Take Back CUSD: Board Election Kick-Off Rally, Friday afternoon!

From my friends in the Capo Recall movement:

Friday · 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Location San Juan Capistrano Community Center
25925 Camino Del Avion
San Juan Capistrano, CA

Attention all volunteers, parents, educators……….. EVERYONE!!

Your attendance and participation is formally requested at this important event on September 10th. Please mark your calendars! Invite EVERYONE that is committed to restoring balance and sanity to CUSD. Please forward this information to everyone!

This will be a HUGE rally to kick off our Recall, Remove, Recover election efforts. Election strategies will be discussed,… all five Children First candidates will be in attendance, election and campaign materials will be distributed and we will unite to take back CUSD!!

This is a “must do” event and will be attended by hundreds of concerned citizens. Please arrive in time to park and be part of the kick off celebration at 4PM. Several hundred parking spaces are available at the facility, next door at Marco Forster, and on Camino Del Avion.

Election “materials” will be distributed to everyone at a minimal cost.
Please bring cash or a checkbook.


Vern here again. To help put things in context, and get us into the proper spirit, I hereby reprint the final section of my “Capo Recall Primer” :

It’s helpful to view the district’s recent events through the eyes of Iranian history.

James A. Fleming (dramatization)

Looking at Iranian history of the last 50-60 years helps us remember that sometimes democracy needs more than one Revolution.

It helps us remember that sometimes you can overthrow one group of tyrants and another slightly different group of tyrants rises up to take their place – whether a little better or a little worse is academic.

It helps us remember that an enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend.

And that striving to overthrow the new tyrants in no way means we want the old tyrants back.

The fact that we’re fighting to overthrow the Reform Ayatollahs doesn’t mean we want a return to Shah Fleming, his disdain for the law, and his disdain for the parents and taxpayers of the district.

It sure doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten the $52 million he wasted building the extravagant “Taj Majal” district headquarters – hell, we’re still using it now.

The current CUSD board. (dramatization)

It sure doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten who’s responsible for the stupid-ass location of San Juan Hills High School, and the nasty portables in which our kids were interned.

It sure doesn’t mean we want a “rubber stamp” board that’ll go along with everything the Superintendent decrees, as in the Shah Fleming days – but the arrogance of these Ayatollahs is just as bad as that of Fleming.

It sure doesn’t mean we’re yearning for the days of enemies lists and lawsuits against the district for harassment.

It does mean we know we can do ten times better, our children deserve a real Board of Trustees, and we’re not quite there yet.

The Reform Ayatollahs can call us the tools and dupes of outside interests all they like, but that doesn’t make it so. We know who we are.

We are students, parents, teachers, taxpayers, conservatives, liberals, Americans and voters. And THIS is what Democracy looks like:

The Children First Alliance 2010 (dramatization)

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.