Protesters showed up today in Santa Ana, at the new Meg Whitman campaign office. And guess who showed up to visit with the Whitman staff? None other than Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante and Minuteman Lupe Moreno.
I ran against Bustamante, who is a Republican, two years ago, and was amazed when the supposedly Democratic bloggers at the Liberal OC joined forces with the Republican bloggers at the Red County blog, and Nick Berardino and his lame OCEA, to attack me with nasty mail pieces. Sure enough, Bustamante won, even though I came away with over ten thousand votes. And now Bustamante is actively campaigning for Van Tran and Meg Whitman. I hope Berardino and the Lib OC bloggers are proud of themselves!
Kudos to the Dream Teamers who showed up today to let Whitman have it. I wish I could have been there but I had to cook dinner and pick up my second grader from school.
Apparently Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina also showed up in Santa Ana today, where she spoke at a business owned by a friend of business owner Mike Tardiff, who often comments at the Liberal OC blog. She spoke about jobs even though she outsourced thousands of jobs when she ran HP.
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More troubling to me, is the absence of those folks who proclaim to be “Challenging The Right Wing Noise Machine” .
I have to wonder how deep Meg Whitmans pockets are when through CHIP HANLON, they silence the “leading blog” of OC. Either these guys do a REALLY REALLY POOR JOB or as, I believe, They are in Matt Cunninghams pocket.
Where are the posts about Meg’s parenting, Republicans spout off about “FAMILY VALUES”. Take a look at the Whitman boys. I bet Matt told Dan “too overboard buddy”, so Dan instead posted “Meg Waivers on Prop X”.
No wonder the OC DEMS suck so bad.
What an idiot you are.
You sound like you might be an amigo de Jerbal.
Why ? because I am saying what other Democrats won’t?
I am as I said troubled, by the fact that the LOC does very little to help the democrats, The publisher posts more on Matt Cunninghams facebook page than he does his own website. Strange, the openly Homosexual editor is not welcome in in JUBAL’S circles. But, that does’nt seem to bother Dan.
Why am I an idiot? because I am not afraid of Dan, Matt and Chip?
Sure enough their big story today is, you guessed it, another attack on me. Sigh. What a bunch of whack jobs!
So what kind of job/perk is Bustamante angling for with this sudden rush of GOP volunteer activity? The guy has been MIA for years in Santa Ana but now wants to get involved. Fair Board? State wide paying post? Anyone else know?
You know what would trouble me, Art? A corrupt congresswoman’s involvement in a real estate scandal where she personally benefited from a foreclosed property scam! How does the story go? Buy home, refi, refi and more refi, put money in pockets tax free, exercise right to foreclose, stick it to the bank, walk away debt-free and no tax liability, let uncle sam take care of it, feel no remorse whatsoever, screw the tax payers! Rules don’t apply to “putitas”, right? Can someone please explain the nightmare on 2109 North Towner Street? Anyone? Anyone?
Dear Roda,
Rumor has it that a certain Congresswoman “sold” her home to her brother who then refi’d it to the max , walked away and filed for B.K. Congresswoman gets top dollar for a home, then buys the house next door. Congresswoman’s hermano puts a mountain of pesos in his pocket and the only loser is the bank….oh wait…the Federal Gov. makes it whole…no the only loser is the very person who the Congresswoman wants to vote for her…the Taxpayer who has to pay for this little sceme.
Dear Ronda,
Do you use the diminutive “putita” because of her size (little Puta) or as form of carino (form of endearment-dear little Puta)?
“Do you use the diminutive “putita” because of her size (little Puta) or as form of carino (form of endearment-dear little Puta)?”
Sounds like a Gustavo question to me!
My sister was driving through Floral Park the other day and noticed that Joe Dunn does not have a Sanchez sign in his yard? What gives? In other election years he has had her sign. Any bad blood there?
I heard that Dunn moved to south Orange County.
I know that Joe moved to Santa Ana when he ran, but had some history in RSM.
He and Dianne, faced many of the same issues a lot families face in that part of town with regard to schools. His kids are in High School now, and I doubt they were going to do the Willard, SAHS thing.
Remember, The SAUSD created a “one of a kind”, once only five kid sixthgrade class in 2004 for his oldest daughter after she did’nt get in to Mendez.
THIS IS WHY WE NEED SOMEONE LIKE ART ON THE BOARD. To address issues for everyone. not just realtors, senators and people that live in Irvine!
speaking of signs, i notice the one in the picture is in a foreign language. and who did you expect to show up at the hq, Jesse or Al?
Dear Roda
LORETTA— a participant in the real estate scam!!Oh my heavens, what a corrupt politician. I can remember her promising her constituents affordable housing many times over in her little speeches when she participated in varous parades………..WHAT A HIPOCRATE……time to get rid of this THIEF…..
Thank you for posting this valuable information….hope many latinos hear and read this before they make a BIG MISTAKE an vote for LA RATERA, VENDIDA…..LORETTA SANCHEZ