Chris Nguyen, not a teacher…just another GOP hack
Red County writer Chris Emami said he was a teacher when he ran for the Orange School Board in 2006, which would have been fine except that it was a lie. He was actually a walk-on girls basketball coach, according to the Greater Orange News Service. He was sued and he had to change his ballot designation.
Emami now writes for the Red County blog. And apparently Thomas Gordon hired him as a consultant for his ill-fated campaign for Ward 6 on the Santa Ana City Council campaign. Gordon now says that Emami told him to wait until the last minute to turn in his nomination signatures. As we all know, that backfired when some of the signatures were nullified by the Santa Ana City Clerk. Nice job Emami! You might want to go back to coaching girls basketball.
Steve Rocco is perhaps the most infamous guy to get elected using fraudulent ballot designations. He is trying to do so again this year, again in Orange, where he is running for the School Board as a “Retired Teacher.”
Rocco is not alone however in using bogus ballot designations in Orange. Check out this list of miscreants, courtesy of the Greater Orange News Service:
- This year in Orange Unified, the Registrar of Voters reports that they were approached about two OUSD candidates- Chris Ngyuen and Steve Rocco. Nguyen is Chris Emami’s fellow Board member on the Orange Villa Park Republican Assembly (OVPRA). Nguyen has himself listed on the ballot as “Education Policy Advisor”. Graduating from USC in 2007 as a Political Science major and from Stanford this year with a Masters in Public Administration, Nguyen’s resume on the Linked In website showed five political internships over a period of two years and being a Legislative aide only since January 2009. While his resume is heavy on political experience, nowhere did his on-line resume mention anything related to being an “Education Policy Advisor” as he describes himself on the ballot. After Orange Net News ran the link to Nguyen’s Linked-In site- Ngyuen deleted the site.
- Orange Councilman Jon Dumitru is running for the Orange Mayor’s job, his full time job with the Orange County Fire Authority is as a Fire Communication Dispatcher. However on the ballot Dumitru lists his occupation as Firefighter Coordinator- a position that does not exist.
- Running for re-election, Orange Councilman Denis Bilodeau has another fulltime bureaucratic job, he is Chief of Staff to Orange County Supervisor Shawn Nelson. However, in his ballot description he describes himself as a businessman.
- Candidate Mike Merino list himself as a Military Officer/ Businessman. He is a Military Reservist and an Architect.
- Attorney Fred Whitaker, who is also an Orange Planning Commissioner, pays homage to Shakespeare’s dislike of lawyers by taking no chances and listing himself him self as a Businessman/Planning Commissioner.
No Jon Dumitru, you are not a “Firefighter Coordinator”
In related news, when I filed to run for the SAUSD School Board this year I chose the ballot designation of “teacher/safety consultant.” Someone filed a FIA request at Cerritos College, where I teach part-time. I assume it was the stalkers at the Liberal OC blog, who have written over 143 posts about me. They discovered I was, of course, telling the truth. I have taught there for several years. And yes, I am indeed a safety consultant. In fact the OC Register ran an article about my work earlier this year. Click here to read that article.
You would think that the Lib OC crew would perhaps investigate all the Republicans using fake ballot designations in Orange, but you would be wrong. They have yet to investigate any of them. I guess they are too busy obsessing on my campaign. Kudos to the Greater Orange News Service for doing the real investigative work!
Art, as you know you only receive a couple of words to place on ballot to use as title. Mr. Jon does exactly what he put. He is responsible for coordination of Fire, Medical, and Rescue resources in Orange County.
Dumitru could have said he was a “Fire Authority Dispatcher.” That would be true. The guy answers the phone. He is no coordinator. That position doesn’t exist!
You have a great point regarding that Enami guy.
He wrote a long winded post at the Red county that day before that primaries about how incumbent school board member Alexandria coronada was going to slaughter her unknown, underfunded challenger because of his work as a political consultant for “Alex” but on election day she got handed the door. The post mysterously dissprared inthe red county site…this guy is a joke.. To lose as an incumbent is bad, but to be the consultant and brag aboutwhat the other campaign is doing wrong yet ultimately lose is embarassing
Too funny! I did all that I could to help defeat her and am glad she lost! No other blog in the county did anything to help her opponent. He said he was blocked at Red County and the Lib OC ignored him.
Yeah I like to think me and Art helped show that gay-bashing piano teacher the door.
I believe Mr. Bilodeau has a business selling classic cars and car parts on E-Bay. Does that make him a businessman? I think it does. That’s the great thing about America. You can start out with a small business and grow it into a huge company and all they while, you are a businessman/woman.
Then he should have gone with “Salesman/Political Hack.”
Jon Dumitru is a Dispatcher. Plain and simple.
Dispatchers DO NOT coordinate activities of Fire Fighters on the ground. That’s the job of the Fire Chief’s who get paid big bucks to tell the Firefighters what to do. Dumitru is trying to make himself sound like a Firefighter of some sort and sworn badge holders are laughing at him big time.
Anyone who aligns himself with this tool will fall.
I really don’t appreciate your demeaning tone toward women’s sports. To say that Emami should “go back to coaching girls basketball” as though it’s some sort of second-class occupation is really offensive.
Really, Art. Are you trying to equate Emami with Dan Chmielewski?
Too funny! They should work together. Lord knows what they could accomplish for women’s sports! Certainly more than they are able to achieve in politics…
Not at all. I just think he would be better at coaching the girls basketball team than he is at political consulting. I would hate to deprive those girls of his immense sports wisdom.
That useless Emami character now has the job of posting Jerbal Cunningham’s “press releases” so that the Jerb doesn’t have to issue any embarrassing “disclaimers.” Jerb writes ’em and Emami posts ’em. What a team!
But a walk-on girls basketball coach? WTF?