MV councilman Leckness lies about endorsements on his web site

One of my concerns is that we have an election for city council in Mission Viejo in a few weeks in which there are amateurs trying to spin their credentials and lie on their web site.

Case in point is Dave Leckness proudly stating on his web site that the current and 7 former mayors of Mission Viejo have endorsed him for Nov 2nd election.

Today I received an email from one responding to my Republican Party Endorsement Committee post and spoke to another on a phone call.

While named on Dave Leckness’s website both of these former mayors have denied issuing an endorsment to Mr. Leckness.

Following is an email just received from one of these former Mission Viejo mayors.

“First, I have never endorsed Dave Leckness in any way. I only became aware that Dave Leckness had put me down as a person that endorsed him after reading comments responding to Larry Gilbert’s article on the Orange Juice Blog.

After becoming aware of the situation I called Dave Leckness on the morning of Thursday, September second and told him that I was not endorsing him and asked him to remove my name from his website.  Additionally, I gave him a couple of reasons that I would not endorse him. He interpreted my signing his nomination form as an endorsement.

Second, if I thought he would have interpreted my signing his nomination form as an endorsement I would not have signed it.  He never asked me to endorse him which I view as totally different from extending a courtesy to someone that I have known for several years (I met Dave through Larry Gilbert in the mid 90s), serve with him on the City Council and actually like as a human being.

John Paul Ledesma”

Gilbert note: While there may be those who disagree with me on a wide spectrum of issues, Integrity is very high on my list of attributes I demand of myself and all candidates I consider for elected office.

About Larry Gilbert