Look! Look over there!
Yesterday our favorite repuglican hypocrite, Matthew J. Cunningham, put up a post whining about the hypocrisy of Loretta Sanchez who apparently had a fundraiser at Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion and who subsequently applauded Craigslist for “censoring” adult services.
Here’s the quote from Loretta that offends the sensibilities of the tender Cunningham the most:
Dear Tony,
Does Mr. Cunningham’s middle initial J. stand for Janus? Perhaps, Masquerader Janus Cunningham is more appropriate?
Good one, my erudite Garden Grove friend.
I haven’t clicked the link yet so I do not know what will be revealed in the story. But since this sight blasts Van Tran, Rohrabacher, Sheriff Joe, and other people I support and admire I am betting I will end up a Matthew Cunningham fan after reading
well, I read it and have no opinion, there wasn’t much there in the article and I do wonder why someone took the time to write it. Maybe it is directed to insiders who know a whole lot more background but as an outsider it provided me with nothing, it seems to be a strange article.
It was just about hypocrisy – I guess you could say the “meta-hypocrisy” of someone who accuses someone else of hypocrisy when they are equally or more hypocritical.
Jerbal accuses Loretta of hypocrisy for using the Playboy Mansion while applauding Craigs List’s closing of their adult personal. This is a pretty weak accusation of hypocrisy actually, as the Craigs List situation was endangering people and Playboy doesn’t.
Meanwhile as the author points out, Jerbal is more hypocritical by living off of liberal government programs while preaching against them in his writings. Got it?
And you can’t easily pick sides here, DWM, because this is a right-wing blogger criticizing a … well, Republican blogger.
Grover isn’t right wing. And Cunningham is a repuglican.
Ok ok, what do you guys want to call yourselves then? i don’t mean to use “right wing” as an insult. Just telling dead-white-male that he can’t make this into an easy left vs. right thing to fit into his mind.
Freedom Fighters. Naw, just kidding.
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
Is there a gerbil of the year award?
Is it possible that a former Orange Planning Comissioner who argued and voted in favor of the Ridgeline Project which included a General Plan Amendment from Recreational Open Space to Housing now is willing to perjure himself for a few sheckles? The Matted one who has been snapshotted at Ridgeline Council hearings since his side door exit from the Planning Comission wearing the Developer Puke Green and hanging with his monied homies in the Chambers. Is that a sign of the fair and impartial Votes cast by the John martin’s cheap date……Ben Dover Mr Cunning Ham.