Sometimes a picture says it all. The picture above was taken at a Vietnamese household in Garden Grove. I suspect that before long we will see more Viet households supporting both Van Tran and Lou Correa.
While it is true that Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez has pandered overtime to the Viet voters, she is quickly losing them to Tran. Correa, on the other hand, is holding onto them.
Now take a look at the video above, which I found on the OC Weekly, Sanchez is interviewed in Spanish about her campaign. She speaks the language OK, but had to relearn it as an adult, and it shows. Even worse, she appears to throw Obama under the bus, and she attacks the Viet community. It is in Spanish, so here is my translation:
Click here to read the rest of this post.
I think some Vietnamese voters are probably going to cast their ballots for Van Tran not because they necessarily agree with his politics, but because they want someone from their community to represent them in the U.S. Congress.
If Van Tran wins the election, that would make him the second person of Vietnamese ancestry to be elected to a seat in the U.S. Congress. As I recall it, the first person was Anh “Joseph” Cao, a Republican from New Orleans, Louisiana.
Sanchez is full of shit. Latinos are worse off. A quarter of Latinos are now under the federal poverty line. Would the Congresswoman care to take a look at the following assessment spelling out how Latinos have been hit hardest by Recession?
“Brand Obama” was asked about poverty the other day and offered knee-jerk neo-liberal “grow the pie” nonsense in response to the economy and followed it up with his neo-liberal ‘race to the top’ education agenda. There has been a rising tide, but it doesn’t lift all boats. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Neither Sanchez nor ‘Brand Obama” have the right stuff to get it right…
Gabriel wrote:
> Sanchez is full of shit. Latinos are worse off
What are you talking about, Gabriel?
She’s doing just fine!
According to a copy of her 2009 financial disclosure statement posted on the Open Secrets website, her residential home in Palos Verdes, California is still worth between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000.
Download it from the following link:
P.S. I wonder if Loretta’s still “living” at that house she rents in Santa Ana? 🙂
Some very good news! It looks like that Loretta Sanchez is probably still “living” at that house she rents in Santa Ana.
Zillow estimates her Palos Verdes home is still worth about $1.5 million and she’s renting it for about $3,800 a month!
Any takers?
If you can’t even live in the district you represent…
I wrote:
> Zillow estimates her Palos Verdes home is still worth about $1.5 million
> and she’s renting it for about $3,800 a month!
> Any takers?
I meant to say that the good Congresswoman is renting out her home in Palos Verdes Estates for about $3,800 a month.
Online records state she originally wanted $3,950 a month for it, but now wants for $3,800. A bargain for anybody whose salary is $250,000 a year.
It appears to have a good view of the Pacific Ocean. And it looks like there are enough spaces to park at least six Mercedes Benz automobiles.
So if can afford to rent her pad, contact her office. Perhaps the Congresswoman herself will give you a personal tour of her estate! 🙂
What? is Loretta pretending not to know the spanish language!!!!!!!!! than why is she seeking the latino vote…………..
CECILIA IGLESIAS does not studder when she speaks spanish…………..sure sign she is proud of her heritage and her roots……not like Loretta that she quickly forgets her constituents
we need new blood in congress
@ Ms. Santa Ana:
Speaking Spanish or any other language (other than English) VERY WELL , is not a pre-requisite for representing a district . . . no matter the ethnic make-up…it is helpful, but NOT a pre-requisite.
A Representative should be representing ALL regardless of ethnic demographics, and VOTERS should also be very COMFORTABLE voting for someone who is not of their Ethnic group, as what matters are the IDEAS and the PRINCIPLEs and ETHICS of the candidate.
For example, I support many candidates who are not Latino, and I will support them over a Latino if the non-Latino clearly has the better ideas.
Another example, I would have NEVER supported former judge Alberto Gonzalez for US Supreme Court (and former Attorney General) for Bush because of what I perceived to be his lack of ethics and politicizing of the Justice Department…even if this would have made history prior to Judge Sonia Sotomayor becoming US Supreme Court Justice.
Please point out more substantive issues to consider as voters considers the candidates.
Francisco “Paco” Barragan
My opinions only and not those of any group
Orange County, CA
Is Lou piggy backing on Van Tran popularity among the Vietnamese voters to get elected?
Wonder if we will see,Loretta’s signs next to Senate candidate Kring signs?
I think that irregardless if Loretta or Lou faces a Vietnamese candidate their own prospects would be the same.
