Prop. 19 forum will include both sides of marijuana debate, on Sep. 11, in Irvine

The IUCC Advocates for Peace and Justice are sponsoring a educational forum/Q&A town hall on Proposition 19, the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 on Saturday, Sept 11th at 1:30 pm at Irvine United Congregational Church. Representatives supporting and opposing Prop 19 will be speaking about the proposition and what it means for Californians followed by a Q&A session with the audience.

An outdoor reception will follow the conclusion of the forum. During the reception, copies of Judge Jim Gray’s latest book, “A Voter’s Guide: Effective Solutions to America’s Problems (Forum Press, 2010)” will be available for sale. Free literature from both campaigns will also be available at the reception.

Scheduled panelist speaking in support of Prop 19:

  • Orange County Superior Court Judge Jim Gray (Ret.), Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) and author of the newly released book “A Voter’s Guide: Effective Solutions to America’s Problems (Forum Press, 2010)”

Scheduled panelist speaking in opposition to Prop 19:

  • John Redman, Director of Californians for a Drug Free Youth

(note: Irvine United Congregational Church and the IUCC Advocates for Peace and Justice Ministry’s hosting and sponsorship of this event does not imply endorsement of Proposition 19. This forum is being held as a public service to educate the public on the issues surrounding Proposition 19)

Irvine United Congregational Church is located at 4915 Alton Parkway, in Irvine.

About Art Pedroza