For Immediate Release
September 9, 2010
ANAHEIM, Calif – Duane Roberts, Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate, calls for repealing federal laws prohibiting marijuana from being used for “medicinal, recreational and industrial purposes.” Roberts urges passage of Prop 19 saying it will send a message to the political establishment:
“As I officially kick off my campaign for the U.S. Senate today, one of the first declarations I make is to call for the repeal of all federal laws on the books which make it a criminal act for people to grow, sell, and use marijuana for medicinal, recreational, and industrial purposes.
“According to statistics compiled by the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 800,000 people are arrested each year in this country for using a plant of which the evidence suggests is far less dangerous to consume than alcohol, tobacco, and some well-known prescription pharmaceuticals.
“This is a tremendous waste of taxpayer money. Not only does this clog the court systems and fill up the jails and prisons with non-violent offenders, but it diverts the limited resources of police, prosecutors, and judges away from pursuing individuals who engage in violent crimes against others.
“Repealing federal laws criminalizing marijuana will save the U.S. government billions of dollars it spends trying to eradicate this plant and give the people of each state an opportunity to experiment with different models of legalization, as California is doing with Prop 19.
“Recent polls suggest a majority of Californians support Prop 19, the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010. If this initiative passes, it will be for the first time since 1913 that it will be legal under state law for people to possess marijuana for personal consumption.
“Despite some flaws in the way it is written, I strongly urge all Californians to vote ‘yes’ on Prop 19. Don’t make perfect enemy of the good. Its passage will create huge shock waves throughout the entire political establishment — everywhere from Sacramento to Washington, D.C.
“By casting your ballot in favor of Prop 19, you’ll be sending a strong message to politicians across the nation that the one hundred year old witch hunt they’ve been waging against persons who grow or use marijuana — fueled by racism, fear, paranoia, and utter stupidity — is over with.”
Duane – what are some of the flaws that you see? Not saying it’s not flawed – surely it is – just wanna get your perspective.
Hi Gabriel:
One objection I have to Proposition 19 is that the amount of marijuana that an average person can grow is limited to a 5 foot-by-5-foot area within your residence.
I personally don’t think there should be any restrictions whatsoever on the amount of cannabis that one can cultivate either in their closet or in their backyards.
The only exception, of course, is if somebody’s marijuana growing is disrupting the lives of neighbors. But we have public nuisance laws which can deal with that.
A concern of have about this restriction is persons might be encouraged to grow high-potency varieties of marijuana to compensate for the smaller growing space.
Although some might like the “high” from that, it discourages consumption of less potent varieties which are safer to consume and much less harmful to the body.
Another objection I have to Proposition 19 is that it gives local municipalities the power to completely ban the commercial sales of marijuana in their respective jurisdictions.
So if the city the size of San Diego decides to ban commercial sales of marijuana, not only does that it mean that it will still illegal for anybody sell it, but to buy it as well.
I suspect the primary reason why Proposition 19 was drafted this way was to appease right-wing voters in much more conservative parts of California who fear pot.
Opponents of Proposition 19 can’t really use the argument that if it passes, marijuana shops will suddenly start opening up on every street corner.
Despite these objections, I still favor Proposition 19 because it does legalize possession of up to an ounce of marijuana for personal consumption.
That means that law enforcement no longer will have the authority or justification to harass anybody or toss them in jail for the night because they smoke pot
Despite what flaws are in Proposition 19, I still think its passage will send a huge shock wave across the country that will be felt in Congress and the White House.
If Proposition 19 passes, the so-called “War on Drugs” is pretty much over with. It will send a message to politicians that people are pretty much tired of this garbage.
Bravo Duane!
I so hope this proposition passes, i want to see other states follow suit and pass there own legalization that way the federal gov’t will be forced to face this issue and either come after people which will be televised and most likely demonized. Or simply start moving forward in the senate to legalize marijuana.
The best reason I have heard for passing prop 19.
He makes more sense than Boxer or iCarly……
GF wrote:
> He makes more sense than Boxer or iCarly……
Thanks for the compliment.
It should be noted that both Senator Barbara Boxer and Carly Fiorina are on record as saying they oppose the legalization of marijuana.
THANK YOU for running. I could not stand the thought of voting for either Boxer of Fiorina! Don’t let anyone call you a spoiler either. Boxer could have this thing in the bag if she did not tack hard right by supporting continuous prohibition! She has been in office too long and is out of touch with reality.