Voters are people. People are instinctual tribal and look for things similar and will always prefer candidates who look, speak or act like them. That’s why someone like Loretta who finished 7th in a run for Anaheim city council was able to become a congressperson a few years laters. She found a seat where race/ethnicity would have benefited her the most and she triumphed.
The more voters are less knowledgeable about the positions of the candidates and their positions the more likely a voter will “go tribal” (Hint for Loretta, she needs to find a positions that Tran needs to not acknowledge support for but can’t publicly champion…Welfare, less business regulations or burdens,etc)
Then, I have not seen or heard any great effort registering voters from either candidate.
I know that many Viet elected leaders have mastered the techniques of harvesting votes, signing up a voter to vote by mail, visiting them when they arrive in the mail, and conviently droping them off at the poll locations(illegal, but nobody anything or is advised by the ROV to not question anything).
It getting real close and the picture above probably shows another instinctual human trait, Lou is trying to survive and if it means associated himself with Van Tran then so be it.
Lou Correa has never been tested running against a Viet candidate but he should be too cocky because with all his warm-hearted goog goo ga-ga pandering, he wouldn’t fair better than Lorretta .
If anything, Loretta was tested somewhat 2 years ago with Tan Nguyen. She kicked him to the curb.
This time around, she is facing a well known viet politico but there are some differences this time.
There have been many loyal registered democratic Latinos who took the housing bait and moved on somewhere else, others lost their homes entirely, some just are struggling to care for themselves and probably might not be too concerned with voting for the “establishment’s” candidate.
Tran on the other has no record of accomplishing anything but getting paid well to do nothing. Would anybody everything think that by doing absolutely nothing as a legislative elected officials might be better than being in a position to do something, but doing nothing or screwing up everything.
I will vote for Cecilia because she will be Our Voice in Washington as she .understands the challenges D47 faces since she has been a resident of Santa Ana for more than 30 years. She is not an old career politician who has self interests or hidden motives. I wonder was Loretta looking for a job at the Playboy mansion (as a playmate) since her days in Congress is just about over.
Loretta Sanchez has brought this upon herself; I am glad the Vietnamese community is waking up and no longer being mislead. However, Van Tran is not a better choice either. He is a career politician that is only looking out for his self-interest. He is terming out from State Assembly and is now seeking Congress because there is no term limits.
I received a flyer on Cecilia Iglesias and her background is very impressive. I am convinced that she will represent all the community in District 47 (Latinos, Vietnamese, African Americans, and all other ethnic groups in the community). She has a vast history working with a muti-cultural population. She has been a Social Worker for various programs and most impressive, she established her own Non-Profit organization working with the Deaf Community.
My message to all,,THIS NOVEMBER 2, 2010, VOTE FOR CECILIA IGLESIAS!!!!
I am a Vietnamese and will not be voting for Van Tran. I don’t like Van Tran because he is not trustworthy. He lied about not living in Sacramento when he owns a house there and lived there with his wife. He used his parent’s Orange County address to get paid more money (receive incentive).
If he could twist things around and manipulate tax payers money, what makes me think he will represent me as a Vietnamese American, let alone entire District 47.
I always supported Loretta Sanchez all this years, but, when I heard about this interview in Spanish T.V, I was very discouraged. I have told my Vietnamese family and friends and they very shocked. But, I am glad this happened before elections, that she talks about Vietnamese community very negative. This is wrong!
I looked at Cecilia’s information and I like her background and what she offers. I discovered that Cecilia is the only one that lives in our District. Van Tran lives in Fountain Valley and Loretta in Palos Verdes.
Cecilia, I will let my friends knows about you; I will call you at your office so that you can place a sign in my property.
Van Tran lost the Fairgrounds.
Ceclia looks to be a Republican plant to help give the seat to Van Tran. He can then bring his save the pastries campaign to a national level. Just what we need more stale pastries.
It is so unfortunate that US Representative Loretta Sanchez is running on what appears to be FEAR and DIVISIVENESS (pitting Hispanics against Vietnamese and assuming that the post is HERS and the Hispanic community, if only we vote for her).
First of all, I am Hispanic and a strong supporter of US Rep Sanchez, and I don’t know who is advising US Rep Sanchez, but I do not like divisiveness especially of one ethnic group against another…she should run on HER RECORD or lack of thereof, and her plans for the future…and STOP with the PROMISES and the FEAR and DIVISIVENESS, and the Sense that she is somehow automatically entitled to this seat just because she is Hispanic.
