CLICK ON THIS RADIO AT 7 every Wednesday night to hear us!
Call-in number 877-805-4208.
Are you ready for the THIRD episode of Radio Orange Juice? Now that we’ve REALLY got all the kinks ironed out, this episode should be more controversial, educational, and entertaining than ever. From 7pm to 9 tonight, click on the radio above (and then make sure to hit the play arrow) and hear your favorite bloggers, commenters, and other local politicians and authorities addressing the burning issues of the day and otherwise making fools of ourselves. This time we’ll be dividing our time between three burning OC cities:
- 7pm, Santa Ana. Art and Sean will confront two SA figures they’ve been pretty antagonistic to of late: our special guests Councilman David Benavides and gadfly Thomas Anthony Gordon. Vern, Gericault and others will be on hand to drag them off each other if it comes to that.
- 7:50, Irvine. We will be speaking to some of the lesser-known but very interesting Irvine City Council candidates, and … (please fill this in, Art or Sean)
- 8:15, Costa Mesa. Vern says Costa Mesa is the true center of the OC, and he will have lots of back up, starting with historian / research assistant Gericault, Republican Christian Councilwoman Wendy Leece, professor/author/Latino activist Humberto Caspa, and former mayor / land use planner / OJ blogger Sandy “La Femme Wonkita” Genis. We’ll start off with the latest news of the Fairgrounds Swindle and finish off with a look at Mayor Mansoor’s new proposal of forcing all CM businesses to use E-Verify. In between we’ll look at Council candidate Jim Righeimer’s face-off this week with DUI checkpoint cops (we tried to get him on to defend himself but he’s too BUSY!), then possibly the burden of public safety employees’ pensions, and the local controversies of Banning Ranch and Triangle Square. Other guests may include blogger The Pot Stirrer, and maybe even white supremacist Martin Millard (we’re searching our consciences on that one – but it would be good radio, no?)
NEXT WEDNESDAY, Sept 29 – we will be conducting the True Debate for the California Senate Race – with all the Third Party candidates who have been excluded from the Boxer-Fiorina matches, including the big one earlier that afternoon. Oh, we make history, brothers and sisters!
Radio Orange Juice comes to you courtesy of our friends at Santa Ana’s Beat Lounge Entertainment and Beat Lounge Gospel.
I believe Sean will dominate Gordon..on the radio..or in the ring! How about asking about the top O.C. Political crooks list on a future program? Love your blog and your show.
Why did you used to call David Benepuppet?
Sounded cleaner last night. Art you said something regarding taggers and the artist colony! Right sentiment, wrong direction. Did you ever hear what happened to Geez? This is a story I gave to Daffodil Altan when she was a reporter for the Weekly:
Great show last night! Sound was a lot better too. I was glad to see O.J. being used to bring folks togeter. Now if you can bring the Strouds and Debbie Mcuan and other usual suspects on the show we can begin to bring the people of Santa Ana together. I think last nights show was historical. Now that Benavides is un-opposed and on the Council for 4 more years he can move back to the left and away from the usual suspects. Sure, he can still meet with them now and then, but he does not owe them anything this time around as far as elections go. Please keep using O.J. radio to take on hard hitting issues and bring civil discourse to Orange County. Peace out.
Lets not forget that main purpose of the radio invention was to entertain listeners for purpose to sell soap.
It also has a very useful feature….. the on/off knob.
So use it!
I am going to try and collaborate with Stanely on a little number for the intro tune……….
Vern, we may need your help here (A LOT OF IT!)