of this writing the burnings may not happen now that this fucktard has got all the attention he wanted, but let’s wait and see what happens Saturday, “Patriot Day.” Some other copycat asshole could do the same thing. Team Orange Juice, the Tolerance Team, is now prepared!
Think about it, Vern. None of the people who support this book burning are going to have their own Koran’s already and will have to go out and buy some to burn. Of course they’ll get the cheapest one’s they can at their local Border’s or B & N’s, which most certainly will be the abridged English translations (I have one of these myself), a version most practicing Moslems would not consider “Holy”. Nevertheless, shelling out 30 or so bucks apiece for firewood is a pain in the wallet, and I’m certain someone will hit on the idea of just printing up some Holy Koran stickers, and sticking these on a few hundred old used books. This’ll work just fine to piss off Moslems and liberals around the world, and with the encouragement of those Al Qaidi guys, we’ll have some first class riots and killings.
But Vern, taking up a collection would be just stupid. There won’t really be anything to replace.
Maybe I can make a brisk business selling phony Korans to fools such as these. Meanwhile the Muslims can start making ’em flame-retardant.
Oh whoops I said retard again.
Why can’t we use the Patriot Act to just throw this nutty Reverend into Guantanamo?
Larry, this is the U.S. Every person living here has the right to burn any freaking book he or she wants to, as long as he or she owns it. That pastor is a self-important publicity-basking knucklehead, but in defending his right to do this, we defend our own to speak and act out as we please. We should never let foreign threats of violence intimidate us into curtailing our freedom at home.
Mr. Nelson are you campaigning also for the BIBLES that were send to our troops in Afganistan to our cristian soldiers and because our “goverment” did not want to ofended the “muslim nation” ordered to be BURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!. The news was in CNN today!!!!!!!!!.
Are you Mr. Nelson sending NEW BIBLES TO OUR SOLDIERS IN AFGANISTAN????????.
Please let me know if you will not discriminate against this patriots because their religious believes? Looking foward to help you with this matter.
If that’s true, Rosary, I’m totally against it. It sounds pretty far-fetched. CNN?? Shoot us a link.
Since you asked here is the article Rosary references:
I always have to chime in when I agree with you (since it happens so rarely), but you’re spot on with almost everyting in the post (everything of course except “the phony ginned-up controversy over the Park 51 Islamic Cultural Center or Cordoba House” complete with MOSQUE – I know that slipped your mind). I’m glad even a good crazy liberal like yourself can recognize that it’s ok to be against something even though it’s constitutional to do it (now only if you’d recognize that with the mosque/cultural center issue as well).
The one big thing you missed – the media’s complicity in all of this. What’s-his-name conducts services out of a metal shed in Florida to the tune of some 30+ parishoners. Why did this story get out? Because the idiots in the media gave him a forum. He’s an insignificant speck and the media is giving him his 15 minutes and stoking the fires. No media, no story, no problem.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks Newb, we still gotta grab that cup of joe some time.
You’re right about the media frenzy, I couldn’t fit everything into this one post of course. There was a good comment on Josh Marshall’s Talking Points Memo yesterday on the subject:
“I remember being sent to monitor a tiny Ku Klux Klan rally in, of all places, Ann Arbor, when I was a stringer for the Detroit News in the early 1990s. Clearly they had chosen an avowedly liberal college town in the spirit of provocation in the hopes of getting some coverage. The editors told me that they didn’t want to give the KKK any free press, but I should show up in case anything newsworthy happened.
“There were a few somewhat nervous and defiant KKK types whose words were drowned out by a larger crowd of counter-protestors. After about a half hour, the KKK packed up its crew and hit the road. They didn’t get any press coverage and they didn’t come back to Ann Arbor during my time there: no percentage in it. I suspect editors still have similar policies in place about the Klan, but it’s fascinating to me that they’re willing to give Terry Jones’s hate speech so much play. What has happened to the media environment that makes it possible for a fringe freak like this to get the media attention he so desperately craves, and without which he would have to close shop and find something else to do with his time? Whey are media outlets unable to just ignore this guy like they ignored the Klan’s transparent attempts at media manipulation. Being an editor still means deciding whose attempts at media manipulation will get play — is this a symptom of the decline of editorial control in the internet era? Is this coverage being driven by shifts in the media environment that make it impossible to ignore any member of the lunatic fringe who might do something creepy enough to gain saturation coverage in the blogosophere? Is it a function of the shift toward focusing on the most sensational and polarizing figures in order to win ratings by catering to the kinds of excitement and indignation a figure like Jones incites? If so, are we going to see editors start reversing their long-standing policies about not catering to the Klan’s media strategies? It’s kind of depressing to see how this guy can make the media twitch and dance — and the international media are, of course, eating it up, since it confirms so many international stereotypes about the US. Just how low do you have to go these days to get saturation cable coverage by outlets who clearly take pleasure in fuelling a productive spiral of incitement and indignation?”
Ah, that makes more sense than the way Rosary portrayed it. It’s a shame they got burnt though, there must have been some place in Afghanistan that would have used and appreciated them without making our military look like proselytizing crusaders. Here’s the CNN story if anyone’s interested:
Military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in the two most common Afghan languages amid concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense Department spokesman said Tuesday.
The unsolicited Bibles sent by a church in the United States were confiscated about a year ago at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan because military rules forbid troops of any religion from proselytizing while deployed there, Lt. Col. Mark Wright said.
Such religious outreach can endanger American troops and civilians in the devoutly Muslim nation, Wright said.
Did I just read someone from Mission Viejo praising my brother Vern?
“Now the Islamophobia has gotten whipped up to the point where even Republicans are uncomfortable with it, as inbred parody-Christian dirtbags plan solemnly to burn Qurans. (See Sean’s fine post.)”
MQ says:
This is when you know that liberals are smoking something a little stronger than weed!
So it is Islamophobic to fear a religion who want to cut of your clitoris, and stone you if you are not pure enough! But we should fear inbred christians? I would rather have a white trash (that is what Vern is referring too) Christian in my home that a cleric!
I think I am more afraid of the Muslim wheeling a knife in front of my wee wee!
We are not afraid of Muslims, we (as in many) think there are way too many crazy one’s all over this world!
The fact that Muslims countries are full of religious intolerance, female oppression and violence is not shocking to me. What is shocking to me is that people like Sean and Vern would rather not discuss it. In fact they completely ignore it!
Go buy your Qurans – just do me a favour cut out the parts where it say’s to kill, abuse and marry 9yr old girls!
Hey Vern – the way I read your post you believe that the 9-11 twin towers/pentagon tragedies were the product of a “handfull of extremists”. This must mean you do not buy into the theory that it was some kind of inside job, and/or that our government did it all. Do I have that correct?
There are a lot of suspiciously unanswered questions, so I can’t rule anything out. As far as we know it was just a handful of extremists.
And in any case in the context of the point I was making, whether or not there was secret involvement on parts of some of our agencies or not isn’t important. I was making the point that it doesn’t reflect on the vast, vast majority of Muslims. Got that?
You really,really need to get of the weed Rosie!
And yes it does reflect on Islam (muslims). There countries are intolerant of gays, women and other religions. The fact that they- being Muslims attack a country that has freedom of relgion, tolerance toward gays and equality for women… was only a matter of time!
I am not afraid of muslims, one of my close friends is muslim… but she is well aware of the fact that I don’t trust anyone who is a muslim until I know for a fact that they are not one of the whackout one’s. And believe me, I have met a few!