Excerpts from the Video:
“Pues este distrito siempre ha sido republicano . . .”
[Well, this district has always been Republican]
“Muchos de nuestros demócratas especialmente los HISPANOS no tienen trabajo, han perdido su casa, y no tienen departamento y pues este no se si van a venir a votar, y si no vienen nosotros no ganamos.”
[Many of our Democrats especially the Hispanics don’t have jobs, have lost their homes, and they don’t have apartments, and …well uhm I don’t know if they are going to come vote, and if they do not come out to vote then WE don’t win]
“. . . Y los Vietnameses y los Republicanos están con una intensidad de quitar este puesto… este puesto, que ya NOSOTROS hemos hecho tanto para nuestra comunidad, QUITARNOS este puesto y dárselo a este Van Tran que es muy anti-immigrante y muy anti-hispano..”
[And the Vietnamese and the Republicans are with an intensity to take away this seat (the 47th Congressional District) this seat for which WE have already done so much for OUR COMMUNITY…take away this seat and give it to this Van Tran who is very anti-immigrant and very anti-Hispanic.
In the above, she is talking primarily about HISPANICS, and the WE is us Hispanic, the “them” is the Vietnamese and the Republicans…and “they” want to take away “our” seat.
I oppose Van Tran NOT because he is Vietnamese, but because of what he has FAILED to do in his two terms in the CA Assembly, and for UNETHICALLY gaming the system to unduly profit with over $136,000 of tax-free money, in addition to his high salary, at the expense of the taxpayers.
For example, I and many others support PHU NGUYEN for the 68th District rather than the ineffective Allan Mansoor, because of PHU’s experience, and his ideas and platform for the district, irrespective of the fact that he is Vietnamese, and I or others are Hispanic.
We should all stop with this notion that only Hispanics can represent Hispanics, or only Vietnamese can represent Vietnamese, etc…
We should look at what the candidates have done or failed to do, and their INTEGRITY, because even if they don’t have all the answers, which most of them don’t, I want them to at least have the INTEGRITY and the PRINCIPLES. But engaging in Fear, Divisiveness and in Unethical behavior does not demonstrate Integrity and Principles.
Ceci Iglesias is looking like a more VIABLE and WINNING candidate as the election gets closer, and with a great chance of winning, especially if US Rep Sanchez continues in the same misguided path, and as Cecilia continues to reach out to Democrats, Republicans and Independents, which is what an elected official is supposed to do and represent all in the community REGARDLESS OF PARTY LABEL OR ETHNICITY.
For Average Joe
Boy we sure wish we could vote for Loretta (does a desk count for voter reg???).
After all we spend ALL of our time spouting off about her, but it really sucks that we can’t vote here. BOO HOO.
Whats the name of that guy running in LONG BEACH, oh never mind, I don’t vote I just tell others how too.
Oh, and as for that fake address we used in Santa Ana……REALLY we worked a lot there, even though my “partner” just let slip he was “RARELY EVER THERE”.
The point of this parody is: LEAVE US ALONE LOC. Don’t pretend to tell us what a blow hard Van Tran is, we know. We don’t need you two losers promoting another faker: LORETTA SANCHEZ. Let us pick.
“Whats the name of that guy running in LONG BEACH, oh never mind, I don’t vote I just tell others how too.”
Don’t forget to add this statement from “The Dyamic Duo”: “Since we don’t possess an original idea or thought in those pea brains of ours, we just cut and paste articles of commentary and analysis written by other people and take credit for it.”
Why can’t Loretta Sausage, oops I mean Sanchez, blame herself if she loses? Cecilia has every right to run for Congress and I am glad she’s running. I don’t like Van Tran or the Sausage Queen and I am proud to promote Cecilia every chance I get. So remember:
OMG. Loretta Sausage’s voice not only sounds like an old lady; SHE LOOKS LIKE AN OLD LADY! Does anyone know how old she is? My guess is she’s 60 years old. The Sausage Queeen has ignored her Hispanic contituents while brown nosing the Vietnamese and now expects everyone to forget? Is she out of her mind? All the while Loretta thought she was different and describes herself as a “light skinned” Mexican. In the end, it doesn’t matter. Loretta you are still a Mexican and the Vietnamese will not vote for you.