The annual ECCO dinner is coming up soon, on Sep. 23. This year’s dinner should be especially poignant given the recent reversal of Prop. 8, which elated us all until it was stayed pending an appeal.
Here are the event details:
ECCOPAC, one of California’s oldest LGBT Political Action Committees, invites you to join us for our 27th Annual Community HERO Awards Dinner at the Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa.
This event, attended by 300+ of Southern California’s most active LGBT community members, suporters and activists, is an opportunity for us to honor our community HEROs from politics, community advocates, arts & entertainment, education, and businesses.
This year ECCOPAC honors:
- ECCOPAC Arts & Entertainment HERO Award: Crystal Chappell, star of NBC-TV’s “Days of Our Lives” and star, co-creator and co-writer of the web series, “Venice”, and Kim Turrisi, co-creator and co-writer of the web series “Venice”
- Joe Dunn Award for Political Leadership: The Honorable John Perez, Speaker of the California Assembly
- ECCOPAC Leadership HERO Award: The Honorable Gerrie Schipske, Long Beach City Council Member and Executive Director, Democratic Party of Orange County
- ECCOPAC Lifetime HERO Award: Dr. Max Schneider and Ron Smelt, LGBT Community Activists
- ECCOPAC Educational HERO Award: Stephen Jimenez, Project 10 Specialist, Office of General Council, Los Angeles Unified School District
Each of this year’s recipients has demonstrated integrity, leadership, and has distinguished themselves in their life and profession. We proudly salute each of these HEROS.
We look forward to sharing this evening with you.
Tickets prices are:
$150 (Reception and Dinner)
$200 (VIP Reception and Dinner)
Click here to purchase your tickets.
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