Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez struck back today at her Republican opponent, Van Tran, with a mailer about his “Dirty Little Secrets.” You can see part of it above. The back side is below.
This mailer was sent to my wife, who is a Republican and a Latina. I am as such not sure if Sanchez’ campaign is targeting woman voters, Latinas, or Republicans.
Sanchez slams Tran in her mailer for using taxpayer-paid per diems to buy a home in Sacramento.
I think it would be better to have the legislative caucus buy a series of condos for the legislators to live in so we do not have legislators pocketing the per diem for financial gain.
Also, Loretta should not use the us versus them argument about ethnic group versus ethnic group like what she did saying let us keep this district in latino/latina hands recently.
But Loretta should try to think of how we can unite people instead.
I do not want another anti-LGBT candidate elected in Van Tran either.
He’s not anti-LGBT. He’s anti-Perks for certain loud factions of groups with hyper-victimization issues. He wants everyone treated the same. Sanchez want’s to keep “her” seat “pure” for Latinos. Now, who do you want to support, again?
Sanchez has a reputation for being crooked and using vote fraud. Let’s give Van Tran a chance.